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Why Do Global Firms Prefer INDIAN CEOs ? Pakistani Reactions

No, not really. India just has a large consumer market.
Even those Rafales are not that good.
India is no match for a two front war against Pakistan and China.

And if India goes to war with either Pakistan or China, then China would support Pakistan or Pakistan would support China.

India will not win.

I am not talking abt war. I am talking abt global image.

India has to some extent successfully project a fake yet an attractive mixture of yoga / mysticism and culture to foreign audience. Despite the funny accent , bob and vagene and s h i t looks , they have done quite well on international arena.

Pakistanis are busy one upping each other and dying for ummah while no one cares.

Pakistanis should study their enemies ( indians and zionist jews) and understand how they are making it big and made it big in US/west , respectively.
I am not talking abt war. I am talking abt global image.

India has to some extent successfully project a fake yet an attractive mixture of yoga / mysticism and culture to foreign audience. Despite the funny accent , bob and vagene and s h i t looks , they have done quite well on international arena.

Pakistanis are busy one upping each other and dying for ummah while no one cares.

Pakistanis should study their enemies ( indians and zionist jews) and understand how they are making it big and made it big in US/west , respectively.
Agreed, Pakistan needs to improve its Soft Power. That is where I agree with you.
Agreed, Pakistan needs to improve its Soft Power. That is where I agree with you.
If you think you soft power will get you admissions into top universities both in India and the US, get you to crack interviews at companies like GOOGLE, rise in their ranks ultimately to become CEOs, YOU are watching too many Lollywood movies.
Yes... Only because of these engineers and programmers India has companies like Mitsubishi, Hitachi, CAT, Sony, Tesla, IBM, Huawei. And Indian contributions in global innovations is mind bogglingly massive.

if you can start companies that is great. otherwise you work for someone who can. if you have other ideas I like to know.
the way I look at it you crawl, then standup, then walk, then run and then maybe fly
Give it 5 years, the amount of investment coming into startup culture in India is mind blowing.

Cut some slack, its $635 billion now. :mad:
stand corrected :(
I will definitely congratulate Indians for Cadence. This position is really equivalent to Pakistan making an atomic bomb. A big Big achievement in EDA industry. Alumni of IIT.

But I really wonder why no MIT, no Stanford, no Caltech, no Achen, no TUM, no Oxford, no EIT... It's IIT... Why?

what does India or Indians have to do with Cadence in particular ?
One more Indian to head Tesla Auto pilot division. While we discuss Global brands hiring Indian CEOs, One more Indian is appointed as the CEO of global giant Tesla's autopilot division.

Wearing a lovely pink sari? Go and drink some refreshing cool whatever you drink and enjoy.
Or better still create a new ID to troll.
More than we know, Indians have quietly penetrated almost every walk of life in West (Especially the US). They are now a frequent appearance on TV, Government testimonies, media, business, education (You name it). The truth is that Indian migrating to US were largely educated doctors, PhD students and IITians. Pakistanis were mostly laborers. So you see the dividends of educated migrants now paying off big time. Pakistanis are mostly overshadowed and still mostly in the same state of mind when they migrated to US.
More than we know, Indians have quietly penetrated almost every walk of life in West (Especially the US). They are now a frequent appearance on TV, Government testimonies, media, business, education (You name it). The truth is that Indian migrating to US were largely educated doctors, PhD students and IITians. Pakistanis were mostly laborers. So you see the dividends of educated migrants now paying off big time. Pakistanis are mostly overshadowed and still mostly in the same state of mind when they migrated to US.

there are plenty of Pakistani doctors, engineers and educated folks - maybe in lower percentages than Indians
there are plenty of Pakistani doctors, engineers and educated folks - maybe in lower percentages than Indians
They are but they aren't successful in penetrating the society like Indians have. Like I said, most of them were laborers. Even now, most of the migrants that I know off personally were low skilled, not so educated folks. Indian universities are now very much known to the Silicon valley and Ivy league and hence we see the rise of Indians in US.
They are but they aren't successful in penetrating the society like Indians have. Like I said, most of them were laborers. Even now, most of the migrants that I know off personally were low skilled, not so educated folks.

Among the 269,000 immigrant physicians and surgeons, Indians were the top group with 22 percent, followed by those from China/Hong Kong (6 percent), Pakistan and Canada (5 percent each), and the Philippines (4 percent).

On a per captia basis there are more pakistani doctors than indian doctors
One must understand that India is on a pathway to becoming a great power. Pakistanis should spent less time indulging in these useless arguments and put heavy focus in acquiring education, wealth , prestige ,status and political capital.

We can joke about bob and vagene all we want but that stereotype will quickly change in next decade or so if India keeps on climbing. Right now , white women run away from indian men .... That may become inverse if indians acquire a radical amount of social, political and economical capital.

The ONLY way ANY nation or race can become a great power is if they 100% indigenously produce their own advanced sciences, technologies and advanced weapons systems. Can you post the links to the evidence to confirm that india and indians do the above despite having a population of more than 1.5 billion globally?

PS Do you measure success by the sexual desires and preference of white women?........... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...............in that case black men are the most successful race on earth.........:lol:
They are but they aren't successful in penetrating the society like Indians have. Like I said, most of them were laborers. Even now, most of the migrants that I know off personally were low skilled, not so educated folks. Indian universities are now very much known to the Silicon valley and Ivy league and hence we see the rise of Indians in US.

Can you name any advanced sciences or technologies that have been invented by indians or AT indian universities?
The ONLY way ANY nation or race can become a great power is if they 100% indigenously produce their own advanced sciences, technologies and advanced weapons systems. Can you post the links to the evidence to confirm that india and indians do the above despite having a population of more than 1.5 billion globally?

PS Do you measure success by the sexual desires and preference of white women?........... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...............in that case black men are the most successful race on earth.........:lol:

Can you name any advanced sciences or technologies that have been invented by indians or AT indian universities?
What do you call advance sciences or technologies?
What do you call advance sciences or technologies?

Who can invent and can 100% indigenously produce their OWN world class submarines, fighter jets, tanks, cars, SLVs satellites etc. These ALL to be done with 0 foreign or assistance. Then and ONLY then can you become a major world power.
Among the 269,000 immigrant physicians and surgeons, Indians were the top group with 22 percent, followed by those from China/Hong Kong (6 percent), Pakistan and Canada (5 percent each), and the Philippines (4 percent).

On a per captia basis there are more pakistani doctors than indian doctors
Just one example,

• Though Indians make up 1 percent of the population, they comprise 8 percent of the founders of high-tech companies—and one-third of technology startups in Silicon Valley.

• 68 percent of India-born immigrants living in the U.S. have college degrees;

• Indian immigrants are concentrated in industries like information technology;

• Their average incomes are generally higher than the average incomes associated with their level of educational attainment;

Who can invent and can 100% indigenously produce their OWN world class submarines, fighter jets, tanks, cars, SLVs satellites etc. These ALL to be done with 0 foreign or assistance. Then and ONLY then can you become a major world power.
If technology is all about defense even by that margin they are doing pretty decent at home. India has turned into an economic powerhouse for sure. Even Saudis and Emiratis, who traditionally favored Pakistan, now like to invest in India rather than Pakistan. Prince Muhammad Bin Salman advised Pakistani PM rightly when he was speaking in Pakistan," You're standing next to world's two biggest economic powers. You should look to benefit from them"
Just one example,

• Though Indians make up 1 percent of the population, they comprise 8 percent of the founders of high-tech companies—and one-third of technology startups in Silicon Valley.

• 68 percent of India-born immigrants living in the U.S. have college degrees;

• Indian immigrants are concentrated in industries like information technology;

• Their average incomes are generally higher than the average incomes associated with their level of educational attainment;

EXACTLY.............indians can ONLY be successful USING the opportunities, expertise, inventions and the facilities of the White Western European races in places like america. They CANNOT do it themselves. For that reason, india can NEVER become a significant power.

Your logic is flowed. indians are more successful than the Chinese in america yet China is a superpower and india is more impoverished than Sub-Saharn Africa.

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