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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

How has India ended up so isolated?

This is what they used to say about Pakistan not getting any foreign help in a conflict but how have they ended up in that same situation themselves?

I found Indians clutching straws desperately over the last couple of months looking for some pro-Indian articles from Western media but none came. When some random articles came here and there, by then Indian Government had already renegged it's claim on the surrendered territory.

Also notice, how Russia did not approve the military spares until after India surrendered.
Why bet on the losing horse in a race :partay:. But the real reason is very simple. This is an internal issue between China and India ... and the world treats it as such. Therefore no side is going to overtly back either party (except Pakistan for backing China).
How has India ended up so isolated?

This is what they used to say about Pakistan not getting any foreign help in a conflict but how have they ended up in that same situation themselves?

I found Indians clutching straws desperately over the last couple of months looking for some pro-Indian articles from Western media but none came. When some random articles came here and there, by then Indian Government had already renegged it's claim on the surrendered territory.

Also notice, how Russia did not approve the military spares until after India surrendered.
Entire US Navy is in SCS, does this count? Now a days action count more rather than mouth, i guess.
4000 years?

I thought it was 2400 years

First conquest of regions consisting of modern day Pakistan happened in hands of achaemenids in 535 BC

OK 24 hundred at least then

You do realise every corner of India and most land masses in the world have been conquered, reconquered and sacked at numerous points in human history right?

What bizarre nonsense do you learn in citizenry class? That India is a 30000 year old virgin?
Many parts of India were never conquered. One can't say the same about Pakistan. Almost all of it has been conquered and ruled by outsiders always.

I have hurt you, that was not my intention, I have great sympathy for you, my poor little indian friend. It is a fact that india was gangbanged for a thousand years and that was her destiny.

I have hurt you that was not my intention, my poor little indian friend, your sexual orientation does not offend me at all, but your sexual innuendo are unwarranted, I hope you meet a nice guy and can settle down. Live long and prosper.

Looks like I hit a raw nerve. Lol. That's ok. If you are happy with your history of falling at every conqueror who came knocking, that's good for you.
That's what usually happens in a democracy. Numbers come out.
Yes now we expect this democracy to release number of casualties inflicted by their forces on PLA, just like it does against Pakistan - even spy pigeons and mini drones are reported and shown to the whole world. Since this “democracy” released its own casualties only it tells you that India wasn’t able to inflict any on PLA.
saddened by sad seventy one ? :D

His priority is china .

My little friend you are in pain, unfortunately you are an indian that is your crime and also your punishment.
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