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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

At least 20 soldiers butchered
Plenty prisoners taken
Abundant land taken and NOT returned
Modi walking round falsified hospitals pretending
Modi lying to the world

Yet not 1 country came to stand next to India and offer any sort of support. The USA want to use India to control China - hence Modi premature ejaculating with joy thinking donut twamp new fwend - in reality used like an old sock after being used in the bin.

When they face the facts - they cant handle the truth and are like fish out of water and start behaving like a pack of mad isolated animals - bringing up anything to deflect. I aint cheer leading - im just watching with popcorn watching India sink.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem - Aprime example of Indians behaving like fish out of water.

Keep reporting these trolls.

They keep repeating 71 because it is the only arrow in their quiver, all others are broken. Then they invent some historical lies to placate themselves.
At least 20 soldiers butchered
Plenty prisoners taken
Abundant land taken and NOT returned
Modi walking round falsified hospitals pretending
Modi lying to the world

Yet not 1 country came to stand next to India and offer any sort of support. The USA want to use India to control China - hence Modi premature ejaculating with joy thinking donut twamp new fwend - in reality used like an old sock after being used in the bin.

When they face the facts - they cant handle the truth and are like fish out of water and start behaving like a pack of mad isolated animals - bringing up anything to deflect. I aint cheer leading - im just watching with popcorn watching India sink.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem - Aprime example of Indians behaving like fish out of water.

The biggest surprise would be if they started acting like mature adult human beings.

Keep reporting these trolls.

They keep repeating 71 because it is the only arrow in their quiver, all others are broken. Then they invent some historical lies to placate themselves.

Even that's a non-starter. 7× bigger india has to jump on and then monkey on the backs of 1 million bengalis fighting 40,000 lightly armed Pakistani troops who are stranded more than 2700 kms from their mainland..........:disagree:
The biggest surprise would be if they started acting like mature adult human beings.

Even that's a non-starter. 7× bigger india has to jump on and then monkey on the backs of 1 million bengalis fighting 40,000 lightly armed Pakistani troops who are stranded more than 2700 kms from their mainland..........:disagree:

We accept our mistakes in 71 and we accept the independence of BD as a matter of fact. We do not share much in common besides religion, and even then our understandings are different.

I always pray for the best of BD, they are our fellow Islamic country and a potential ally against Indian majoritarian terror apparatus.

I have many close and dear BD friends who are family friends. They visit often and are close. Alhamdulilah. There is no hate between us at all.
At least 20 soldiers butchered
Plenty prisoners taken
Abundant land taken and NOT returned
Modi walking round falsified hospitals pretending
Modi lying to the world

Yet not 1 country came to stand next to India and offer any sort of support. The USA want to use India to control China - hence Modi premature ejaculating with joy thinking donut twamp new fwend - in reality used like an old sock after being used in the bin.

When they face the facts - they cant handle the truth and are like fish out of water and start behaving like a pack of mad isolated animals - bringing up anything to deflect. I aint cheer leading - im just watching with popcorn watching India sink.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem - Aprime example of Indians behaving like fish out of water.

Truth is a bitter pill to swallow, more so for Indian Hindus who are groomed to lie compulsively since childhood.
Evidence is an essential term to enable productive conversations. Please google this term for further information. Thank you.
What evidence OP has to claim that India surrendered Galwan? Still the thread is running. Why?
Galwan is a clear case. China already pulled back far from LAC. Both govt admitted it.
The standoff now is all about grey zone in Pongong Tso between the area of f4 to f8.
Even a war can happen for that.
Pakistanis should not joy over China and India war if it happens. Because the most badly effected country will be in the region in India and China war, is Pakistan. Fan boys don't understand this.
LOL - says someone whose country has been conquered and reconquered for 4000 years. Is there a single place in present day Pakistan which at some point was not ruled by Hindus or Sikhs or Europeans or Afghans? Now it seems to be the Chinese.

I have hurt you, that was not my intention, I have great sympathy for you, my poor little indian friend. It is a fact that india was gangbanged for a thousand years and that was her destiny.

Now now ,don't lash out on me just coz I reminded u of ur moment of feminine weakness ,my little crybaby pakstani fraand.

Seems like I touched a raw nerve here.
It's no big deal,, happens all the time to guys with history of child abuse,, they develop certain proclivities.

I am a sympathetic person. Don't want u to start another sobbing session n quit pdf over it.
Continue ur journey towards self discovery n find ur real self n embrace it,,be it a man, woman, trans,,all r human.
Cry as much as u feel like,its ok,,no judging,,, just don't say it out loud on pdf,, okay.Bad people will call u a sissy n what not for that.
Don't mind me. Stay stronk.

I have hurt you that was not my intention, my poor little indian friend, your sexual orientation does not offend me at all, but your sexual innuendo are unwarranted, I hope you meet a nice guy and can settle down. Live long and prosper.
LOL - says someone whose country has been conquered and reconquered for 4000 years. Is there a single place in present day Pakistan which at some point was not ruled by Hindus or Sikhs or Europeans or Afghans? Now it seems to be the Chinese.
You do realise every corner of India and most land masses in the world have been conquered, reconquered and sacked at numerous points in human history right?

What bizarre nonsense do you learn in citizenry class? That India is a 30000 year old virgin?
LOL - says someone whose country has been conquered and reconquered for 4000 years. Is there a single place in present day Pakistan which at some point was not ruled by Hindus or Sikhs or Europeans or Afghans? Now it seems to be the Chinese.
4000 years?

I thought it was 2400 years

First conquest of regions consisting of modern day Pakistan happened in hands of achaemenids in 535 BC

What does your army think when they realise their own govt will not acknowledge their death or celebrate your bravery

HORRIBLE COWARDLY nation the chinease

poor soldiers died for nothing
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