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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

Pla accepted casualties .. didn't disclose the number .. because it will create more mess in home.
Where have they accepted casualties ? I am asking why hasn't IA stated how many it killed? Why are you worried about their mess in home? What about the mess of 20 dead and 80 injured Indian soldiers. On one side your Armed forces gives media presentations on how it allegedly shot an F16 and killed 300 people in Balakot, but is completely silent on PLA who blatantly bashed 20 unarmed IA soldiers to death?
Let’s get back on topic - not ONE nation stood by India. They have become isolated. Not one neighbour backed India in the escalation.
India have lost huge chunk of land - lost troops - had prisoners taken - Modi forced to lie and walk round a makeshift pretend hospital - and not ONE nation stood by them.
Where was India gwaaate fwend donut twamp? I thought that was the way forward? Unless of course the USA just want to use Modi - give him a pat on the back like a pet dog to just control the expansion of China.
India would die for that recognition

@Rafi @PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @masterchief_mirza

You see when you stick to the facts of isolation of their nation - there is no response under their Modeee governance
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Where have they accepted casualties ? I am asking why hasn't IA stated how many it killed? Why are you worried about their mess in home? What about the mess of 20 dead and 80 injured Indian soldiers. On one side your Armed forces gives media presentations on how it allegedly shot an F16 and killed 300 people in Balakot, but is completely silent on PLA who blatantly bashed 20 unarmed IA soldiers to death?

China accepted that they have casualties.. you better talk with knowledge..
OK 24 hundred at least then

Many parts of India were never conquered. One can't say the same about Pakistan. Almost all of it has been conquered and ruled by outsiders always.

Looks like I hit a raw nerve. Lol. That's ok. If you are happy with your history of falling at every conqueror who came knocking, that's good for you.
So "conquered" constitutes some form of Islamic invasion and nothing else right?

Kindly check how much "Aryanisation" of your land mass occurred 3-4 millennia ago.

Last I checked, the secular republic's dominant faith group is dedicated to worshipping these particular invaders. Now don't tell me you're one of those "out of india" types.

Central Asiatic steppe. The banks of the Caspian. That's where Indian "natives" come from.

Where have the Chinese released that they lost any soldiers? Where is the figure of 40 coming from? If there is any truth why doesn't IA provide a statement that while losing its own soldiers it managed to kill 40 PLA soldiers as well. Thats not very hard to do right right - I mean ask your own injured soldiers what they did.
I will only accept official figures and official statements from a democratic govt., and not a communist non-democratic govt.
Good luck. We're still waiting for abhinandan's press release regarding a certain downed f16..
So "conquered" constitutes some form of Islamic invasion and nothing else right?

Kindly check how much "Aryanisation" of your land mass occurred 3-4 millennia ago.

Last I checked, the secular republic's dominant faith group is dedicated to worshipping these particular invaders. Now don't tell me you're one of those "out of india" types.

Central Asiatic steppe. The banks of the Caspian. That's where Indian "natives" come from.

Good luck. We're still waiting for abhinandan's press release regarding a certain downed f16..
Not necessarily Islamic Invasion. What's conterminous Pakistan has been ruled by Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Europeans and then to an extent by the Americans and the Chinese.

The Aryan migration is a theory which has never been proven. But let's assume that's true - so what's next - go back to Africa from where the first human emerged?
India is super power why does it need backing of any other country that is another thing that self proclaimed super power is gets bitch slapped by Nepal and Bhutan
China accepted that they have casualties.. you better talk with knowledge..

Why are you badgering on about this? How many times will we discuss you lost none and China lost Beijing?
Why cant you stick to the topic? Why did no one stand up for India in this conflict where you lost soldiers, territory lost - Modi caught out lying - no USA standing shoulder to shoulder? Mind you it would be shoulder to head with Indians?
Just remarkable how a nation of 1.2 billion plus can have isolated itself so much. Strategy completely wrong - but you cant admit that - hence the deflection to roar off topic and discuss losses?
Why are you badgering on about this? How many times will we discuss you lost none and China lost Beijing?
Why cant you stick to the topic? Why did no one stand up for India in this conflict where you lost soldiers, territory lost - Modi caught out lying - no USA standing shoulder to shoulder? Mind you it would be shoulder to head with Indians?
Just remarkable how a nation of 1.2 billion plus can have isolated itself so much. Strategy completely wrong - but you cant admit that - hence the deflection to roar off topic and discuss losses?

Lol France, UK, US, Aus .. everyone share their support and concerns.. you cant notice the difference.. because you don't want notice..
Lol France, UK, US, Aus .. everyone share their support and concerns.. you cant notice the difference.. because you don't want notice..

Goodness me. Lip service is taken as actual standing shoulder to shoulder?
The problem with little indian chaps like you is when a nation gives you lip service - its taken as gospel. Nations will not stand toe to toe with India against China because the financial and economical ties with China are tenfold greater than India. Thinking anything different is immature and very "Indian" - mind you having said that you are Indian.
You cant see or handle the truth. India is getting more and more isolated. I sincerely hope Modi is reelected and make India into an even bigger disaster - if that was possible....
Goodness me. Lip service is taken as actual standing shoulder to shoulder?
The problem with little indian chaps like you is when a nation gives you lip service - its taken as gospel. Nations will not stand toe to toe with India against China because the financial and economical ties with China are tenfold greater than India. Thinking anything different is immature and very "Indian" - mind you having said that you are Indian.
You cant see or handle the truth. India is getting more and more isolated. I sincerely hope Modi is reelected and make India into an even bigger disaster - if that was possible....

Lol... do you expect immediate military deployment... you were talking nonsense about isolation.. see basically you don't want notice... US , aus , uk ... .. deployment in SCS .. US closure of embassy ...I'm not sure whom you referring isolation... how come you came to conclusion about isolation. .. don't waste my time with nonsense analysing skill.. which you don't have..
Is that why India has become an American Poodle and Quad player?
I have no qualms taking American investments, defense deals, quad, and what not because when you count, Australia, Japan, the US that's a pretty powerful grouping, and the Chinese side has no country worth a dime add to that they are batshit communists. The Americans know very well the length and breadth of our foreign policy so we will never be poodles.
I have no qualms taking American investments, defense deals, quad, and what not because when you count, Australia, Japan, the US that's a pretty powerful grouping, and the Chinese side has no country worth a dime add to that they are batshit communists. The Americans know very well the length and breadth of our foreign policy so we will never be poodles.

China has a GDP much larger than GDP of American Poodles put together.

But the question here is, why was the Quad totally silent when 20 Indian soldiers were killed, 80 injured and 10 captured along with Indian surrender of 60 sq km area?

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