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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

you forgt to write "emergency procurement" right after the killing of 20 indians on border by Chinese .

so putin were some where else and he through indian defence miniter in common audience section:D.
looks like he know how desperate indians are for some thing tht they wont mind such behaviour. :whistle::whistle:
Lol. Chalo at least the simple guy understood how social distancing works...
Last time I checked Bangladesh is a country and you are nowhere close to getting Kashmir. ...

What year Bangladesh happened and any idea when this photo was taken?


... a month ago where India had 1 of the most horrific days in its army history. A smack on the teeth literally and not 1 voice of solitude or support.
China humiliated a nation of 1.2 billion incredible super wannabe powered India and the outcome? Land gone permanently - lives slaughtered - prisoners taken - Modi blatantly lying to protect his image of 56 inch specialist. ...

Total zalaalat.
indians keep meantioning bangladesh which is barely 17% the size of Pakistan...........yet they forget when united india lost over 35% of it's territory in the creation of Pakistan. Something that has so deeply affected the indian psyche that they have a bloodthirsty hatred of Pakistanis and Muslims to this day.........:lol:
Doesn't matter what year it happened, it's deeply entrenched in your psyche. Since then you never ever had a concrete effort to take Kashmir. Small skirmishes are inconsequential.

Pakistan has killed thousands of Indian soldiers since 1989 as a retaliation for 1971 stab in the back.

No doubt it's a stalemate in Kashmir because the enemy is six times bigger for Pakistan. But it shouldn't be an issue for India as it's enemy is six times smaller, yet it's continuously taking a beating.

Bigger nations like the US and Russia obliterate their opponents like Iraq, Libya, Geogia, Ukraine, etc.and impose their will on them. India on the otherhand is in a stalemate with its six times smaller neighbour for 41-years. A pathetic and a cowardly nation.

China comes in, kills 20 Indian soldiers, injures 80, captures 10 and takes 60 sq km area and India is incapable of firing a bullet in return.

India took the beating like a small puppy. Couldn't even handle a stalemate with China for two months. Bloody cowards.
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Pakistan has killed thousands of Indian soldiers since 1989 as a retaliation for 1971 stab in the back.

No doubt it's a stalemate in Kashmir because the enemy is six times bigger for Pakistan. But it shouldn't be an issue for India as it's enemy is six times smaller, yet it's continuously taking a beating.

Bigger nations like the US and Russia obliterate their opponents like Iraq, Libya, Geogia, Ukraine, etc.and impose their will on them. IIndia on the otherhand is in a stalemate with its six times smaller neighbour for 41-years. A pathetic and a cowardly nation.

China comes in, kills 20 Indian soldiers, injures 80, captures 10 and takes 60 sq km area and India is incapable of firing a bullet in return.

India took the beating like a small puppy. Couldn't even handle a stalemate with China for two months. Bloody cowards.
So did thousands of Pakistan soldiers in relation. India was never beaten in any war, even when we were weak. Of the two wars initiated by Pakistan India not only won all, but also we painted you as an aggressor, diminishing your international stature.

Six times small yes, but also insignificant that's why we never invaded you. Give me a good reason to invade Pakistan and take control of it? Is it wealthier than India? No. It's a giant desert with hostile people, and a lot of crimes, terror infested borders to North and West. Why on earth would we want to invade this problematic country mostly covered in desert?

Now China comes in, you hoped they will give you Siachin in a platter. Nope, they just stopped at the border, attacked us and we retaliated. China never declare casualties in border some say it's 40, some say it's 15 who knows. Rest is all fantasy fiction. The only country who took beating is you, when your own allies bombed your soldiers, Americans killed your citizens at wish through drone strikes, killed OBL and embarrassed your nation in front of the whole world. What a failure
This time they were busy killing Chinese. Can you blame them? Obviously they were pretty successful with 40 killed. So when is China coming out with their official death numbers. Are they still worried about their enemy's honour. LOL.
20 dead, 10 captured, territory held by india.

But we killed billions ya ya..


So did thousands of Pakistan soldiers in relation. India was never beaten in any war, even when we were weak. Of the two wars initiated by Pakistan India not only won all, but also we painted you as an aggressor, diminishing your international stature.

Six times small yes, but also insignificant that's why we never invaded you. Give me a good reason to invade Pakistan and take control of it? Is it wealthier than India? No. It's a giant desert with hostile people, and a lot of crimes, terror infested borders to North and West. Why on earth would we want to invade this problematic country mostly covered in desert?

Now China comes in, you hoped they will give you Siachin in a platter. Nope, they just stopped at the border, attacked us and we retaliated. China never declare casualties in border some say it's 40, some say it's 15 who knows. Rest is all fantasy fiction. The only country who took beating is you, when your own allies bombed your soldiers, Americans killed your citizens at wish through drone strikes, killed OBL and embarrassed your nation in front of the whole world. What a failure

Yeah india has never been beaten, never colonised or ruled by muslims for a thousand years.

View attachment 654485

The very next day with lady in hand. Thank you Imran.

Much like 62, apparently tiny indians even consider this a victory.. perverted mindset (no wonder women can be raped in the middle of a fuking road in broad daylight, with indian crowds recording it & selling rape dvds) nothing else to see here folks... clear indian victory.
Looks like people are looking for excuses as to why 7x bigger india could never defeat Pakistani militarily by ITSELF............:azn:.............:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Are indians that pathetic that they are too weak, scared and powerless to take on 7x smaller Pakistan???????................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If what I am saying is not true then please present the evidence which refutes my claims..................................:azn:

7x smaller Pakistan has killed 1000s of indian troops since 1989 at the LOC and india still cannot cope with the Pakistani menace.......................:azn:...................................:devil:
20 dead, 10 captured, territory held by india.

But we killed billions ya ya..

View attachment 654498

Yeah india has never been beaten, never colonised or ruled by muslims for a thousand years.

View attachment 654500
Much like 62, apparently tiny indians even consider this a victory.. perverted mindset nothing else to see folks.

As long as you are indian, you will always be a winner. Even at the football world cup despite india never ever having participated.......................:disagree:
Asked for mediation? Is this another lie like "Osama is not here"?? Or you have any proof?
71, osama.. even after getting raped by studded rods indians are still stuck in 71.. forgetting the recent era banging. Oh well..

As long as you are indian, you will always be a winner. Even at the football world cup despite india never ever having participated.......................:disagree:
No wonder an indian minister told women to enjoy rape.. winners!

That's not the point, it's the victory day parade which India participates regularly. Whatever you call it, our soldiers never got bombed to smithereens by our supposed 'NATO' allies. Our soldiers fought and laid their lives there is honor in it. There is also honor in accepting the soldiers who laid their lives, unlike some pathetic countries who worry about PR and disrespect their soldiers by disowning them.

No they just get whacked in fratricide cases (better than individual suicide cases that mar indian mil) and friendly fire by themselves.. including the one on 27th, imagine the sheer panic Pak created forcing commander pajeet to fire a SAM on his own chopper lol.

That said keep living in the lala land of bollywood victories and 3rd class indian media propaganda.
71, osama.. even after getting raped by studded rods indians are still stuck in 71.. forgetting the recent era banging. Oh well..

No wonder an indian minister told women to enjoy rape.. winners!

No they just get whacked in fratricide cases (better than individual suicide cases that mar indian mil) and friendly fire by themselves.. including the one on 27th, imagine the sheer panic Pak created forcing commander pajeet to fire a SAM on his own chopper lol.

That said keep living in the lala land of bollywood victories and 3rd class indian media propaganda.

Funny how indians on this thread are talking about completely irrelevant topics and not addressing EXACTLY why NO-ONE supported india or came to their aid after the Galwan Valley incident last month............:disagree:...........their lack of comprehension skills is infant level at best.
That's not the point, it's the victory day parade which India participates regularly. Whatever you call it, our soldiers never got bombed to smithereens by our supposed 'NATO' allies. Our soldiers fought and laid their lives there is honor in it. There is also honor in accepting the soldiers who laid their lives, unlike some pathetic countries who worry about PR and disrespect their soldiers by disowning them.
lol you sure they fought because as far i know . those cowards dont even fire a bullet or artillery .
Pakistan sure was, since IVC, for the most part of your history, you were ruled by foreign invaders and their offsprings. Lost to pretty much every powerful kingdom that invaded from east or west. Guess I know where that surrendering tendency comes from.
Guess which cuck got his geography wrong? Where did your Pashtuns, Khilji, Baluch overlords come from? Oh wait you are one of those clowns who thinks Pak = panjab and all panjabis are like your balay balay clowns.
Not panicked as you cover the 70 years of defeat and still believe in the fantasy of 1 Hindu = 10 Mard e momins. Banking on to an insignificant battle where a vintage plane was shot down. We have won real victories some even biggest tank battles or watched biggest surrenders since world war, made Bollywood movies about it, sold them to Pakistanis, and made money lol. As long as we have consumers across the border for the 3rd class propaganda, why not?
Stfu always getting your arse handed by a country 10 times smaller and pulling out the 71 bati from your behind. As for your media yeah consume it as comic material once a while on social media.. bunch of shouting cucks like yourselves winning wars in their freaking studios.

Pakistan sure was, since IVC, for the most part of your history, you were ruled by foreign invaders and their offsprings. Lost to pretty much every powerful kingdom that invaded from east or west. Guess I know where that surrendering tendency comes from.

Not panicked as you cover the 70 years of defeat and still believe in the fantasy of 1 Hindu = 10 Mard e momins. Banking on to an insignificant battle where a vintage plane was shot down. We have won real victories some even biggest tank battles or watched biggest surrenders since world war, made Bollywood movies about it, sold them to Pakistanis, and made money lol. As long as we have consumers across the border for the 3rd class propaganda, why not?

Neither did the Chinese. It was a brawl, not a combat with guns. It's not like LOC where we are constantly firing at each other.
As for a brawl, yeah thats why 10 of your brave got captured and 20 killed without chinese using guns.. no wonder why modi was pussyfooting all along.

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