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Why closer ties with Armenia matter a lot for India

Afghanistan has strategic importance bcz whoever control it has access to central Asia and its untapped energy reserves Oil and Gas. US wants to open the resources of that region to break Russian Monopoly over energy market. Afghanistan itself has no importance whatsoever but its location.

Well, importance is just a function of time isn't it? Some day your country is important, 50 years after it is worthless. It is wrong to dismiss a country just because it is not important today. Besides, you have the power to make your country strategically important. There was nothing special about Singapore either before they worked hard to make it so. Majority of land along the Malacca straight is owned by Malaysia and Indonesia, yet Singapore is the preferred port and they are minting money.

I'm not so sure about the oil and gas argument. There are plenty of ways to tap Central Asia's gas reserves without going through Afghanistan. It doesn't even have a coast. All the oil they find there will have to go through Iran/Pakistan. I would say Iran is the gateway to central asia. Has a coast and borders with 2 Central Asian countries i believe. I think we are just fighting there for the feel good factor. US and Russia were fighting Communism vs Capitalism. India and Pakistan are fighting for different, but similar kind of reasons.
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Is this some kind of RSS Gau muttra curse you throw at Muslims LOL. What is your rank man?
Believe me. I have read posts by many Pakistanis but you are the only one who has the characteristic Indian style and content.

What can a tiny country, a dot on the map, offer a giant one like India? This has been a recurring thought for me since the tiny Caucasian country of Armenia opened up its embassy in New Delhi a decade ago. It stemmed from something purely personal – the love and warmth that I had received many summers ago when I had visited the place as a student. I have since travelled across the globe. Numerous countries have left their mark for some or the other reason.

But tiny Armenia had captivated me with its haunting beauty and ancient if at times melancholic history; the love that people had for India and things Indian were beyond my expectation, besides, of course, the generosity and hospitality (which would require a separate article).

Many Indians still struggle to find Armenia on the map, but Armenians know India well. Small compact nations tend to know their history well. So it was Armenians who told me how their first constitution had been drafted in the city of Chennai; Armenians were away that their diasporas existed in cities as far flung as Kolkata, that one of the oldest hotels there had been built by an Armenian, and that an Armenian school and college still exist there. Bollywood had also done its bit to endear us to the Armenians; children from Armenia come to India each year and do their schooling at the Armenian College in Kolkata. The groundwork for good bilateral ties had already been cemented by history.

Modi-Pashashian meeting

Some high-level bilateral meetings have taken place between the two countries.
Last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Armenian President Nikol Pashashian in New York in September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. “Had extensive deliberations with PM @NikolPashinyan. We talked about expanding India-Armenia cooperation in aspects relating to technology, pharmaceuticals and agro-based industries. PM Pashinyan also referred to the popularity of Indian movies, music and Yoga in Armenia,” he had tweeted after the meeting.

This news gained currency because just days before that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had stridently condemned India’s recent reorganisation of Jammu and Kashmir state. It seemed only natural, therefore, and wise, for India to try and cultivate closer ties with countries inimical to Turkey, of which Armenia is one, because of the genocide of Armenians during Ottoman times, which Turkey has not yet acknowledged, and next, because of Turkey’s cooperation with Azerbaijan during the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

But there are other merits for India to develop relations with Armenia and the Caucasian region in general. For one, Armenia has a full vote in the UN General Assembly and it is important at a time when India is shoring up support for itself in the UN for a seat in the expanded UN Security Council. Moreover, Armenia fully appreciates India’s position on Kashmir, has no diplomatic relations with Pakistan, and has almost total convergence with India on bilateral and multilateral issues. In the words of Ambassador Achal Malhotra who had earlier served as India’s ambassador to Armenia, “It is difficult to identify an issue which can be termed as a bilateral irritant.”

Next, it is a great tourist destination, with ancient sites, delectable cuisine, and home to the famed Armenian cognac. With many Armenian heritage sites in India, some kind of joint heritage tourism can be and should be developed (Armenian heritage sites are interesting for Armenians outside of Armenia too).

Silicon Valley of the CIS

More recent developments, however, demonstrate yet another angle to bilateral relations. Last month, India clinched a deal worth $40 million with the Caucasian country to supply it four indigenously built weapon-locating radars. The SWATHI radars have been developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). This opens up new vistas of cooperation for both countries and defence cooperation is always long term. Such sales, while helping countries like Armenia as they are cheaper than their European counterparts, also opens up new markets for India and will give a big boost to indigenous defence production in India.

Armenia is considered the Silicon Valley of the CIS, and is a member of the Eurasian Economic Community and also has a partnership agreement with the European Union. Sitting on the threshold of Europe, in the heart of the Caucuses, and having a border with Iran, Armenia’s geo-political location is significant. By deepening ties with the country, India would have everything to gain, and nothing to lose

After Afghanistan, Armenia is another wastage of money. Better talk to turkey.
because I am an Indian Muslim and like every Indian Muslim I hate you to the core
That doesn't change the fact that your posts reek of Indianness. I wonder how. One theory is that you are a Mohajir.

Lol. The post is currently vacant. Feel free to apply.

The one which states -

The Governments of India and Pakistan should reach agreement not later than 31 January 1950,
in New York on the following points;

(a) The Government of Pakistan should give unconditional assurance to the Government of
India that they will deal effectively within their own borders with any possibility of tribal
incursion into Jammu and Kashmir to the end that, under no circumstances, will tribesmen be
able unlawfully to enter the State of Jammu and Kashmir from or through the territory of
Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to keep the senior United Nations
military observer informed and to satisfy him that the arrangements to this end are and
continue to be adequate.

Did your Govt give this assurance?

Multiple non-Pakistani sources outline Pakistans willingness to abide by McNaughtons proposal. They clearly outline how India refused any peaceful resolution. An example below:

"On December 17 1949, the Security Council asked its President, General A.G.L McNaughton of Canada to meet with India and Pakistan to settle te outstanding issues. McNaughton met informally with the parties to search for a mutually satisfactory basis for dealing with the questions at issue. In general, Pakistan accepted McNaughtons proposal but India did not."

Page 105, Alive and Kicking: The Kashmir Dispute Forty Years Later, Penn State International Law Review, James D Howley

The only time India wanted a UN resolution was when it alone was supposed to be militarily in control of the whole of J&K. However the UN subsequently clearly saw through Indias disingenuous nature when it replaced resolution 47 with resolution 80, calling for both parties to leave Kashmir simultaneously rather than Pakistan alone which in turn would have given India complete control. Since then India has behaved like a rouge occupying force much as Armenia is doing in Nagorno-Karabakh.

yes I am and you know that among all the Pakistanis Mohajirs hates Hindus the most....is that how you guessed it?
Yeah, as @Areesh would tell, a case of 'Shah se zyaada shah ka wafadar'. Yet they don't join the military and - as @Indus Pakistan would tell - are a drag on the Pakistani nation. And how many times do I have to tell you I judged your ethnicity on the basis of your writing style and content which resembles Indian.

Yeah, as @Areesh would tell, a case of 'Shah se zyaada shah ka wafadar'. Yet they don't join the military and - as @Indus Pakistan would tell - are a drag on the Pakistani nation. And how many times do I have to tell you I judged your ethnicity on the basis of your writing style and content which resembles Indian.


no comments until you tell me what does this RSS Gau Muttra curse mean and why you only use it when you reply to Muslim posters
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Fix the kashmiri problem by giving them the vote you had promised them and if they choose to live with india then Pakistan will be your friend.. simple. But india being a pathetic non democratic entity that lies about its democracy and takes away the rights of minorities be they muslims or christian or anything else can never have the confidence to allow its citizens to choose

you sound crying.....
They have already fixed Kashmir problem for them and for the world....nothing adverse happening there, political parties are being main-streamed, violence has reduced to NIL (which world is taking note of..and more admitting to India's point that all the violence over there was sponsored by Pakistan and local sympathising politicians)....

Pakistan will not be able to accept even if people of Kashmir choose to live with India.....Pakistan's existence will be in question (without water)..
Why support only for Israel ?? Why not simultaneous support for the PLO ?? Why not support for the One State Solution which will end the Israel-Palestine issue ??

Support any one who support us in our core issue? Can Palestine choose us for Kashmir issue?
It is not like India should abandon Palestine but we should never let down our friends who stand with us in crucial times...
you sound crying.....
They have already fixed Kashmir problem for them and for the world....nothing adverse happening there, political parties are being main-streamed, violence has reduced to NIL (which world is taking note of..and more admitting to India's point that all the violence over there was sponsored by Pakistan and local sympathising politicians)....

Pakistan will not be able to accept even if people of Kashmir choose to live with India.....Pakistan's existence will be in question (without water)..

Why do you let the people of Kashmir choose then why r u afraid. Because you know they will never pick india
If it's fixed why is Kashmir in a lockdown with almost a million urine drinking monkeys with rifles.
If india is a perfect place why are there riots everywhere. Why are people dying? Why are you all raping women. Why are other states unhappy like nagaland and Tamil nadu. I could go on my delusional I dial neighbour who is clearly stinking of of cow poop that cover him.
1. Why do you let the people of Kashmir choose then why r u afraid. Because you know they will never pick india
2. If it's fixed why is Kashmir in a lockdown with almost a million urine drinking monkeys with rifles.
3. If india is a perfect place why are there riots everywhere. Why are people dying? Why are you all raping women. Why are other states unhappy like nagaland and Tamil nadu.
I could go on my delusional I dial neighbour who is clearly stinking of of cow poop that cover him.

1. You? who am I to decide. But since you asked....the factual answer is, you have not read UN resolution for plebiscite. Go read it first. There are some condition to allow people to decide/vote..foremost is Pakistan has to remove it's forces from current Azad Kashmir and vacate it. Are you ready for that? No?...then there is no second step and thus is the problem. Honestly, even if Pakistan vacate Azad Kashmir, India will not fulfil point 2...so UN resolution will never be implemented in it's present conditions...unless it is changed. And in present time, if there is an attempt to change the conditions, it will be in India's favour.

2. It is being fixed by the Indians....who knows, the way Pakistan's response has been to revocation of Article 371, soon Kashmiris will stop trusting us and accept being a state under Indian union..then your concern will get addressed.

3. Riots happen where there is clash of ideologies between two entities. In India, have rights to protest hence they protested and they were confident to even adopt violence when they were not heard.....imagine China (Uighur) ...riots don't happen there as Government have maimed them...same goes with Pakistan (hardly any minority). On rape, I will not comment as it is because of mindset, gender inequality in society...this problem is prominent in whole south Asia... In India it has always been there, but now is being reported more as victims are now coming out in open to speak-up rather than hide behind veils of social prejudice/fear of social boycott.
Unhappy states are in every country....Here WA/ NT is not very happy as most of budget goes to NSW and Victoria. Even Sindh, Baltistan, Baluchistan are not happy in your country.
Good, this move will certainly not go well with Turkey and Azerbaijan. :enjoy: Moreover, Armenia is weak and can't offer anything, whereas Azerbaijan is an economic powerhouse when compared to Armenia.

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