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Why closer ties with Armenia matter a lot for India

India should deepen relations with Armenia and Israel on all levels, especially in economics, science, and technology.

Why support only for Israel ?? Why not simultaneous support for the PLO ?? Why not support for the One State Solution which will end the Israel-Palestine issue ??
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It’s because certain Muslim countries have animosity towards non-Muslims.
UN and international law prove that its other way around.
Armenia is occupying Azerbaijan territory as per UN.
India is going against UN resolitions on Kashmir.
Israel is occupation force as per UN and international law.
What can a punny country like Armenia do against Turkey? Their entire GDP is $32 Billion VS Turkey with GDP $820 billion. Only reason India wants close relations with Armenia is bcz Pakistan has close relations with Azerbaijan. Also Pakistan is the only country in the world which does not recognise armenia as a state due to our close relations with azerbaijan. Top that with the fact that Azerbaijan supports Pakistani stance on Kashmir.

Is it the only reason that Pakistan doesn't recognize Armenia because you have close relationships with Azerbaijan? Or there's some other reason too? Can you shed some light?
Is it the only reason that Pakistan doesn't recognize Armenia because you have close relationships with Azerbaijan? Or there's some other reason too? Can you shed some light?

Turkey and Azerbaijan have very good relations with us so Pakistan has same policies toward armenia. Armenia is too small economically to be of any consequence. So Pakistan has found itself a good deal by supporting Turkey and Azerbaijan in all their territorial disputes and claims in exchange of their diplomatic support regarding Kashmir and other regional disputes of Pakistan. You will not find Turkey or Azerbaijan ever refusing support to Pakistan on any forum.
Unemployment at record levels in India. Banks been looted by ruling classes. The average Armenian looks healthier then the average indian.

Modi will use scam money looted from western citizens to fund global ambitions.

You lie to your own people. You have no authority to get your bawarchi (if you have one ) to make a paratha and here you are talking? But we know indians love to talk
Lol. The post is currently vacant. Feel free to apply.

We did agree to withdraw as per the Mcnoughtan Proposals. You refused. Withdraw your forces and we can conduct a plebiscite.
The one which states -

The Governments of India and Pakistan should reach agreement not later than 31 January 1950,
in New York on the following points;

(a) The Government of Pakistan should give unconditional assurance to the Government of
India that they will deal effectively within their own borders with any possibility of tribal
incursion into Jammu and Kashmir to the end that, under no circumstances, will tribesmen be
able unlawfully to enter the State of Jammu and Kashmir from or through the territory of
Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to keep the senior United Nations
military observer informed and to satisfy him that the arrangements to this end are and
continue to be adequate.

Did your Govt give this assurance?
I think Armenia realizes that in the Caucaus area this is a rare incidence of peace and coming into polarizing alliances would perturb that precarious balance whereby every potential rival or headache is either distracted or pacified for them. So, I don't think Armenia would step into an alliance with India at a strategically significant level. Just my thoughts.
Lol. The post is currently vacant. Feel free to apply.

The one which states -

The Governments of India and Pakistan should reach agreement not later than 31 January 1950,
in New York on the following points;

(a) The Government of Pakistan should give unconditional assurance to the Government of
India that they will deal effectively within their own borders with any possibility of tribal
incursion into Jammu and Kashmir to the end that, under no circumstances, will tribesmen be
able unlawfully to enter the State of Jammu and Kashmir from or through the territory of
Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to keep the senior United Nations
military observer informed and to satisfy him that the arrangements to this end are and
continue to be adequate.

Did your Govt give this assurance?
Looool...I love your sense of humour. Have a really good day
No problem. Withdraw your forces as agreed upon and we will conduct a plebiscite.

The thing that was agreed upon was for both to withdraw their forces

You didn't do that and instead your state opted to lie to you that only Pakistan is supposed to remove its forces

Did your Govt give this assurance?

@M. Sarmad would certainly answer all your question or lies that you people often come up with when it comes to plebiscite in Kashmir

@AgNoStiC MuSliM would also like to answer them
Pakistan is a country with worlds sixth largest population and GDP around 300 billion. Our Military is massive enough to at least be a threat to India. What has Armenia got? I think Azerbaijan is keeping them busy enough.

Why are all our countries fighting for influence in Afghanistan then. What is Afghanistan's gdp?
Why are all our countries fighting for influence in Afghanistan then. What is Afghanistan's gdp?

Afghanistan has strategic importance bcz whoever control it has access to central Asia and its untapped energy reserves Oil and Gas. US wants to open the resources of that region to break Russian Monopoly over energy market. Afghanistan itself has no importance whatsoever but its location.

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