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Why closer ties with Armenia matter a lot for India

Support any one who support us in our core issue? Can Palestine choose us for Kashmir issue?
It is not like India should abandon Palestine but we should never let down our friends who stand with us in crucial times...

Kashmir is for India and Pakistan to resolve. :)

Anyway, found this, a Quora reply from 2019 :
The State of Palestine was the first government in the Arab-Islamic world to give a state award to Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

Palestine also supports India’s full membership in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, OIC. Palestine does not support the Pakistani position on Kashmir, and pulled out its ambassador in Islamabad on India’s request in 2017 when he made a pro-Kashmir statement during a public event on Jerusalem.

Why does some of the Indian establishment and many Indian citizens support Israel is because they think of Israel as a bulwark against Muslim-majority countries. As simple as that. Why didn't India send its military to Libya and Syria in 2011 to help the governments there against the invading terrorists and their NATO masters ?? Why is Russia helping the Syrian government now with men and materiel ??

Coming back to Kashmir, this issue needs a political solution. Here's my contribution towards that :

1. Let India and Pakistan both become governed by the same Progressive / Socialist Direct Democracy system, while remaining two independent countries. This will be like how pre-2003 Iraq and Syria were, both governed by Ba'ath ideology while remaining two independent republics.

2. Let the India-administered Kashmir remain with India and Pakistan-administered Kashmir remain with Pakistan.

3. Convert the LoC into an International Border which is passable by passport for the reasons of trade, tourism and family visits.
This will remove most of the militant ideology surrounding the Kashmir issue. The only remaining militantism will be of the Regressive religious sort and that can be sorted out by both countries.

And this will also have the great effect of bringing both countries to a Progressive political system and governance.
I use it against Indians as well.


then its probably a curse to convert every non RSS Gau muttra believer, but for a curse to work those reading it must read it properly not just what you have in your mind what PRTP GWD means. So, please write it in words and I promise i will recite it and then curse RSS Gau Muttra just to show you it doesn't work.
then its probably a curse to convert every non RSS Gau muttra believer, but for a curse to work those reading it must read it properly not just what you have in your mind what PRTP GWD means. So, please write it in words and I promise i will recite it and then curse RSS Gau Muttra just to show you it doesn't work.
Ab tou mujhe pura yakeen ho gaya! Tu Indian hai.

because I am an Indian Muslim and like every Indian Muslim I hate you to the core
I don’t hate Pakistanis because I have real people to hate in real life – unbelievably wicked colleauges, annoying relatives, dumb doctors etc.

Pakistan is a country with worlds sixth largest population and GDP around 300 billion. Our Military is massive enough to at least be a threat to India. What has Armenia got? I think Azerbaijan is keeping them busy enough.

Threat for what ?
US is the most powerful nation in the world .But they deal carefully when it comes to Mexico.
Fact is in such cases we have another method.
Not direct confrontation
Threat for what ?
US is the most powerful nation in the world .But they deal carefully when it comes to Mexico.
Fact is in such cases we have another method.
Not direct confrontation

when you see the results of method no 1 then you have no other option but use method no 2...but any method which doesn't kill us makes us stronger and stronger as what we are today
when you see the results of method no 1 then you have no other option but use method no 2...but any method which doesn't kill us makes us stronger and stronger as what we are today
A perfectly failed state .
Why didn't India send its military to Libya and Syria in 2011 to help the governments there against the invading terrorists and their NATO masters ?? Why is Russia helping the Syrian government now with men and materiel ??

You have to be kidding, whoever wrote this on quora is an idiot. Our decision to not send troops there had nothing to with supporting Israel or NATO. The simple reason is we neither have the budget nor the equipment or the will to get involved in foreign wars. Do you have any idea how much it costs fighting in another country. To think nothing of the logistics. We hardly have enough transport planes for our own defensive purposes, and you think we can afford to have dozens of C17s or C130Js carrying supplies and men back and forth? These aircraft cost hundreds of millions. Until we have a domestic aviation industry that manufactures such jets for cheap, you can forget about stationing troops in even Sri Lanka, let alone Syria.

Besides, who wants to risk NATO sanctions or earn the wrath of the GCC Sheikhs? Russia can live with all that, not us. Russia does not depend on the GCC for oil, nor is it dependent on trade and investment from western nations. It was definitely in India's interests that Assad remain in power. I'm also personally glad he was able to defeat the NATO sponsored terrorists. We sent several statements of support to the Syrian government, but there was nothing we could do for them against NATO or the rebels. We have however sent them a line of credit and several Indian companies are involved in infrastructure re-construction in Syria. We recently constructed a steel and power plant there.
You have to be kidding, whoever wrote this on quora is an idiot.

What is wrong about that writer's Palestine post ??

The simple reason is we neither have the budget nor the equipment or the will to get involved in foreign wars. Do you have any idea how much it costs fighting in another country. To think nothing of the logistics. We hardly have enough transport planes for our own defensive purposes, and you think we can afford to have dozens of C17s or C130Js carrying supplies and men back and forth? These aircraft cost hundreds of millions. Until we have a domestic aviation industry that manufactures such jets for cheap, you can forget about stationing troops in even Sri Lanka, let alone Syria.

Besides, who wants to risk NATO sanctions or earn the wrath of the GCC Sheikhs? Russia can live with all that, not us. Russia does not depend on the GCC for oil, nor is it dependent on trade and investment from western nations. It was definitely in India's interests that Assad remain in power. I'm also personally glad he was able to defeat the NATO sponsored terrorists. We sent several statements of support to the Syrian government, but there was nothing we could do for them against NATO or the rebels. We have however sent them a line of credit and several Indian companies are involved in infrastructure re-construction in Syria. We recently constructed a steel and power plant there.

What you say is logical but perhaps India could have followed Russia's example in sending 100 military men to Venezuela in late 2018 or early 2019 :
Russia recently sent two military planes full of troops and equipment to Venezuela. It’s a move that could provoke a strong response from the United States and potentially plunge the South American nation into further chaos.

Around 100 Russians landed outside of Caracas, Venezuela’s capital, with unidentified equipment on Saturday. It’s not entirely clear why they’ve arrived now, although some fear they’ve come to help Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro fend off a US-led attempt to depose him. While Russia has in the past sent a few advisers to Venezuela, 100 is more than normal, CBS News reported.

1. India could have sent a token force to Syria just to make it loud and clear as to which side India supports. After all, India has been sending soldiers to UNO peace-keeping missions.

2. Venezuela is a big oil producer. India can try to partly sustain its consumption from Venezuela.

3. I think the GCC sheikhs will not try to create big problems for such an important market as India.

4. The West too for the same reason as point# 3.
What is wrong about that writer's Palestine post ??

What you say is logical but perhaps India could have followed Russia's example in sending 100 military men to Venezuela in late 2018 or early 2019 :

1. India could have sent a token force to Syria just to make it loud and clear as to which side India supports. After all, India has been sending soldiers to UNO peace-keeping missions.

2. Venezuela is a big oil producer. India can try to partly sustain its consumption from Venezuela.

3. I think the GCC sheikhs will not try to create big problems for such an important market as India.

4. The West too for the same reason as point# 3.

The problem with 1) is potential US sanctions. Doesn't matter if we send 100 soldiers or 10000, same thing to them. US is a pretty stuck up nation, either you follow what they say, or sanctions. Even acquiring S400 pissed them off, god knows how they would have reacted if we had stationed troops in Syria. We have to walk a very fine line. We owe Russia a lot for all their help in the past and Russia is indeed a real ally. US is our main economic partner and source of most investments. Best way is to just not get involved in their affairs.

2) is again problematic. Venezuela is too far away while GCC is just across the Arabian sea. The cost of oil imported from Venezuela would be far more because of transportation costs. That being said, if they are willing to offer us a deal and sell at a cost almost equal to GCC, then why not ? Also another problem is that venezuelan oil production factories are crumbling due to sanctions. That country doesn't produce any machinery and their factories break down very often, so not a reliable source. Perhaps we could help them in that regard, but again, US might throw up a stink

3) Well, they hate Iran more than they love their own countries. Besides, they are Sheikhs, infinite arrogance and pride, they are very volatile and unpredictable, you never know, they might get really pissed if we clearly support Russia/Iran. Even if they don't stop the oil trade, might create problems for Indian workers in the Gulf.
Armenia can be a threat to Azerbaijan actually.... Both have disputs over Nakhichinava province of Azerbaijan which is an exclave of azarbaizan bordering with Armenia but geographically disconnected from Azerbaijan mainland.... Don't know what is stopping Armenia from annexing it... Since it's not attached with Azerbaijan mainland it's military will be helpless...
Armenia can be a threat to Azerbaijan actually.... Both have disputs over Nakhichinava province of Azerbaijan which is an exclave of azarbaizan bordering with Armenia but geographically disconnected from Azerbaijan mainland.... Don't know what is stopping Armenia from annexing it... Since it's not attached with Azerbaijan mainland it's military will be helpless...

Turkey is the guarantor of Nahcivan, legally. [emoji6]

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