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Why Chinese [illegal] Migrants Are Making Risky Journey From South America to US

Actually I know one who came back to China after 20 years,

LOL! Oh really...you know somebody who jumped the fence and later went back? How'd they get on a plane in a US city without any paperwork?

I think you are talking about somebody who was here legally. Not one of the thousands of Chinese every month jumping the fence.

Crime and urban decay is fcking up US big time especially in democract cities. He had to close down his store.

So basically he had a store in a Democrat run city that is suffering from budget problems due to the flight of much of its weathiest residents to the suburbs...instead of having a store in the suburbs serving those better off people.
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LOL! Oh really...you know somebody who jumped the fence and later went back? How'd they get on a plane in a US city without any paperwork?

I think you are talking about somebody who was here legally. Not one of the thousands of Chinese every month jumping the fence.

So basically he had a store in a Democrat run city that is suffering from budget problems due to the flight of much of its weathiest residents to the suburbs...instead of having a store in the suburbs serving those better off people.
Only stupid Chinese jump the fence man. Lolol. Normally they use tourist visa, it is easier and you don't have to die from thirst.

I am not sure about thousands? To be fair, the wasteful US suburbs are still nice, but he says some are also starting to get infested with hobos camping in the parks. Oo yah, the drugs, there us seriously an epidemic in US cities man, he showed me a picture of the new zombie drug. Fckers just move like zombies. Crazy as fck man.

Anyway, you cam choose not to believe me but seriously once you come to China, you will understand. All of them go bck and come to a realization eventually especially with the Indians. Lolol.
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I am not sure about thousands?

yes, thousands...and these are just the ones border agents were able to chase down and grab..others get away. 2023 has had an insane spike as people are fleeing China in droves.


So far 9,854 Chinese nationals were caught jumping over the Mexico/US border. That doesn't even include other areas like the Canadian border or those people who swam ashore in Florida.

Your media of course is never going to report this disgrace.
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Most of them believe USA has freedom and they can make their american dreams. They are quiet Anti China because they are not satisfied with somethings in China. But the reality is they work illegally at Chinese restaurants washing dishes after they arrived. It is hard to make the end met.
Many retuned after a few months with broken dream. Some of them turned into pro China now.
Most of them are not poor at all. They have to spend something like 20-50k USD to get there. It is totally different than the people in 1990s.
Most of them believe USA has freedom and they can make their american dreams.

Apparently to them the latest President Xi China Dream is a mirage so they are looking for any alternative.

But the reality is they work illegally at Chinese restaurants washing dishes after they arrived. It is hard to make the end met.

It is totally different than the people in 1990s.

Same story in the 1990's though. You come here illegally and you'll end up as a dishwasher no matter if it is 1993 or 2023.

You aren't going to be working in the corporate world with no papers. That's just how it works. If somebody wants to spend $20K-$50K for that well...
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yes, thousands...and these are just the ones border agents were able to chase down and grab..others get away. 2023 has had an insane spike as people are fleeing China in droves.

View attachment 933155

So far 9,854 Chinese nationals were caught jumping over the Mexico/US border. That doesn't even include other areas like the Canadian border or those people who swam ashore in Florida.

Your media of course is never going to report this disgrace.

I calculated, that's like 0.00085% of the population of China. Assuming China has a crime rate of 0.01% which is like fcking low. 140,000,now assuming 10% of these people are running away and looking to migrate. That's roughly 14k,bro I think you are getting the 'best' of our people. Lololol.

Alternatively, China has 1.7mil people in jail for a population of 1.4bil, our jail pop is lower than US. Assuming 1% of this population will migrate illegally after getting released, that's 17k people exactly. Bro, no wonder Trump is saying rapist, murderers, and criminals are coming from the border and taking advantage or America. Now I am not saying Chinese don't migrate to USA, it is the 'Promised Land' afterall, but climbing walls? That's reserved for our very 'best'. Lolol.

When they reach there, they are gonna set up a trade network for fentanyl. God bless America.
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I calculated, that's like 0.00085% of the population of China.

Dude there's 9,854 people climbing our fence.

That's pretty bad no matter what your population is.

That's like saying 9,854 people were stopped before jumping off a tall building in Beijing to their deaths so far this year isn't bad because it's only 0.00085% of the population of China...by the way they aren't counting the ones the police didn't successfully stop.

Phew...glad that isn't concerning..
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what a stupid thing to say
because Pakistan is poor
Pakistan is resource rich. You are mentally poor, unable to effectively use the resources nature gifted you. When you sewage swimmers reach the shores of other countries, you perform exactly the same as on home turf - zero
Apparently to them the latest President Xi China Dream is a mirage so they are looking for any alternative.

Same story in the 1990's though. You come here illegally and you'll end up as a dishwasher no matter if it is 1993 or 2023.

You aren't going to be working in the corporate world with no papers. That's just how it works. If somebody wants to spend $20K-$50K for that well...

It's called re-education through labor. Most of the returnee become more patriotic than many who never been outside of China. There is one returnee who paid over $50 grand to an "agency" that promoted the "traveling package" to "freedom and riches", lost all his money and return to find out the "agency" had brought a high-end home at the heart of Beijing. Now he is online just to stalk the "agency" and their "advertisement".

Naaa, from religious to political persecution to one child policy, there are myriad of means to turn your status into legal one in the 90s to 2010s. Simply go in front of a Chinese consulate holding FLG banner and take some pictures, and you can now claim religious persecution. I know people who claimed victimization from the one child policy, get her citizenship, then fly back to China. Of course, they ruined the opportunities for those that came nowadays as the US government caught up onto these schemes for the most part.

Of course that didn't stop the middle man from claiming the great welfare in the US to attract customers. There were videos of them visiting food bank to pick all the food they want in their designer outfit as if it's some kind of buffet and post it on Chinese media to promote their "travel package". The funny part is, they caught the attention of Americans who were outraged by their behavior.
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Dude there's 9,854 people climbing our fence.

That's pretty bad no matter what your population is.

That's like saying 9,854 people were stopped before jumping off a tall building in Beijing to their deaths so far this year isn't bad because it's only 0.00085% of the population of China...by the way they aren't counting the ones the police didn't successfully stop.

Phew...glad that isn't concerning..

9000 low lifes and criminals jumping the fence to contribute to the prosperity of America. That's a good deal mate. I would be more worried about those hundred of thousands who study and don't come back. So far a big portion do return, some return after getting trained and doing research, and the cream of the crop will come back if given the right incentive. Imagine you are 35, nearly completing a research breakthrough and you know the fruits of your labour will be 95% in the hands of the University, what will you do when suddenly a PRC agent calls you and tells you this.

We have a new incubator center in Hefei, you will be paid slightly more, there is a nice housing apartment for you and your family to stay and the government will fund your company.

That afternoon, you dismissed it off, then you turn on the TV and saw msm bashing China and Chinese, and when you walk down a nigr scolds you chnk.

Now multiply this accross 1000s of top Chinese scientist. Trump had been hailed as China's best talent recruiter recently. Lololol
China has 1.4 billion people, 60 million live overseas, 75% overseas Chinese live in South East Asian countries, top 3 are Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, those in North America are not many comparing to the overall number.

30-40 years from now, after US becomes a Latino countries , it will try to block Europeans to go to US, US has just too many people of European origin, this will change and balance of ethnicitis would be made in the future.

No one legally owns America after the annihilation of the local American natives.
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Apparently to them the latest President Xi China Dream is a mirage so they are looking for any alternative.

Same story in the 1990's though. You come here illegally and you'll end up as a dishwasher no matter if it is 1993 or 2023.

You aren't going to be working in the corporate world with no papers. That's just how it works. If somebody wants to spend $20K-$50K for that well...
Being dishwasher in the US is a lot better than being a dishwasher in china. Better pay, working conditions & culture too.

Also to note the point of 1st entry to most chinese immigrants are not mexico but peru and colombia and they paid coyote to help them to make the trip to mexico and into US.

Fun fact: Also a lot of chinese that cross illegally are not just economic migrants but refugee seeking asylum.
A total of 3,846 people fled to the United States from China. With 1,284 positive decisions, 38.71 percent of all new applications have been accepted. Another 2,033 applications were rejected, and no decisions were made on those remaining in 2021.

Turns out china under Xi isn't exactly a paradise.
That's pretty bad no matter what your population is.
These Haan warriors can go to any extent to prove that China under Emperor Xi is the ultimate land of prosperity and happiness.
These jokers pull out strange numbers to prove their stupid theories.

Not one of them is ready to accept that there could be something wrong that is making people risk their lives while trying to enter the US.

For these jokers a term is coined - BRAIN WASHED.
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