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Why Chinese [illegal] Migrants Are Making Risky Journey From South America to US

Still remember I told you US and Taiwan troll army described US as a heaven country? Stupid people are everywhere.

It's called hype and marketing. They think if they go to US, they can compete less and earn more money since most Americans in their minds are lazy. But when they reach US, then only they realise the inner cities is a zombie land.
They believe they can make big money by washing plates in American restaurants. Simple work, easy money. This hoax is a product of immigration agencies promoting their business and byproduct of US and Taiwan propaganda investment. And some Americans are proud of this hoax
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These kinds of articles can mislead people. Plus I really hate it when ppl group HongKonese and Mainlandese together as Chinese. These two groups are not the same. Most HKers love money and are pro-West. They'd betray "China" in a heartbeat for seemingly better opportunities abroad. Plus this group loves to kiss Westerners' butts!!
These kinds of articles can mislead people. Plus I really hate it when ppl group HongKonese and Mainlandese together as Chinese. These two groups are not the same.

It is very unlikely that any people jumping the US/Mexico border are from Hong Kong. Hong Kong residents don't need a visa to travel to Canada and they can simply walk over the border as there is no fence in most places.

Besides why would you do something stupid like fly to Ecuador and trek through some jungle for 4,000km and pay some smuggler when you could fly first class into Vancouver and simply run over the border which is less than 40km away.


They'd betray "China" in a heartbeat for seemingly better opportunities abroad. Plus this group loves to kiss Westerners' butts!!

I think you should face the facts that it is likely incredibly desperate mainlanders doing the Mexico/US fence jumping and butt kissing. Geez the lengths Chinese will go to get into the US...it just shows how bad China really is for many people.
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no 10k Han is trying to get into US illegally because life in China is not good

why 10k Americans not at Vietnam border trying to get into China ?
Why 10K pakistani trying to get in UK? Why 10K pakistani trying to get into US? Why 10K pakistani trying to get into China/HK?
Why 10K pakistani trying to get in UK? Why 10K pakistani trying to get into US? Why 10K pakistani trying to get into China/HK?

what a stupid thing to say

because Pakistan is poor

but Pakistan didnt try and claim to be world leader

Pakistan didnt lock up 2 million Ughurs and tell the world it didnt happen

Pakistan didnt do fraud in Africa like China did

What a liar!

What is the point of publishing such articles?

While at the same time cracking down lawyers who help Chinese people migrating to USA smoothly.

It's like loving and hating human rights at the same time.

What is the point of publishing such articles

LOL! What's the point of posting any articles on PDF?

I think it's come down to who can wave their flag the most in other people's faces.

Right now it looks the Chinese flag isn't looking like such a happy place to many people and thousands are risking trekking through dangerous drug cartel controlled jungles to sneak into the US.
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not just Chinese but Indians are doing it also
question should be asked to Both Indian and Chinese
...and still none of them seem to think going back to China is a better solution.

Maybe someday we may hear about Chinese nationals jumping the fence in the other direction.

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Actually I know one who came back to China after 20 years, he told me he used to think US was the promised land. Crime and urban decay is fcking up US big time especially in democract cities. He had to close down his store.

His kids are still in US though, less competition and if you are smart, easily get a technical engineering job in the tech companies. He said his kid would be a nobody competing with the smartest Chinese kids and English is their major major advantage.

You can choose not to believe me but the smartest foreign trained Chinese are coming back to China, they get higher pay and a more equal working environment. Alot are working for Chinese tech firms and a minority in military research, i have one living below my apartment unit. Lolol
no 10k Han is trying to get into US illegally because life in China is not good
Not as per the bots brainwashed by Xi.
These bots in ample numbers on pdf are making all kinds of stupid claims but not accepting that Papa Xi doesn’t give them the life they claim under him.
Another data is that Chinese people are easily able to obtain non immigrant visas from the USA. The rejection rate is only 8.5%. China is also the country with the highest number of non immigrant visas obtained from the USA.


And 90% of Chinese students will return to China after graduation.

Do you think it's strange? Why are these people not entering the USA through legal channels, but risking their lives to enter the USA from Mexico?

Because they are the ones who have been refused visas.

Why were they refused visas? There are two important reasons:

1. China does not have a personal bankruptcy system. If you are in debt, you must repay your debt until you die.
These people will not receive any visas, they can only evade their debts through illegal immigration.

2. The Chinese internet is filled with false information that encourages these people to illegally cross the border. Chinese law does not impose any penalties on repatriated smugglers.

I can easily find these rumors and advertisements posted by illegal immigration agents:




1, My neighbor Uncle Wang, who has been addicted to gambling in the past few years and owes over 400000 US dollars in loans, is unable to repay his debts. At the beginning of last year, he borrowed the last $40000 he could borrow and illegally sailed to the United States. He walked about 1100 kilometers, leaving only the last 50 dollars. When he landed in the United States, he looked like a beggar and was locked up by the immigration department for a period of time. When he left prison, the local American officials kindly asked him if he had a place to live. After learning that he did not have a place to live, a villa was arranged for him to temporarily reside in Los Angeles. A large house with an area of 800 square meters costs only $15 per year for rent. When he learned that he came to the United States alone without a wife, the US government introduced a beautiful girl as his living assistant. Afterwards, the local Chinese boss invited him to a restaurant and gave him a salary of $10 per hour. After working for over a year, he saved about $1 million in savings. Now he not only bought the villa, but also gave his life assistant a grand wedding.

2, I failed the college entrance examination in China. I only received one high school degree. I had no choice but to illegally cross over to the United States. When I crossed the US border, someone from the US Immigration Service immediately took me to register, and I received a US green card, a low rent villa, and a $50W subsidy. I can also choose Stanford University, Harvard University, and Yale University without taking the exam. I can actually choose these top universities that I can't even think of in China! I chose Stanford University and obtained my doctoral degree in just two and a half years. Then I went for an interview with a large company and the interviewer really appreciated me, making me a direct executive. Imagine if I stayed in China, could I achieve the same level of achievement as I do now?

Do you understand now?
These Chinese people who smuggled to the United States were like those who were sent to Australia by Britain in the 19th century. Most of them are criminals, gamblers, debtors, and fools deceived by rumors.

Now, you get the Chinese people you want, we lose the Chinese people we don't want. This is a win-win situation. This is why the Chinese govt tacitly allows these illegal immigration agency advertisements to exist and does not punish repatriated individuals.

These Chinese people will lose their Chinese nationality two years after leaving China, and they will never be able to return to China again. Please ask the US government to fulfill the promise given to them by illegal immigration agency advertisements. Otherwise, I believe they will not hate China, but rather the Americans who deceive them.

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Send them all back to their China. We have enough Chinese Take Outs here.
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