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why Chinese culture can always absorb other cultures and India not


Chinese did not force minorities to merge. Minorities forced themselves to merge and adopt Chinese culture. When nomadic invaders like the Xianbei and Shatuo Turks came to China, they claimed Chinese ancestry. The Xianbei claimed descent from the Chinese Yellow Emperor, and enacted decrees making themselves adopt Chinese surnames, culture, and language when they were in power in northern China. The Shatuo Turk leader Shi Jingtang claimed Chinese ancestry and also adopted Chinese surnames and culture.

Beijingwalker is a pathetic troll who claimed the ancient Chinese were white and we mongoloids stole China from white people. Don't pay attention to him.

Hey calm down buddy ........ :cheers:

I have mentioned Hannization concept just to remind you people that you people are trying to destroy the culture of minorities. Even the first Han empire who unified china destroyed the literatures, art and culture of various regions in order to unify china.
If destruction of culture is not there the word hannization will not be there first place.
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It's rather funny to see some minorities representing China and dueling each other in a foreign forum.

Also there is no such word as "Hannization," it's called sinicization, please google it before making stupid comments. China is derived from first empire the Ch'in or Qin Empire (prononounced Chin), Han is derived from our second empire the Han Empire, they refer to the same people.

As I said in other threads, most Han Chinese have more natural affinity towards India since we are more or less Buddhist even though we might claim we are atheist under CCP education. That Wholegrain guy is some Muslim or whatever and does not represent majority Chinese.

Also this thread is stupid.
Hey calm down buddy ........ :cheers:

I have mentioned Hannization concept just to remind you people that you people are trying to destroy the culture of minorities. Even the first Han empire who unified china destroyed the literatures, art and culture of various regions in order to unify china.
If destruction of culture is not there the word hannization will not be there first place.

:omghaha: this dumb troll is probably talking about the first Qin Emperor unifying the scripts and measures of the different Chinese states (formerely part of the Zhou dynasty). Apparently this idiot doesn't know what "minority" means.

This is what minorities see in "shining india"

@Okemos & @szft517 and what may your comment more credible than other Chineses even if they're minority or muslim? there is no such thing as true Han is China. We're here share personal view, we all know it never represent the mass. so stop bashing your own people, no wonder Japanese said that we Chineses are bunch of sand that will never stick togheter.
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It's rather funny to see some minorities representing China and dueling each other in a foreign forum.

Also there is no such word as "Hannization," it's called sinicization, please google it before making stupid comments. China is derived from first empire the Ch'in or Qin Empire (prononounced Chin), Han is derived from our second empire the Han Empire, they refer to the same people.

As I said in other threads, most Han Chinese have more natural affinity towards India since we are more or less Buddhist even though we might claim we are atheist under CCP education. That Wholegrain guy is some Muslim or whatever and does not represent majority Chinese.

Also this thread is stupid.


China has more Iranic and Iranian religious influences than Indian.

Buddhism was first introduced to China by the Iranic Parthian Prince An Shigao, NOT BY INDIANS. China received culture, music, arts, metalworking and religions from Iranic central asia (sogdians) and Iran. Manichaeism (an Iranian religion) was introduced to China from Iran and it had a significant influence on Chinese religions and cults. The founder of the Ming dynasty began his rebel movement in a Manichaen influenced cult and named his dynasty "Ming" (which meant bright, because brightness represented the forces of good in Manichaesm).

Central asian music and dancing styles were popular at the Tang dynasty court. Many Zoroastrian, Manichaen temples were built in China during this time. Some central asian music even made its way to Japan from China. The sect of Nestorian christianity (assyrian church of the east) in China was heavily iranicized.

After the Arab conquest of persia many Sassanian nobles and the Sassanian crown Prince Piruz fled to China.

This was an edict by the Ming Emperor on Islam.

Editorial | China Heritage Quarterly

Fig. 12 Imperial edict to Mir Hajji, during the Yongle reign of the Ming dynasty, 100cm by 72cm. This imperial edict was issued forty years after the end of the Mongol Yuan dynasty. The use of the three main languages of the Yuan court, Mongolian, Persian and Chinese, underlines the continuity between the Yuan and Ming imperial systems. The "Hajji" of the addressee's title indicates that he performed the pilgrimage to Mecca, while "Mir" means someone who has earned merit on the battlefield (in Timurid usage this term indicates a member of the military aristocracy). The Chinese text reads: "The emperor of the Great Ming instructs Mir Hajji that he who is sincere and honest will revere God [tian] and serve the emperor [shang]. He will also have command over good people, and give loyal service to the imperial court. Hence, God will bless him, and he shall enjoy eternal bliss. You, Mir Hajji, have always followed the teachings of Muhammad. You are pious and honest, and lead people to do good. You also revere God and serve the emperor loyally. Such good deeds deserve to be honoured and praised. Therefore, I am issuing this imperial edict to protect your property, and so that no official, soldier or civilian shall despise, insult or transgress it. Whoever disobeys my order shall be held to account. This edict was issued on the 11th of the fifth month of the fifth year of Yongle." [1407] Facsimile copy in the Chinese Nationalities Cultural Palace. [Plate and adapted translation from Quanzhou Yisilanjiao Shike]

Did I every say "I" believed that? show me the link.I said I totally dont believe that bullshit


Chinese civilization may be the oldest continuous one in world history, and it has a number of enduring characteristics.
cific Ocean.

2) Further characteristic of Chinese civilization has been its ability to have less civilized invaders who then absorbed Chinese culture and the language rather than the other way around, as was frequently the case in India.

So, are you actually suggesting Buddhism originated in China and then spread to India? Or Chinese ADOPTED Indian culture and became Buddhist?

The Iranic Parthian Prince introduced Buddhism to China, not Indians. Buddhism first spread to China via the Iranic and tocharian buddhists central asia.

Again for the trolls claiming the evil Chinese suppressed the minorities.

Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar, a Central Asian Bukharan Muslim, believed that the best way to civilize minorities in Yunnan province was to introduce Chinese culture, language and Confucianism and build Confucian temples. He also built a few mosques as well which were for his Muslim soldiers to use.

While in India, Central Asian Muslim conquerors decided to mass introduce Persian language and culture to improve the civilization in the area.

In the Service of the Khan: Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-Yüan ... - Google Books


Page 12

s. It was the Yuan state, however, that launched a comprehensive education project in Yunnan by creating education officials (tixue) in each circuit,99 establishing schools, building Confucian temples, and advocating Confucian rituals and ethics. Sayyid'Ajall Shams Al-Din pioneered the education effort. He pointed out that education was the only way to civilize native "barbarians," and so he donated his salary to build a school in Kunming.100 Scholars in Sichuan were invited to teach, youth were encouraged to study, and officials led these students to perform Confucian rituals during ceremonies.101 Other circuits followed Kunming, and it was ordered that Confucian schools be established in each circuit.102 To sustain schools, education farmland (xuetian) was also provided. For example, in the beginning eight shuang were bought as education field in the Zhongqing Circuit (Kunming); later its number was increased up to 592 shuang.103 In 1356, when the Yuan rule was fundamentally shaken, Pu Ji, a commissioner to examine governance in Yunnan, paid primary attention to schools and their farmlands.104

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The education projects not only affected the immigrants but also greatly transformed the indigenes. The Yuan Dynasty began to advocate changing native customs. The introduction and intensification of Han agricultural production and Confucian education marked the beginning of many significant changes in Yunnan society. Confucian ideas, dress, rituals, ceremonies such as weddings and funerals, and festivals were sponsored by the imperial state and gradually took root. For instance, Sayyid'Ajall Shams Al-Din taught indigenous peoples to perform the Confucian rituals of kneeling (kowtow), match-making for marriage, marriage ceremonies, funerals, and ancestral worship. He also presented native chieftains with clothes, hats, socks, and shoes to replace their "barbarian" dress.123 As a result of state efforts, not only the Mongols, Muslims, and Han people but also indigenous people went to school.124 Native elites started to send their children to school, pursuing political interests for the family. The Wang family seemed to be such a case.
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China has more Iranic and Iranian religious influences than Indian.

Buddhism was first introduced to China by the Iranic Parthian Prince An Shigao, NOT BY INDIANS. China received culture, music, arts, metalworking and religions from Iranic central asia (sogdians) and Iran. Manichaeism (an Iranian religion) was introduced to China from Iran and it had a significant influence on Chinese religions and cults. The founder of the Ming dynasty began his rebel movement in a Manichaen influenced cult and named his dynasty "Ming" (which meant bright, because brightness represented the forces of good in Manichaesm).

Central asian music and dancing styles were popular at the Tang dynasty court. Many Zoroastrian, Manichaen temples were built in China during this time. Some central asian music even made its way to Japan from China. The sect of Nestorian christianity (assyrian church of the east) in China was heavily iranicized.

After the Arab conquest of persia many Sassanian nobles and the Sassanian crown Prince Piruz fled to China.

This was an edict by the Ming Emperor on Islam.

Editorial | China Heritage Quarterly



Can you tell us the Iranians influence still seen in Chinese culture in recent history.
@Okemos & @szft517 and what may your comment more credible than other Chineses even if they're minority or muslim? there is no such thing as true Han is China. We're here share personal view, we all know it never represent the mass. so stop bashing your own people, no wonder Japanese said that we Chineses are bunch of sand that will never stick togheter.

By your logic, standing by your own side and laughing at other culture is kind of patriot? Why do you try to tie other people's idea to your own? I respect you and other members, but you seems to think different ideas as a betray, ridiculous. I love Chinese cultures and in the meantime I respect other's culture and ideas. I would like to clarify some points here, as you guys misunderstood me.

I cannot see any benefits praising our culture by dragging India in.

I would support you and the OP, unless you start a thread introducing the evolution of Chinese culture systematically and professionally with convincing references.
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Some one here is trying hard to troll and get themselves banned here :lol:

The pic you have posted are not minorities but a majority Hindus in India. It is you who is behaving like a dumb guy, with out understanding my post. The unification of China started with destruction of scriptures, symbols and other things which signify the culture of a region, this is fact.
Now coming to the point of the India being not accepting others culture or integrating with others culture, the point is wrong since we have so many cultures in India and languages. Every one has freedom to express their culture and language.

You are trolling here with some dumb claims like Iranians brought Buddism or what ever which is laughable, since Buddhism is originated in India and spread across countries that includes China.

your post got reported.

:omghaha: this dumb troll is probably talking about the first Qin Emperor unifying the scripts and measures of the different Chinese states (formerely part of the Zhou dynasty). Apparently this idiot doesn't know what "minority" means.

This is what minorities see in "shining india"


The Iranic Parthian Prince introduced Buddhism to China, not Indians. Buddhism first spread to China via the Iranic and tocharian buddhists central asia.

Again for the trolls claiming the evil Chinese suppressed the minorities.

Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar, a Central Asian Bukharan Muslim, believed that the best way to civilize minorities in Yunnan province was to introduce Chinese culture, language and Confucianism and build Confucian temples. He also built a few mosques as well which were for his Muslim soldiers to use.

While in India, Central Asian Muslim conquerors decided to mass introduce Persian language and culture to improve the civilization in the area.

In the Service of the Khan: Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-Yüan ... - Google Books


Page 12

Page 15

Never claimed that Indians spread Buddhism to China (although read that it was Bodhisattva, from South India, Probably Kerala). My specific point is, Chinese people followed (and still following) Indian philosophy to great extent. So, the OP claim about Chinese culture being adopted by ALL invaders doesn't hold water when Chinese themselves adopted Indian culture (although Indians didn't Invade Chinese militarily)...
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The Iranic Parthian Prince introduced Buddhism to China, not Indians. Buddhism first spread to China via the Iranic and tocharian buddhists central asia.

Both Indo-Parthians and Tocharians(Kushans) were Indianized.

While in India, Central Asian Muslim conquerors decided to mass introduce Persian language and culture to improve the civilization in the area.

That's totally false, there was no improvement.
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Some one here is trying hard to troll and get themselves banned here :lol:

The pic you have posted are not minorities but a majority Hindus in India. It is you who is behaving like a dumb guy, with out understanding my post. The unification of China started with destruction of scriptures, symbols and other things which signify the culture of a region, this is fact.
Now coming to the point of the India being not accepting others culture or integrating with others culture, the point is wrong since we have so many cultures in India and languages. Every one has freedom to express their culture and language.

You are trolling here with some dumb claims like Iranians brought Buddism or what ever which is laughable, since Buddhism is originated in India and spread across countries that includes China.

your post got reported.


I said, that is what minorities see in India. China was unified in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. There was one script during that time, The Zhou split up during the warring states when the feudal lords declared themselves kings, and the one zhou script diverged into many. Then Qin reunited the Zhou states and restandarized the script and eliminated the other scripts.

And are you telling me An Shigao is fake? He was an Iranic Parthian Prince and he brought Buddhism to China, not Indians.
By your logic, standing by your own side and laughing at other culture is kind of patriot? Why do you try to tie other people's idea to your own? I respect you and other members, but you seems to think different ideas as a betray, ridiculous. I love Chinese cultures and in the meantime I respect other's culture and ideas. I would like to clarify some points here, as you guys misunderstood me.

I cannot see any benefits praising our culture by dragging India in.

I would support you and the OP, unless you start a thread introducing the evolution of Chinese culture systematically and professionally with convincing references.

I careless of what other chinese people said, they entitle to have their own opinions but I'm not going to say that he's minority or muslim or if he's not represent Chinese view or opinion...once again what make your view better than other chineses, you certainly not going lecture other how to behave in order to represent chinese opinion, if he or she laugh at other culture, it's up to otherside to defend themself.

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