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Why China will chose India over Pakistan

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What has China got to offer to India? At least, I cannot think of any.

Strange question.

Firstly look at India's trade deficit to China. This means that India is buying a lot of Chinese exports, but not selling much to China.

Secondly, the GoI asked for China's support on the UNSC permanent seat issue, and India asks for Chinese engineers to work on Indian infrastructure projects. There have been many threads here on those issues.

If you think that China has nothing to offer India then why ask for Chinese help on infrastructure projects?

So it's really the other way around, India doesn't have much to offer China. Hence the trade imbalance.
Pakistan have the tendencies of taking long sleeping pills.
India has sought China's support for its bid for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council during a meeting between President Pratibha Patil and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Bejing.

Patil, who arrived here on Wednesday on a six-day visit to China, was welcomed warmly by Wen at the Purple Light Pavilion.

External Affairs Minister S M Krishna, who visited China last month, had also sought China's support in this regard.

Patil seeks China's support for India's UN bid - Rediff.com India News

India is looking forward to build partnerships with China for building its infrastructure. It is seeking help for the road and high-speed rail projects, said the Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Kamal Nath, on Monday.

India seeks China's help in building infrastructure

... If China doesn't have anything to offer to India, then why is the GoI asking China for help?
Strange question.

Firstly look at India's trade deficit to China. This means that India is buying a lot of Chinese exports, but not selling much to China.

Secondly, the GoI asked for China's support on the UNSC permanent seat issue, and India asks for Chinese engineers to work on Indian infrastructure projects. There have been many threads here on those issues.

If you think that China has nothing to offer India then why ask for Chinese help on infrastructure projects?

So it's really the other way around, India doesn't have much to offer China. Hence the trade imbalance.

No, it is not strange…this is how relationships work…there is always a trade off…Pakistan finds something positive in China and China gets something out Pakistan, hence the close relationship.

Anyway trade is a bad example…does it mean US doesn’t have much to offer to China because of huge deficit?.. If you make trade an example, I would go further and say that China is getting more out of trade with India…it is getting access to Indian markets more than India getting access to China’s, hence a trade deficit that in favor of China…
No, it is not strange…this is how relationships work…there is always a trade off…Pakistan finds something positive in China and China gets something out Pakistan, hence the close relationship.

Anyway trade is a bad example…does it mean US doesn’t have much to offer to China because of huge deficit?.. If you make trade an example, I would go further and say that China is getting more out of trade with India…it is getting access to Indian markets more than India getting access to China’s, hence a trade deficit that in favor of China…

What has China got to offer to India? At least, I cannot think of any.

Well your government and economy are buying loads of things from China, asking for diplomatic favours, asking for help with infrastructure... so they seem to feel differently.
Well your government and economy are buying loads of things from China, asking for diplomatic favours, asking for help with infrastructure... so they seem to feel differently.

They indeed are. China has a lot to offer in infrastructure department. (Y) And chinese dragon is back with bang! Where were you? I've been on india-china related threads just to read your posts man!
Such a shifting of policy will not imply, simply due to the mistrust between the two countries. One example of which is the recent set up of a hot line between Delhi and Peking.
Observers are reading this in the same context as the tension during the cold war era between US and Soviet Union. Such a facility is to prevent an accidental war.
Well your government and economy are buying loads of things from China, asking for diplomatic favours, asking for help with infrastructure... so they seem to feel differently.

Well, as major portion of China’s economy comes from external markets, why don’t you think India is doing favor by buying goods from China? We are transferring money to Chinese economy thereby increasing China’s prosperity? It was China that asked for a FTA with India and not the other way round…so you can gauge who is benefiting more from the trade

As for asking help in infrastructure, if that is the case, India has put lot of artificial barriers for Chinese companies to invest in infrastructure, while allowing western companies. Why? Why did your government asked Indian government not to discriminating Chinese companies?

As for asking diplomatic favors, all countries ask diplomatic favors. Did not China asked India not to attend the Nobel peace prize ceremony?
What has China got to offer to India? At least, I cannot think of any.

You forget who is teaching your country men modern farming techniques, welding and industry building. I am surprised how ungrateful the response was. India superpower..yeah right! One cannot hold a meaningful political discussion with any Indian until he subscribes to:

1. India superpower, india is best, india is supreme, india is extreme
2. Pakistan and India are / were one country and one language.
3. Pakistan is an extremely backward breakaway part of india with terrorist training camp in every street corner.

Keep living in delusional world of supremacy!

make use of a long vacation and visit Pakistan, its not that expensive and you can afford.
You are welcome to stay at my place!

aakash_2410 said:
Obviously china will choose india over pakistan in long term. The answer is clear. Is 50 year's mutual distrust is enough to neglect 5000 years cooperation[chinese travellers in india and indians export of buddhism to china. Both nations good at maths and science.]? And If pakistan doesn't become self-sufficient it will just be a burden for china and no country would want to drag burden for so long. What does pakistan offer to china except staretagic point of view to counter india? Some would argue that it is the key to muslim world for china. But china has got its' own 20-25 million muslims, if it takes care of them properly, it doesnt need an entry in muslim world. For example, india's warm relations with muslim world despite the disputes with pakistan.

If India thinks exporting Buddhism to China was a favour then they should also thanks the Arabs and Pakistan for exporting Islam and breaking their supposed "super power" into three in the name of religion.

Pity your pathetic knowledge on geography. Pakistan has a 5000 years shared history with China and we are here to offer much more. The theory of counter balance to india is cooked up by indian political circle out of jealousy. China officially has never assisted us against india or intends to build us as a hedge against India. We are just good close strategic partners.

You make it sound like Pakistan is another North-Korea..we are not dependent on Chinese handouts we welcome their investment much like India does to build infrastructure and industry. Its a win-win and everyone benefits.

China relation with Muslim have been on friendly terms since the birth of Islam. Search here and you will find a useful thread about history of Sino relations with Islamic world. It doesnt not need to play the Pakistan card for gaining sympathy in the Muslim world. However together in partnership we can make the advantage much more fruitful. Unlike the indian happy songs about its Muslim minority an average indian muslim will always bad mouth the "cunning hindu India" and China still surges much strong in the islamic block from middle east to south asia than India could ever. Heck think about the treatment of indians in Malaysia.

Looks like you Indian are only reading books and media approve by state as being inline with "india superpower" propaganda.

You mean... Donno Saath Jeeyenge aur Saath Marenge.:undecided:
Yeah, when is general kapoom starting his two front war against China and Pakistan?
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