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Why China will chose India over Pakistan

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To all the language passionate lets spoil the party for you. Languages fall largely under control of provincial governments and its upto them for enforcing the local languages while international languages are a free enterprise in Pakistan. People can choose to learn and teach what they want. When chinese relation reaches a significant people to people interaction people will be automatically inclined to learn Chinese. Already such progress is taking place in regions bordering China.

Pakistan is a much liberal country than India and China when it comes to state policies.

And to the Indian trolls who see the world with orange glasses, Pakistan and China would have closer relations even if common animosity with india wasnt there..its simply the reason of shared borders history and civilization. China men and central Asians made the largest contribution to science and technology of Muslims hence the deep rooted connection cannot be ignored.
To all the language passionate lets spoil the party for you. Languages fall largely under control of provincial governments and its upto them for enforcing the local languages while international languages are a free enterprise in Pakistan. People can choose to learn and teach what they want. When chinese relation reaches a significant people to people interaction people will be automatically inclined to learn Chinese. Already such progress is taking place in regions bordering China.

Pakistan is a much liberal country than India and China when it comes to state policies.

And to the Indian trolls who see the world with orange glasses, Pakistan and China would have closer relations even if common animosity with india wasnt there..its simply the reason of shared borders history and civilization. China men and central Asians made the largest contribution to science and technology of Muslims hence the deep rooted connection cannot be ignored.

You see, even if there is a long time in PDF, but I still not know about Pakistan, which is lack of communication.

And I think that the Pakistani government should do more for his people, management is not a function of government?
You see, even if there is a long time in PDF, but I still not know about Pakistan, which is lack of communication.

And I think that the Pakistani government should do more for his people, management is not a function of government?

make use of a long vacation and visit Pakistan, its not that expensive and you can afford.
Please look for other people.

Thanks for an honest answer...in short China cannot offer anything to India...so there is no question of China choosing India or India choosing China...
I am not interested to answer, you can have any idea, I'm not surprised.
Obviously china will choose india over pakistan in long term. The answer is clear. Is 50 year's mutual distrust is enough to neglect 5000 years cooperation[chinese travellers in india and indians export of buddhism to china. Both nations good at maths and science.]? And If pakistan doesn't become self-sufficient it will just be a burden for china and no country would want to drag burden for so long. What does pakistan offer to china except staretagic point of view to counter india? Some would argue that it is the key to muslim world for china. But china has got its' own 20-25 million muslims, if it takes care of them properly, it doesnt need an entry in muslim world. For example, india's warm relations with muslim world despite the disputes with pakistan. :)
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Thank you, my friend. The other, trade is the best motivation for exchange. Let us to develop "soft" relationship, which is a great need for a comprehensive relationship.

Learning Mandarin can add another dimension to Sino-Pak ties

ISLAMABAD, Dec 16 (APP): Pakistan can further enhance its ties with China by creating more opportunities for its students to learn Mandarin, the principal language of its friendly neighbour.There is a growing need to teach Mandarin in more schools, colleges, universities or other educational institutions of Pakistan although Chinese language is being taught in National University of Modern Languages (NUML) where a number of students are learning Chinese language.The ‘Confucius Institute’ was established in NUML through an agreement between NUML and China’s National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOTCFL).

The “Confucius institute at NUML, Islamabad, aimed at promoting Chinese language and culture through teaching different dialects of Chinese, using a variety of methods including multimedia and the Internet.

The institute offers different language courses and around 400 students are studying in this institute. Confucius Institute also conducts Chinese Language Proficiency Test.
Some private institute are also offering Chinese language courses to the students.

According to the experts, without knowledge of Mandarin, it is difficult to penetrate the Chinese economy.
This has been recognized by most countries that want to trade with China and benefit from its extraordinary economic rise and size.
To teach Mandarin to their citizens, they have looked to China for help and the Chinese have responded with some enthusiasm.
There are now 260,000 people worldwide who are enrolled in Confucius centres the Chinese have established in many countries across the globe.
There is need to take steps for setting up departments of Chinese studies to teach Chinese history, economy and business practices along with teaching Mandarin.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Learning Mandarin can add another dimension to Sino-Pak ties
I answer that, one is fast trains. For example Bangalore and Mumbai speed train.

No, we don't require fast trains...and as of now fast trains won't work in India
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