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Why China paid $1trillion to US but doesn't pay a dime to the Pak govt?

I think the Chinese are a prudent lot and different to us South Asians in the way they think. They don't get emotional unnecessarily and think of atleast two to three decades ahead. They have genuine partnership designs for Pakistan and also have invested some 30 to 50 billion dollars recently i think in bilateral agreements very recently. Now about bailing out Pakistan, i think they want you to help yourself and i think they will help when needed.

However the two constraints are, deteriorating situations in Pakistan and another factor that is relationship with West (read America) Although the relationship is at rock bottom now, decades old relations are not broken so easily.

Keeping in view above facts, we can say they will move in slowly but surely. Another big factor according to me is Afghanistan which will play crucial role in this, why because if China wants to go to middle east through Pakistan it has to pass this country. Now if Pakistan can have a neutral government there it is a win win for China and Pakistan. However if the resultant structure is not so friendly, then it will be a serious blow for your bilateral future plans. Out of my little knowledge and grasp of some issues that China will consider, i have given above. I could be wrong too so i will wait for you comments and inputs of others.


But if Pakistan's debt was paid off, the payments going towards IMF/World Bank/rest of the nations would be chip back into economy instead of paying interests or anything to pay off a slow debt that does not help Pakistan in the first place we pay a billion and get another billion loan the result is absolute 0 or -1 mainly to blame Pakistani previous/current government.
China is still a developing country, with a low per capita income. We can't just give out "charity" like the Westerners can.

What we can do, is invest. Like this:

Financial Times - China signs $35bn in deals with Pakistan

Also, investing in the US and Europe, is not about friendliness, but about business. We lend them more money, so they can buy more of our stuff. We store our money there, because there aren't many other options.

It is wrong to say China is "bailing out" the US or Europe. It is not charity, it is business.
Public debt $60 billion (2011)
Revenues $23.21 billion (2009 est.)
Expenses $30.05 billion (2009 est.)

Pakistan economy has suffered in the past from internal political disputes and the ongoing confrontation with neighboring Afghanistan.
China is still a developing country, with a low per capita income. We can't just give out "charity" like the Westerners can.

What we can do, is invest. Like this:

Financial Times - China signs $35bn in deals with Pakistan

Also, investing in the US and Europe, is not about charity, but about business. We lend them more money, so they can buy more of our stuff. We store our money there, because there aren't many other options.

It is wrong to say China is "bailing out" the US or Europe. It is not charity, it is business.

I hope the investment is fruitful we want Chinese investment, but history is in front of you blame Pakistani governments.

I did read it a while ago $35Billion will take its fair long time Chinese are ready is Pakistani government ready our process is the slowest in awarding and planning projects..

A quick fix is bail out pay off debt, I do not see any quick alternative to fixing out ailing economy.

I believe China did try to bail out US why else would China pay $1 Trillion to US, indeed it was Business so could not that business take place with Pakistan or is it Chinese government reluctance if it is are there any working groups.
China is still a developing country, with a low per capita income. We can't just give out "charity" like the Westerners can.

Yes you can, and you regularly do. Take Africa, for example.

Point is, Africa is resource rich a future colony, possibly. Pakistan is not.

Pakistan is expendable for China and is useful only in the strategic context of India and gaining access to resource rich Central Asia.

Apart from that, Pakistan is useless for China.

Moreover, the emotional Pakistani people can be very easily tackled by showing them utopian dreams of 'higher than mountains, deeper than oceans' friendship.

Why spend money when you can win over the Pakistanis by mere words?

Africa on the other hand, is a different case.

China's disproportionate aid and trade programs various African countries prove my point.

But if Pakistan's debt was paid off, the payments going towards IMF/World Bank/rest of the nations would be chip back into economy instead of paying interests or anything to pay off a slow debt that does not help Pakistan in the first place we pay a billion and get another billion loan the result is absolute 0 or -1 mainly to blame Pakistani previous/current government.

Not much can be done until your country's internal dynamics, trade and business policies along with political stability are changed drastically. This will take some time atleast.
For next 10 years Pakistan’s foreign policy should more focus on safe guarding its economic interests

Also Pakistan needs a long term economic strategy
Bhai sahaab jab time aata hai toh sab apna faida dekhte hai.
China is doing what is good for it.Bailing out Pakistan won't benefit them while US is a huge market.
Yes you can, and you regularly do. Take Africa, for example.

Point is, Africa is resource rich a future colony, possibly.

Your own words show that our aid to Africa is not "charity".

It has a specific strategic purpose. We expect to gain access to their resources.

We are still a developing country, every cent we spend needs to be used to improve the interests of our own people.
Yes, because Pakistan is our closest ally. If they really need a bailout, then we should bite the bullet, and give it to them.

For any other country, I would have said no. We have a lot of our own people in poverty, they should come first.

You're a nobody.

All you can do is post some sympathetic comments for the Pakistanis just like China offers them empty rhetoric and they all bask in its glory.

Chinese actions speak louder than their words.

You do not make Chinese policy and those who do, do not seem to care about Pakistan.
World Bank has a -ve review their verdict is US will have to from scratch fix their economy replan and it will take years to cope with spending problem and what not.

$1 Trillion is alot to try to bail out a country if they couldn't mean extremely bad economic policies.

Get back at the topic. Strange no Pakistani members over here.

you have wrong information

this is not a bail out package

this is investment in US treasury bonds made by Chinese government like countries do in gold and other assets

but what you are suggesting here in the context of pakistan is called bail out package

one more thing, you are taking this topic rather emotionally than practically as there is nothing like friendship in international
Yes, because Pakistan is our closest ally. If they really need a bailout, then we should bite the bullet, and give it to them.

For any other country, I would have said no. We have a lot of our own people in poverty, they should come first.

there comes the conflict, developing nations still have poverty, disparity, whether it is China or India. We need to do it for our people. And why not N. Korea? they too your close ally.
Your own words show that our aid to Africa is not "charity".

It has a specific strategic purpose. We expect to gain access to their resources.

We are still a developing country, every cent we spend needs to be used to improve the interests of our own people.


You corroborate my point.

Africa is an investment, hence China will give it trade and aid etc.

Pakistan is an expenditure to be incurred in order to counter India and gain access to Central Asia and that's it. In fact, Pakistan is an expenditure which can be incurred by even empty rhetoric. Why spend cash?

Pakistan's value for China is limited to that.

Africa's value for China is far great than that of Pakistan.

Africa is resource rich and could be a future colony for China.
Pakistan is an expenditure to be incurred in order to counter India and gain access to Central Asia and that's it.

You seriously overestimate your own importance. :lol:

Each one of these factors alone is more important to us than India:

1) Gwadar port, access to the Arabian sea, a method to bypass Malacca straits.
2) Land link to the Middle East for pipelines.
3) Control over the Xinjiang border, extradition treaty for ETIM.
4) They act as a gateway and an ambassador for us into the resource-rich Muslim world.
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