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Why China paid $1trillion to US but doesn't pay a dime to the Pak govt?


Nov 4, 2008
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Friend of Pakistan a time tested friend China; who happened to support Pakistan every time in all fields has anyone thought of why China does not support the idea of bailing out Pakistan.

China that is considered rivalry to the United States paid an astounding $1 trillion to bail out US on agreed terms but never have China ever considered a friendly Pakistan to bail it out of economic and poverty where Pakistan debt stands close to $57 billion compared to $1 trillion to be far less. I am forced to think and write what is wrong between China and Pakistani Govts that trust deficit remains strong when it comes to finances.

Is there any working group between China and Pakistan to resolve this debt crisis and Pakistan assures and gives China access to areas specifically mining projects that has a better return profitability to Chinese companies/Govt.

As far as we all know China is a reliable trusted partner and friend thus it leads me to believe previous and present Pakistani Govts are the cause that keeps Chinese economists and government not to bail out Pakistan who is suffering due to large sum of debt that is hardly payable due to less exports and all sorts of disasters upon her from WOT to earthquake to floods.

Let’s be fair here Chinese and Pakistan Armed Forces have the strongest ties and all sorts of business deals goes through but the same enthusiasm and helping hand is not available when it comes to dealing with every Pakistani Govt in power.

Bailing out Pakistan out of the debt may it be half of what it is currently would benefit and help not only Pakistan but China mutually investing in all critical projects that immensely benefit Chinese economy as well.

I’ve given a thought and introduced it over here gentlemen your thoughts, do participate..

I’ll ask moderators to keep the thread clean and under surveillance and remove all flaming posts.
It is all business, US is the biggest consumer of made in china product. they are their biggest customer. If they go down so will the chinese export. Apart from that US promises of giving better and secured return on their investment. US stills enjoy AA+ rating. As a investor that is very crucial to see the solvency issues.
China has invested in USA, In long run they will make 2 trillion out of this 1 trillion... What will they get after bailing out Pakistan??? Its all business, No one is brother or frnd here.

That is why I have opened this thought pondering thread as to what is wrong and what is there to gain or not gain from Pakistan, it is pretty clear Pakistan is called the Golden Sparrow and Govts have been manipulated by the west for a long time.

PS. We too want business not brotherhood as you can see among arabs a failed term. Readup my post offer business in return for paying off debt i cannot come to the conclusion but i do think as long as we have pro western puppets in the Govt who serve their interests we won't get a positive single from China.
Current Investing in Pakistan is like investing in an Bankrupt Company.

Pakistan should take major reforms and try to stand on her feet firmly.
That is why I have opened this thought pondering thread as to what is wrong and what is there to gain or not gain from Pakistan, it is pretty clear Pakistan is called the Golden Sparrow and Govts have been manipulated by the west for a long time.

PS. We too want business not brotherhood as you can see among arabs a failed term. Readup my post offer business in return for paying off debt i cannot come to the conclusion but i do think as long as we have pro western puppets in the Govt who serve their interests we won't get a positive single from China.

The key is political stability, If you do some research you will find that most of the countries prosper under a politically stable regime. Instituitions in a country are their biggest strength to make conducive atmosphere. You have to make them as strong as possible. West is so powerful is beacuse of that only. Their judiciary, parliament, press, law enforcement agencies and election commission are very powerful and accountable to nation. Business opportunities prosper in this kind of atmosphere.

Offtopic: If u see the current state of karachi who would like to invest in pakistan ? My friend I hope you get the message.
you are seeing Sino - US relations in terms of "friendship" as sino have invested sum money into it. tht in itself is wrong.

Nothing personal, but well educated members should give up such kind of thinking tht if there is good financial relation then they are friends and if not then vice versa.
indian companies have invested millions in China. TCS and INFOSYS have campuses there. but then just see their military postures towards each other. same holds true in case of Sino-US also. Some time back there was military exercise between Korea and US near Yellow sea, US selling arms to Taiwan, have large base in Japan and Korea. some time have aggresive military posture against China.

PAk. members just give up this bortherhood... and Ummah. U guys have two versions only. Either friend or Enemy.
Current Investing in Pakistan is like investing in an Bankrupt Company.

Pakistan should take major reforms and try to stand on her feet firmly.

Does not make sense either to invest in a country that has crossed the lending limits and headed towards bankruptcy only to find out someone bailed it out and and then fell into the same pit and got ready to borrow more loans except this time China did not lend.

I think China blundered over here by providing $1 trillion to US.
If your neighbor is doing well you are doing well, China did not follow this policy or atleast to say did not give it a try.
That is why I have opened this thought pondering thread as to what is wrong and what is there to gain or not gain from Pakistan, it is pretty clear Pakistan is called the Golden Sparrow and Govts have been manipulated by the west for a long time.

PS. We too want business not brotherhood as you can see among arabs a failed term. Readup my post offer business in return for paying off debt i cannot come to the conclusion but i do think as long as we have pro western puppets in the Govt who serve their interests we won't get a positive single from China.

I think the Chinese are a prudent lot and different to us South Asians in the way they think. They don't get emotional unnecessarily and think of atleast two to three decades ahead. They have genuine partnership designs for Pakistan and also have invested some 30 to 50 billion dollars recently i think in bilateral agreements very recently. Now about bailing out Pakistan, i think they want you to help yourself and i think they will help when needed.

However the two constraints are, deteriorating situations in Pakistan and another factor that is relationship with West (read America) Although the relationship is at rock bottom now, decades old relations are not broken so easily.

Keeping in view above facts, we can say they will move in slowly but surely. Another big factor according to me is Afghanistan which will play crucial role in this, why because if China wants to go to middle east through Pakistan it has to pass this country. Now if Pakistan can have a neutral government there it is a win win for China and Pakistan. However if the resultant structure is not so friendly, then it will be a serious blow for your bilateral future plans. Out of my little knowledge and grasp of some issues that China will consider, i have given above. I could be wrong too so i will wait for you comments and inputs of others.
Will chinese members support the notion of bailing out Pakistan?
---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

Will chinese members support the notion of bailing out Pakistan?

whether they support or not does tht change anything on the face of reality. stop asking to "show up" urself as and when attitude
Does not make sense either to invest in a country that has crossed the lending limits and headed towards bankruptcy only to find out someone bailed it out and and then fell into the same pit and got ready to borrow more loans except this time China did not lend.

I think China blundered over here by providing $1 trillion to US.
If your neighbor is doing well you are doing well, China did not follow this policy or atleast to say did not give it a try.

Sorry what the US right now is facing is a spending problem. However it already has and will always have the drivers that can restart the economic engine. Its the basics of a country in manufacturing, services and other atmosphere conducive for Investments.

In addition if the Chinese don't do this will US default?? It is hard to think of. Also if it does what is the system that is going to replace US internationally?? China at present does not want to take place of USA, which u have to keep in mind.
Sorry what the US right now is facing is a spending problem. However it already has and will always have the drivers that can restart the economic engine. Its the basics of a country in manufacturing, services and other atmosphere conducive for Investments.

In addition if the Chinese don't do this will US default?? It is hard to think of. Also if it does what is the system that is going to replace US internationally?? China at present does not want to take place of USA, which u have to keep in mind.

World Bank has a -ve review their verdict is US will have to from scratch fix their economy replan and it will take years to cope with spending problem and what not.

$1 Trillion is alot to try to bail out a country if they couldn't mean extremely bad economic policies.

Get back at the topic. Strange no Pakistani members over here.
Because China knows that a collapsed US economy will have extremely adverse effects for the export oriented Chinese economy.

There's not such compulsion associated with a potential collapse of Pakistani economy.

In fact, as I mentioned in some other thread, a collapsed Pakistani economy works out in China's interest.

Any collapse of the Pakistani economy will automatically make Pakistan a lackey of China.

Pakistan will be the drug addict and China will be the drug dealer.

What nation on Earth could refuse such a temptation?
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