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Why Bangladesh should support Sunni Arab and oppose Iran led Shia extremism

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This is the dumbest thing I have ever read and there are some epically retarded threads in this forum. BD manpower export is primarily to the Sunni GCC countries anyway and we have traditionally sought good relationship with everyone. I see no reason to change any of that.

Your proposition that we train our people and actively participate in an intermuslim conflict is so so so stupid it beggars belief. BD primary threat comes from India and then Burma. Our primary goals should be to develop our nation economically, interconnect economically socially and strategically to the rest of the world, beef up our defenses to safeguard our sovereignty.

BD has no business getting involved in an issue that does not impact us.
"Churi Biddya Baro Biddya, Jadi Na Pore Dhora (Thievery is a great art if the doer doesn't get caught)", having said that I just want to reveal that the skillfulness of Bastard MUA in stealing election ((Excerpt from my 4 yrs old post, 300 BA officers were engaged individual charge for each constituency after proper vetting. One relative of the informer was off from this duty. Breg. Mamun controlled those officers. The scheme was to target 100 confirm BNP seats. These seats had to be given to BAL by any means. In Dhaka division out of 94 seats no seat would be given to BNP jote. It was confirmed to the informer 3 days before election.The chosen 100 seats have taken under special care. 20 big centers were picked from each seat and their presiding officers were given selectively. These 20 presiding officers were either hindu/ confirm BAL. These presiding officers were specially briefed. Simultaeniously Greater Noakhali district were kept out of this plan to show the neutrality of MUA as his brother and relative were candidate. Khaleda Zia’s and some other seats were also kept undisturbed. Specially north Bengal, Dhaka Division, Khulna Division were targeted. For the purpose all center has a new room for presiding officers which was never before. For these 20 each center, under special care 1000 ballot were marked in boat and were put in 1/2 ballot box earlier and handover to the designated presiding officers. They kept it in his room.

During polling when a box was filled by vote it was taken to Presiding Officer's room where the "Pre filled box' were kept.’Community Police" were used for carrying this special ballot box.
While vote was counted all box were opened and amalgamated real vote and fake vote altogether. After the counting result were announced in center wise. People or the loser party could not make cry.

Average 20000 votes were given in a constituency for BAL beyond the original casting. Only the thing: concern presiding officers were asked to slow the turn out. those who could not control, that's why some centers' casting were 95%- 104% (including canceled vote). The returning officers were posted earlier 98% from BAL supporter. They cooperate the process 100%. This way people/ observer saw: "a free fair, vote, jubilant vote high casting is the cause of BAL wining"))
and his disciple Shoharowardy in scripting Reshma's drama demonstrated that their co-horts would beat ASAD's mighty force with 'Bengali Gulail' as their Guru's claimed of beating modern PAK-MIL through Lungi kacha's skill. So, I support sending the king of mercenaries to go to sheikdom and take Arab's camouflage to ask " Kafi Fuluch, Kitna Moujud for selling our arses".
Both Bhutto and BB were fiercely nationalistic and the idea that they promoted Shiaism (or were pro-Iran due to being Shi'ites) is preposterous.

Bhutto famously courted, and got support from, the Iranians, Gaddafi and the Saudis.

He was one of the few Pakistani leaders who managed to work all sides of the Arab/Iranian aisle, notwithstanding the fact that his feudal mentality cost us East Pakistan.
Ok. Set up Sunni extremist unregistered madrassas and wait for 5 years. Hindus and other minorities would be targeted by the extremist and demands would be made to declare Bangladesh as a sunni state.

Bangladesh would be destabilized.

Since Bangladesh' state is already weak and extremists would be delighted to live here and develop a network. Funds would flow in from all around the world.

Bye bye Bangladesh.

You are right Guy, You can foresee this so as I but it would be very difficult for the people living in Bangladesh and Pakistan to digest this. Right minded people will also become fundamentalist slowly in an atmosphere of Hatteras between communities. I foresee a dark future of people of Pakistan and Bangladesh and to some extent India.
Bhutto famously courted, and got support from, the Iranians, Gaddafi and the Saudis.

He was one of the few Pakistani leaders who managed to work all sides of the Arab/Iranian aisle, notwithstanding the fact that his feudal mentality cost us East Pakistan.

Shah was more Persian then Shia. For me the main architects of East Pakistan disaster remain to be Ayub and Yahya. Two thugs who were head of state and the buck finally stops at them.
Shia ideology is much more weaker than 'sunni' ideology. Apart from the controversial question of successorship of the Prophet there shouldn't be any reason why anyone would follow Shiaism. The question of successorship is irrelevant now. So other things imported from inferior religions and paganism and other innovations adopted to manifest the difference with mainstream Islam would be rejected by them gradually with the spread of genuine Islam. Leave them alone and they will automatically assimilate into mainstream Islam.
Shia ideology is much more weaker than 'sunni' ideology. Apart from the controversial question of successorship of the Prophet there shouldn't be any reason why anyone would follow Shiaism. The question of successorship is irrelevant now. So other things imported from inferior religions and paganism and other innovations adopted to manifest the difference with mainstream Islam would be rejected by them gradually with the spread of genuine Islam. Leave them alone and they will automatically assimilate into mainstream Islam.
Current form of Shiaism has more on promoting 'Iranian nationalism' in order to establish Persian- imperial-domination rather than serving the true Islamic cause, IMO. Like Safavid forcefully converted Sunni Iranian to Shiaism in order to glorify Persian civilization; the current Khomeniat also took the forceful+diplomatic route to establish similar cause that didn't have correlation with the greatness of Islamiat. Path of confrontation of GULF kings and of Khomeniat aren't the need of hour, although I support the punishment of ASAD, Khomeniat for their gruesome killings in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. So, unity among Muslims are the need of the hour, IMO.
most of the Syed and Mirza families were once Shia but over time they all mixed with overwhelming Sunni population and follow most sunni culture. But they still celebrate Moharram and some other shia culture. I believe other shia's specially who settled in the countryside in Sultani era are all now Sunni.

I heard even Khaleda Zia's family was once Shia.
some facts for thread readers :

bangladeshis are sunni hanafi.

shia community is very insignificant.

we sunnis dont hate them at all. it has never been an issue.

bangladesh is close to both arab countries and iran.

largest islamic party jamat e islam activists are pro-iran.

yet almost everyone in this country support syrian rebels.
i dont know if you know i liked Gaddafi
yes i like Iran Libya Lebanon Pakistan Palestine Yassair Arafat etc.. India ( i dont like everything there)
i dont like Saudi gov Qatari gov but the people in there is good as far as i know
I love Muslim Bother hood in Egypt but i didnot like Morsi
i am not supporting Shia Sunnis in here
Sunnis Shitties people like you make the different problem

Bangladesh is a Islamic Country
India has relation with Iran and Saudi and Qatar a good relation
India dont need to scare of Sunni or Shitte

most of the Syed and Mirza families were once Shia but over time they all mixed with overwhelming Sunni population and follow most sunni culture. But they still celebrate Moharram and some other shia culture. I believe other shia's specially who settled in the countryside in Sultani era are all now Sunni.

I heard even Khaleda Zia's family was once Shia.

I would concur as we are syed. It's been many generation since we migrated into BD. At some point as is the case with all syed we would have been Shia, but in our living memory of my family we have followed Hanafi mahdab. I do not know any actual Shia of actual Bengali descent. Does anyone? It has always been my understanding that Shias are composed almost entirely of those who migrated during the creation of Pakistan. In old Dhaka amoungst the kutties there are a few Shia but these guys are Bihari who were bought over by the Dhaka nawabs as servants. By the way Dhaka nawabs- the kwaja family were Sunni.
"Churi Biddya Baro Biddya, Jadi Na Pore Dhora (Thievery is a great art if the doer doesn't get caught)", having said that I just want to reveal that the skillfulness of Bastard MUA in stealing election ((Excerpt from my 4 yrs old post, 300 BA officers were engaged individual charge for each constituency after proper vetting. One relative of the informer was off from this duty. Breg. Mamun controlled those officers. The scheme was to target 100 confirm BNP seats. These seats had to be given to BAL by any means. In Dhaka division out of 94 seats no seat would be given to BNP jote. It was confirmed to the informer 3 days before election.The chosen 100 seats have taken under special care. 20 big centers were picked from each seat and their presiding officers were given selectively. These 20 presiding officers were either hindu/ confirm BAL. These presiding officers were specially briefed. Simultaeniously Greater Noakhali district were kept out of this plan to show the neutrality of MUA as his brother and relative were candidate. Khaleda Zia’s and some other seats were also kept undisturbed. Specially north Bengal, Dhaka Division, Khulna Division were targeted. For the purpose all center has a new room for presiding officers which was never before. For these 20 each center, under special care 1000 ballot were marked in boat and were put in 1/2 ballot box earlier and handover to the designated presiding officers. They kept it in his room.

During polling when a box was filled by vote it was taken to Presiding Officer's room where the "Pre filled box' were kept.’Community Police" were used for carrying this special ballot box.
While vote was counted all box were opened and amalgamated real vote and fake vote altogether. After the counting result were announced in center wise. People or the loser party could not make cry.

Average 20000 votes were given in a constituency for BAL beyond the original casting. Only the thing: concern presiding officers were asked to slow the turn out. those who could not control, that's why some centers' casting were 95%- 104% (including canceled vote). The returning officers were posted earlier 98% from BAL supporter. They cooperate the process 100%. This way people/ observer saw: "a free fair, vote, jubilant vote high casting is the cause of BAL wining"))
and his disciple Shoharowardy in scripting Reshma's drama demonstrated that their co-horts would beat ASAD's mighty force with 'Bengali Gulail' as their Guru's claimed of beating modern PAK-MIL through Lungi kacha's skill. So, I support sending the king of mercenaries to go to sheikdom and take Arab's camouflage to ask " Kafi Fuluch, Kitna Moujud for selling our arses".

I have read your comment several times but I am sorry I did not understand it in terms of relevance or subtext. You will excuse me therefore if I do not respond as not sure what I am responding too.
Mia bhai,
Before posting anything ,I carefully went through all the post to understand what everyone is trying to say.after reading suffice to say this subject is bogus from religion and Geo political point of few.
1.religion point of vew-Shias as in clan dose not hold any religion besis.please check wiki.they're foundations as religion clan is not acceptable because then Allah wouldn't have taken away Prophet(pbuh)s 3 sons.Monarchy would have established. By Allah's law daughters sons are not my families descendent they are from my son in laws,And Arab and parsian monarchy was made in recent man made history, completely for regional politics. Find the book-The last Shah

2.Geo political reasons- being a Bangladeshi who's major income is remittance, what's middle east and other Arab world is bickering about should not be our look out.we need jobs from them ,akama, and dollars, that's about the relationships will ever go/grow.
We are currently under a secular,fascist, killer gov.Most probably the next one will be same.we are in brink of a civil war.our internal conflict/ hate rad is getting out of control.No brother hood to save us ,only brothers wearing hoods trying to kill us .And descendants of SHAITANs are trying to start monarchy s in Bangla.
So , no we are not going anywhere or doing anything. We should not throw stones while living in a glass house.
Do not undermine @kalu_miah posts....At least whenever he posts in PDF, he has some relevant facts and logic..The argument might sounds odd to every one because everyone understand but they are not ready to accept..

I dnt know if u are being sarcastic or anything.. :lol:
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some facts for thread readers :

bangladeshis are sunni hanafi.

shia community is very insignificant.

we sunnis dont hate them at all. it has never been an issue.

bangladesh is close to both arab countries and iran.

largest islamic party jamat e islam activists are pro-iran.

yet almost everyone in this country support syrian rebels.

Not true. There are many in this forum itself who are against FSA.
Not true. There are many in this forum itself who are against FSA.

Those who are against the FSA probably because they are seeing a pattern of let's say Tunisia or more specifically libya to see the caos change has bought. Syria was also a bulwark against the Zionist and the they probably see this as a western plot to weaken Syria.

On my part I support the FSA because Assad et al are undemocratic. Fall of Syria will weaken anti zionists forces in the short term but in the long run will strengthen Syria. No nation can fight unless it is at peace with self and for that peace to exist the autocrat in Damascus must be taken down.
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