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Why Bangladesh should support Sunni Arab and oppose Iran led Shia extremism

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In a vote I would vote for maintaining status quo. We will send manpower to anyone who is willing to pay, we will trade with everyone if it is profitable, we will interact in every field with any one to lift BD.

Kalu says BD is friendless, I say we have many friends. Our foreign policy is an open hand to the world, let it always be so.

+1 to that!
@kalu_miah....BD has a good advantage among Islamic nation and others worlds too due to its image of diversity.....BD is a nation that can fit into Sunni,Shia, West and Eastern world...So having such an advantage, what will be the benefit when you club yourself into a specific Sunni world? I mean what are the exact political and economic benefit you will get out of it?

Bangladesh is a 100% Sunni nation. We have minuscule relationship with Shia majority nations like Iran or Iraq.

What we get out of it is building stronger bridges with the 400 million strong Arab Sunni world, under Arab League. Arab League will be a major force in future world affairs. They will also play a major role in African Union-Arab League combine, which will give them much more weight than Shia Iran can ever hope to achieve. Besides Shia will never help us, unless we convert to Shiism. Shia only help the Shia. I heard in India they have great Shia business networks, Azim Premji is a Shia for example.

Shia's have transgressed and need to be taught a lesson and we the Bengali Sunni Muslims should help our Arab Sunni brothers to teach them a lesson, so they fall in line and wake up from their upstart dream of Shia supremacy by fomenting needless trouble in Arab world.
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FSA is recognized by USA, EU and Friends of Syria states - our men will be fighting under that command. Our Military may be involved covertly to train our people either at home, if we have a BNP govt., AL will not allow it. Only interested volunteers will be recruited, I believe mostly people with strong Muslim background with needy families will come forward. There has to be some monthly salary for them and some reward to their families for becoming Shaheed. And they will have to be recruited as migrant workers, officially.

KSA, Qatar, Turkey did not declare war on Syria, nor will we.

If we are true Sunni Muslims, we should care about saving our fellow Sunni Muslims in Syria from any aggressive force that is trying to destroy them.

Saudi's, Libyans, Tunisians, Chechens many are fighting in Syria, but mostly they are extremists. We need to make the moderate FSA more sizeable and powerful, so they can balance the threat from foreign extremists after the war is over.

No dude, we are too far away. Our people can not remain covert. I would not send our men to a foreign country to be under the command of foreigners. In any military engagement success is determined by command structure and purpose. If BD intervenes anywhere our forces must be lead by our commanders with clear goals. In absence of this you are sending our men to die and I for one feel what is happening in Syria is terrible but although 100k has died I still do not think the situation is worth even one BD life. Syria is an Arab problem they need to find a solution themselves. Please stop seeing your own people as cannon fodder in other peoples war.
Bangladesh is a 100% Sunni nation. We have minuscule relationship with Shia majority nations like Iran or Iraq.

What we get out of it is building stronger bridges with the 400 million strong Arab Sunni world, under Arab League. Arab League will be a major force in future world affairs. They will also play a major role in African Union-Arab League combine, which will give them much more weight than Shia Iran can ever hope to achieve. Besides Shia will never help us, unless we convert to Shiism. Shia only help the Shia. I heard in India they have great Shia business networks, Azim Premji is a Shia for example.

Shia's have transgressed and need to be taught a lesson and we the Bengali Sunni Muslims should help our Arab Sunni brothers to teach them a lesson, so they fall in line and wake up from their upstart dream of Shia supremacy by fomenting needless trouble in Arab world.

I am not sure if Mr Premzi is shia.But he is a respected man in our country.So your presumption is that you would like to bring BD into a league of powerful nation or blocks...Your assessment is logically correct....but if you see the otherside of your argument, at this point of time, being neutral does not mean that you are not Sunni world. Again I am not sure that is the Sunni nations does not entertain if you do not side with them exclusively? I donot think this is happening...

For example SA or Gulf world, India in spite of being Non Islamic nation, maintain a good trade and healthy reationship. A big section of our people gets job in Gulf and SA. I do not see SA discriminate based on if Indian muslim people are Sunni and Shia..

Any my point is that i have seen strong Islamic nations to whom I admire like Turkey and Indonesia, they really do not worry uch about Shia and Sunni factor of Muslim world...And still then people admire these 2 nation....Again ...I may be wrong..my interpretation is based on just reading and getting very much preliminary information from internet.
No dude, we are too far away. Our people can not remain covert. I would not send our men to a foreign country to be under the command of foreigners. In any military engagement success is determined by command structure and purpose. If BD intervenes anywhere our forces must be lead by our commanders with clear goals. In absence of this you are sending our men to die and I for one feel what is happening in Syria is terrible but although 100k has died I still do not think the situation is worth even one BD life. Syria is an Arab problem they need to find a solution themselves. Please stop seeing your own people as cannon fodder in other peoples war.

You are entitled to your views, but the matter will be decided by Bangladeshi people and their representative govt., when we have a true representative govt.

And everyone willing to go and fight for this cause will do it on their own, it will be a voluntary force. So everyone will know what they are getting into, when they sign up.

As I said, we appreciate your views, but you do not represent or speak for all Bangladeshi people, and neither do I, for that matter.
I am not sure if Mr Premzi is shia.But he is a respected man in our country.So your presumption is that you would like to bring BD into a league of powerful nation or blocks...Your assessment is logically correct....but if you see the otherside of your argument, at this point of time, being neutral does not mean that you are not Sunni world. Again I am not sure that is the Sunni nations does not entertain if you do not side with them exclusively? I donot think this is happening...

For example SA or Gulf world, India in spite of being Non Islamic nation, maintain a good trade and healthy reationship. A big section of our people gets job in Gulf and SA. I do not see SA discriminate based on if Indian muslim people are Sunni and Shia..

Any my point is that i have seen strong Islamic nations to whom I admire like Turkey and Indonesia, they really do not worry uch about Shia and Sunni factor of Muslim world...And still then people admire these 2 nation....Again ...I may be wrong..my interpretation is based on just reading and getting very much preliminary information from internet.

Mr. Premji is a Gujrati Ismaili Shia according to wiki:

Turkey is materially helping Syrian opposition rebel forces, despite the trouble the local Alevi's are causing them. Indonesia, there is a fight between secular and Islamic forces there and the secular are currently in power, so no possibility of help from there. But if given the opportunities, many from Indonesia will come forward to fight for fellow Sunni brothers in Syria.

Shia and Sunni have always been separate and have separate Ummah's. Read this book by Vali Nasr: The Shia Revival, to get a good idea about Shia Sunni dynamics and how its affecting not just Muslims, but world affairs.
This thread is about future direction of Bangladesh foreign policy. Foreign policy is about building bridges with other countries, nations and people's - to promote and enhance national interest. I personally have no hatred for the Shia Muslims. I am not takfiri, I believe Shia's are Muslims. But since 1979, Iran's theocracy or Mullahcracy have been promoting a very virulent form of Shia extremism, to unite and help all Shia's at the expense of their Sunni neighbors, in campaign after campaign of ethnic cleansing, starting in Lebanon civil war, then taking advantage of the removal of Saddam in Iraq and now killing Sunni's in Syria, in collaboration with their Shia Alawite Assad regime and Shia Hezbollah.

The ideal outcome would be eventually for the Sunni's to wake up, beat the Shia and remove the threat of Shia supremacy so that Shia world again become a junior partner of the greater Sunni Muslim world and at least not subvert or threaten Sunni Muslim interest.

This is not a call for persecuting common Shia's of the world, and those in Bangladesh, but to urge them towards an understanding that they must leave the path of a futile conflict they will loose, give up the dream of Shia supremacy and thus return to sanity.

As one of the largest Sunni Muslim nations of the world, Bangladesh has responsibility to take direct role in this conflict. If needed and invited we should actively recruit people, perhaps as migrant workers who can then get trained in Mid-east and take part in the current conflict in Syria and future brewing conflicts in Iraq and Lebanon, so that we can help Sunni countries win and eventually integrate the whole region under greater GCC and Arab League. If we help our Sunni brothers in achieving an integrated Arab League Union and become powerful as a result, they can then help us in our hour of need, when we need their help.

A more integrated Arab world is in greater Sunni Muslim interest, it will reduce external influence, such as US, Chinese or Indian influence in these countries and make them more free to choose Sunni Muslim interest without having to worry about non-Muslim countries who they depend on, such as US, China or India.

I will cross post a series of posts I have made in other threads on this topic.

It never ceases to amaze how some posters from BD feel that they are at the center of the world and the Sun , Moon & Stars - all revolve around BD.

" Bamboo bamboo in the grass why not going up my a*** ?" This is the cliched line we used for ppl who invited trouble. It seems to fit aptly here.

The title & subject @ discussion should be " Why BD should shut up & mind its own business to grow steadily ".
In a vote I would vote for maintaining status quo. We will send manpower to anyone who is willing to pay, we will trade with everyone if it is profitable, we will interact in every field with any one to lift BD.

Kalu says BD is friendless, I say we have many friends. Our foreign policy is an open hand to the world, let it always be so.
You are a smart guy..I agree with you...We should love ourselves and try not to harm others...Be with those nation who provide trade, investment and benefit to you without expecting any thing superficial in return...Your world will be peaceful.
We should mind our business untill we get to the point where we can hold a mighty position and proper and sound influence.

What we have in Syria is a civil war, a common parallel can be drawn with that of the Spanish civil war. Please read upon the fate of the volunteer force there. Only people that can help here are the neighbours of Syria.

You need to ask yourself why are they not helping. Other than the fact that Syria has no oil I suspect it is because Saudi Arabia is too scared to confront Iran. Beyond the bluster the Arabs are essentially Sheeps. Turkey has a high Shia allawi population so do not wish to rock the boat. Our intervention I can see only opens up a can of worms. I am trying but in absence of a clear quantifiable benifit to us I do not see how you are advocating this course of action.
It never ceases to amaze how some posters from BD feel that they are at the center of the world and the Sun , Moon & Stars - all revolve around BD.

" Bamboo bamboo in the grass why not going up my a*** ?" This is the cliched line we used for ppl who invited trouble. It seems to fit aptly here.

The title & subject @ discussion should be " Why BD should shut up & mind its own business to grow steadily ".

It should not be amazing at all. Within BD area why should BD not be the centre of discussion.

If you do not like it move on to another thread.

If you however care about the specific topic you will see a wide range of view being expressed.

What we have in Syria is a civil war, a common parallel can be drawn with that of the Spanish civil war. Please read upon the fate of the volunteer force there. Only people that can help here are the neighbours of Syria.

You need to ask yourself why are they not helping. Other than the fact that Syria has no oil I suspect it is because Saudi Arabia is too scared to confront Iran. Beyond the bluster the Arabs are essentially Sheeps. Turkey has a high Shia allawi population so do not wish to rock the boat. Our intervention I can see only opens up a can of worms. I am trying but in absence of a clear quantifiable benifit to us I do not see how you are advocating this course of action.

I ask you one thing, is it ok for Muslim to accept zulum and stay silent? We cannot help all the situations because we do not have sufficient power to affect the outcome, but this Syrian conflict, I believe we have sufficient man power to affect the outcome and tip the balance. If we can save one Muslim life by bringing the conflict to an end sooner, then our entire nation will earn that sawab, not to mention the gratitude of 400 million Arab people. Many of them are divided and do not have the means to go and fight due to lack of logistics and due to hostile ruling govt. But I believe we are in a position to make a difference.

Why are you so unwilling to help our Arab Sunni brothers in their time of need? Is it because you had Shia ancestors and still feel some vestige of loyalty towards them? I mention it because you posted this info yourself making it public. My apologies in advance if I hurt your feeling. In any case, I thank Allah (SWT) that your family have converted to Sunni faith.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever read and there are some epically retarded threads in this forum. BD manpower export is primarily to the Sunni GCC countries anyway and we have traditionally sought good relationship with everyone. I see no reason to change any of that.

Your proposition that we train our people and actively participate in an intermuslim conflict is so so so stupid it beggars belief. BD primary threat comes from India and then Burma. Our primary goals should be to develop our nation economically, interconnect economically socially and strategically to the rest of the world, beef up our defenses to safeguard our sovereignty.

BD has no business getting involved in an issue that does not impact us.

I guess some people still don't see what's happening in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan.
They want Bangladesh to get involved in this idiotic conflict and become like those countries.

The best thing would be for Bangladesh to tell both Iran and Saudi Arabia to keep their extremism to themselves, no thank you.
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