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Why Bangladesh should support Sunni Arab and oppose Iran led Shia extremism

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There is no exact estimate of Shia numbers in Bangladesh, some say it is 50,000 and most are not originally from Bengali Muslim ethnic group. The video shows Bangladesh is a tolerant country not just to Shia's but to Hindu's, Christians, Buddhists and other minorities and even heretics like Mirzai/Qadiani/Ahmadi.

This does not mean that as a country we have to support mad Mullah's of Iran in their Shia faith based extremism to kill Sunni Muslims in Syria, Iraq or Lebanon.

1.This video shows that Bangladesh is a diverse nation, therefore Bangladesh should not take a anti-Shia sectarian policy.

2. More shia muslims have died as a result of Sunni extremism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,etc.. than any other sect within Islam.
Neither Arabs nor Iranians care about Bangladesh. Stop flattering yourself. :lol:

But you guys do,a lot at that,na?that's nice.:smitten:
Shia, in Bd is not necessary same as Shia in Iran/Iraq/Lebanon(Hezbullah). There are few percent's, probably less than 5% may be consider as Kafir due to fact that they believe that Hazart Ali should have been prophet(nauzubillah) instead of Muhammad(s.a.a.w). This 5% has nothing to do with main stream Shia followers. However I'd like to add that I do not endorsed the mega event of Muharram where certain Shia follower bleed themselves with sharp chain/knife, etc.

Like among Shia, Sunni Muslims also has their version of cult. They are called Qadianis.

Quadianis are a Shia sect or rather they are an offshoot of the twelver shias.

Shiraz-ud-dullah was Shia.
I know for as fact quadianis don't consider themselves as shia.they do not follow the style of salah like shias nor they make a religious practice of muharram.
No such thing as Shiia or Sunni.....dont be sectarian minded mental slaves
stick to the basic Islam people

don't fall for the Arab Persian thing
No such thing as Shiia or Sunni....

Now you are being delusional. The conflict is real however Bangladesh is irrelevant.

But you guys do,a lot at that,na?that's nice.:smitten:

Of course we do. After all we gave you freedom. :flame:
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