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I ask you one thing, is it ok for Muslim to accept zulum and stay silent? We cannot help all the situations because we do not have sufficient power to affect the outcome, but this Syrian conflict, I believe we have sufficient man power to affect the outcome and tip the balance. If we can save one Muslim life by bringing the conflict to an end sooner, then our entire nation will earn that sawab, not to mention the gratitude of 400 million Arab people. Many of them are divided and do not have the means to go and fight due to lack of logistics and due to hostile ruling govt. But I believe we are in a position to make a difference.
Why are you so unwilling to help our Arab Sunni brothers in their time of need? Is it because you had Shia ancestors and still feel some vestige of loyalty towards them? I mention it because you posted this info yourself making it public. My apologies in advance if I hurt your feeling. In any case, I thank Allah (SWT) that your family have converted to Sunni faith.
I oppose your position not out of any alligence to Shia doctrine as I am not Shia although a few generation ago my family were, but rather because there is no calculable benefit in BD getting into this mess. swab is not enough. This really is a regional problem best left to the people in the area. We as a nation are not rich enough to meddle and interfere internationally. Dude we do not even produce much of our own weapons, how can we possibly support such adventure? Are we to spend our hard earned foreign currency to buy weapons from the Chinese to supply Syria? Come on dude the Chinese have vested interest and have threatened to veto resolutions on behalf of Syria. India is also one of the biggest oil customer of Iran. By intervening we place our own strategic interest at risk. Should we really risk damaging relation with syrian ally russia who is transfering tech and building our reactors, or china or india? Every international action has to weighed up from a perspective of cost and benifit. I see a whole lot of cost and not a lot of benefit. Islamic Ummah I do believe in but not national suicide.