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Why Bangladesh should support Sunni Arab and oppose Iran led Shia extremism

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I think one expatriate Bangladeshi should first move to Syria to fight for moderate FSA then we might also consider becoming mercenaries for our Arab Sunni brothers. :sniper:

How do you know he's not in Syria right now running short on soldiers so suddenly started recruiting on PDF??Or what if he's with the CIA trying to distinguish pro-Persia people and forming a hit-list to hit us with drones??
Thanks to Bangladeshi's for expressing their views in this thread.

Today we find ourselves in a situation where we are being ruled by incompetent thugs brought to power with direct help from India and with tacit behind the scenes approval from the West. And then they change the constitution to abolish caretaker govt., imprison and kill thousands of opposition workers and continuing on with a sham trial just to harass and corner Jamat. They create a Shahbag circus organized by secular atheists, again aided and supported by India to prove that Bangladesh is turning towards secularism and then kill Muslims who protest such a portrayal of Bangladeshi Muslims and ill treatment of common bearded Muslims by security forces.

We are waiting for an election in 6 months, not knowing if it is going to be rigged to continue the rule of the same illegitimate ruling party.

Yet we are unwilling to take some risk and make friends and make deals with people who could potentially help us get out of this morass.

I would say if such is the state of our collective thinking, then we deserve our current predicament, because the problem is really us and not those who bother us. If we are sheep, we deserve to be eaten by wolves. So we should not complain like we see everyday by some posters, about India doing this or that to Bangladesh, we should accept our fate as it is, as an unwilling but submissive vassal state of India. This is our proper place in this world and we should enjoy this state of being.

Anyone who supports the Shia, even remotely, I will have nothing to with them period, because to me, the fate of 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims is above everything else and Shia Iran is the arch nemesis and threat, much bigger than Israel/Zionist, West or even Hindu can ever be. Looks like they have done a good job of brainwashing our sheep by their fake stance of standing up to the West and their incessant propaganda machine, but they do not fool me. I will always be against these traitors and the enemy within.
these guys have a force of 50,000....don't count out g4s either, they are big too.

As long as Russia watching the back of Asad, FSA have no chance in winning. Even USA said, its impossible to impose no fly zone over Syria. Asad also has non regular Hizbullah on his side who can defeat FSA by themselves.
How do you know he's not in Syria right now running short on soldiers so suddenly started recruiting on PDF??Or what if he's with the CIA trying to distinguish pro-Persia people and forming a hit-list to hit us with drones??

It doesn't matter.

By the time they see Jamatis and Shahbagis, the pilot remotely controlling the stupid drone will die from a heart-attack and the drone will crash loooong before it reaches any of us.
As long as Russia watching the back of Asad, FSA have no chance in winning. Even USA said, its impossible to impose no fly zone over Syria. Asad also has non regular Hizbullah on his side who can defeat FSA by themselves.

FSA reached the golan heights no? It will be simply a battle of money....one pouring more money will eventually win. Next, you will hopefully see egypt backing FSA or attacking hezbollah.
There had been reports of in-fighting within FSA.


Wanna become a mercenary?
Craft International

Experience is mandatory:cheesy:

I didn't get you. Is experience mandatory for joining FSA or any other salafi brigades? Its going to be a bummer for me to serve them if its indeed needed because I dont have any. :hitwall:
Oh God!!! How am I now going to repay our Arab Sunni brothers for everything they have done for us?:cry: We indeed owe them a lot for beheading 7 Bangladeshis for murder when a Canadian with a proven murder charge is now safe and sound in Canada. So, much for (Sunni)Brotherhood.
I didn't get you. Is experience mandatory for joining FSA or any other salafi brigades? Its going to be a bummer for me to serve them if its indeed needed because I dont have any. :hitwall:
Oh God!!! How am I now going to repay our Arab Sunni brothers for everything they have done for us?:cry: We indeed owe them a lot for beheading 7 Bangladeshis for murder when a Canadian with a proven murder charge is now safe and sound in Canada. So, much for (Sunni)Brotherhood.

academi mercenaries are highly paid and highly professional. There are a lot of ex special forces guys in it.
Thanks to Bangladeshi's for expressing their views in this thread.

Today we find ourselves in a situation where we are being ruled by incompetent thugs brought to power with direct help from India and with tacit behind the scenes approval from the West. And then they change the constitution to abolish caretaker govt., imprison and kill thousands of opposition workers and continuing on with a sham trial just to harass and corner Jamat. They create a Shahbag circus organized by secular atheists, again aided and supported by India to prove that Bangladesh is turning towards secularism and then kill Muslims who protest such a portrayal of Bangladeshi Muslims and ill treatment of common bearded Muslims by security forces.

We are waiting for an election in 6 months, not knowing if it is going to be rigged to continue the rule of the same illegitimate ruling party.

Yet we are unwilling to take some risk and make friends and make deals with people who could potentially help us get out of this morass.

I would say if such is the state of our collective thinking, then we deserve our current predicament, because the problem is really us and not those who bother us. If we are sheep, we deserve to be eaten by wolves. So we should not complain like we see everyday by some posters, about India doing this or that to Bangladesh, we should accept our fate as it is, as an unwilling but submissive vassal state of India. This is our proper place in this world and we should enjoy this state of being.

Anyone who supports the Shia, even remotely, I will have nothing to with them period, because to me, the fate of 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims is above everything else and Shia Iran is the arch nemesis and threat, much bigger than Israel/Zionist, West or even Hindu can ever be. Looks like they have done a good job of brainwashing our sheep by their fake stance of standing up to the West and their incessant propaganda machine, but they do not fool me. I will always be against these traitors and the enemy within.

Dont insult your own people by saying everything from shahbag to a local rapes on India. Perhaps a person living in BD can talk better than someone living elsewhere.
Muslims like you, who preach secularism to the west, cannot preach the same in ur own nations. Such hypocrites
FSA reached the golan heights no? It will be simply a battle of money....one pouring more money will eventually win. Next, you will hopefully see egypt backing FSA or attacking hezbollah.

Russia and America are very used to this kind of games. Either party can drag the conflict for decades... Its not all about money, but about the interest of the super power. As long as Syria can keep Russia interested, Asad will be there. And what makes you think there is any shortage of cash in Asad's side. He is backed by Russia, China, Iran, Iraq.
Russia and America are very used to this kind of games. Either party can drag the conflict for decades... Its not all about money, but about the interest of the super power. As long as Syria can keep Russia interested, Asad will be there. And what makes you think there is any shortage of cash in Asad's side. He is backed by Russia, China, Iran, Iraq.

there goes our help for sunni brothers. i was even thinking of signing up, owing so much to kuwait :pissed:
I would say if such is the state of our collective thinking, then we deserve our current predicament, because the problem is really us and not those who bother us. If we are sheep, we deserve to be eaten by wolves. So we should not complain like we see everyday by some posters, about India doing this or that to Bangladesh, we should accept our fate as it is, as an unwilling but submissive vassal state of India. This is our proper place in this world and we should enjoy this state of being.

There are ways to hurt Indian hegemony.

The answer lies in economics. Rural economy in particular. It's not as hard as it appears.

It's just some powerful idiots here and there within Bangladeshi circles of power. In time it is for the Bangladeshis to decide. It's a matter of time.

Again I ask: What can the Arabs do to contain India?

Or better yet what can Bangladeshis achieve by blowing up a cafe filled with innocent and hard-working folks breaking their fast in another part of the world? Is it just because they are Shia?

Anyone who supports the Shia, even remotely, I will have nothing to with them period, because to me, the fate of 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims is above everything else and Shia Iran is the arch nemesis and threat, much bigger than Israel/Zionist, West or even Hindu can ever be. Looks like they have done a good job of brainwashing our sheep by their fake stance of standing up to the West and their incessant propaganda machine, but they do not fool me. I will always be against these traitors and the enemy within.

Yeah, like we'd ever become a part of this unholy Jihad.

How do you know he's not in Syria right now running short on soldiers so suddenly started recruiting on PDF??Or what if he's with the CIA trying to distinguish pro-Persia people and forming a hit-list to hit us with drones??
I think we have all proven ourselves to be Pro-Persians here. Damn I can hear the sound of those predators buzzing all over the skies now. Didn't want to die this young. I am not even married. :cry:
I didn't get you. Is experience mandatory for joining FSA or any other salafi brigades? Its going to be a bummer for me to serve them if its indeed needed because I dont have any. :hitwall:
Oh God!!! How am I now going to repay our Arab Sunni brothers for everything they have done for us?:cry: We indeed owe them a lot for beheading 7 Bangladeshis for murder when a Canadian with a proven murder charge is now safe and sound in Canada. So, much for (Sunni)Brotherhood.

I meant that you should keep it legal:D

Blackwater (Academi) and Craft are legal PMC's (Private Military Corporations).

In a way, they are mercenaries.

They get good money too! (generally higher than national military)

For the Salafists, well depends on experience and the assignment. Unless you are willing to die of-course!:cheesy:
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