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Why Bangladesh should support Sunni Arab and oppose Iran led Shia extremism

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That's because it was exactly what you were implying.

Well, good, now go and comment in the OICPKF thread, as it has implications for Bangladesh economy and remittances.
Well, good, now go and comment in the OICPKF thread, as it has implications for Bangladesh economy and remittances.

If it makes business sense, then why not?

What you were saying on those threads are your opinions and ideals. Not empirical facts.

An OIC Peace-keeping Force don't even exist.
If it makes business sense, then why not?

What you were saying on those threads are your opinions and ideals. Not empirical facts.

An OIC Peace-keeping Force don't even exist.

I think you did not read the posts in that thread. It is a proposed force, obviously it does not exist now.
@Arabian Legend
Sorry Dr. Legend for not getting back to you on time. I've been busy with work and stuff.

I understand that the people of BD would like to maintain relations with Sunnis Arab nations and Iran. If they could manage to do some sort of balancing between both then that would be good. However, if they DO FAIL to do so, then they'd better realize that when Iran gets involve in country, it will bring nothing but chaos, as such, they might resort to some options like cutting their diplomatic ties with Tehran. Also, I understand that BD has a small Shia community, which is fine, and BD should look after them, some people are insanely violent.

Kalu mian and his anti shia BS.. why am i not surprised...

Actually, Shias have never been targeted as much as what we see these days out of the blue, it is all political. You will want to go through Pakistan's history to learn from it. The Pakistani Shias ,I have met, were one of the most civilized people I have spoken to. The point @kalu_maih is trying to make is wether to support the Iranian regime or not, which unfortunately happens to be an extremist Shia. Just to make the picture clearer, The mullahs' doctrine is as tasteful as Al-Qaida and its affiliations, and Hezbollah. A threat to world peace is worth spoken about.
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@Arabian Legend
Sorry Dr. Legend for not getting back to you on time. I've been busy with work and stuff.

I understand that the people of BD would like to maintain relations with Sunnis Arab nations and Iran. If they could manage to do some sort of balancing between both then that would be good. However, if they DO FAIL to do so, then they'd better realize that when Iran gets involve in country, it will bring nothing but chaos, as such, they might resort to some options like cutting their diplomatic ties with Tehran. Also, I understand that BD has a small Shia community, which is fine, and BD should look after them, some people are insanely violent.

Actually, Shias have never been targeted as much as what we see these days out of the blue, it is all political. You will want to go through Pakistan's history to learn from it. The Pakistani Shias ,I have met, were one of the most civilized people I have spoken to. The point @kalu_maih is trying to make is wether to support the Iranian regime or not, which unfortunately happens to be an extremist Shia. Just to make the picture clearer, The mullahs' doctrine is as tasteful as Al-Qaida and its affiliations, and Hezbollah. A threat to world peace is worth spoken about.

Bro, the Shia extremists that took power in Iran in 1979 are smart and deceptive, their mode of operation is:

- a false propaganda just like the zionists
- use state terrorism (Iran and Syria) and pseudo state terrorism (Lebanon, Hezb) to crush opponents just like the zionists and never support non state actors like Al Qaeda types
- never attack the West directly with non state actors like Al Qaeda types

Our people are essentially clueless about this Shia extremism issue, because they have no direct experience with these extremists like people in your region do, from Lebanon, to Iraq and now in Syria. They think it is none of their business and will not affect them, but I believe they are wrong. They need more on the ground information about Shia extremist activity and how it may affect us in the future.

Just as Sunni extremists are a threat to world peace, so are Shia extremists, who have taken power in the large and resourceful state of Iran and using that resource for spreading that extremism to destabilize an entire region, using their proxies in different countries.
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Cross posted from another thread:


1. Let us look at the founding leaders of Pakistan.
a. Jinnah was born into the Punja sub sub sect of the Ismaili sub sect of the Shiah sect. The name, "Mohammad Ali" that his parents gave him is significant. He bore the name of the Holy Prophet as well as Hazrat Ali who is considered by the Shiahs as their first Imam. In his youth Jinnah was totally Anglicized in England. His attitudes changed, gradually first, but rapidly later when he came in contact with Muslim leaders and intellectuals. We must understand, Jinnah was highly intelligent and could grasp matters quickly. He was rational and the Message of Islam won him over in no time. Although he had his biological ties to Shiahs and was much under the influence of the Ismaili Imam Aga Khan, Jinnah followed the true course of a simple Muslim unencumbered with sectarian connections. Jinnah had Parsi Rutti converted to Islam and named Maryam before marrying her. When she died she was buried in the Muslim graveyard of Bombay with Islamic rites. And when his only child, Dina, decided to marry a non-Muslim, Jinnah simply disowned her. I am convinced to say that by the time Jinnah died, he had become a good Muslim by understanding the essence of Islam, its political philosophy, its economics and its ethics.
b. The next strong man Liaqat was a Shiah.
c. Nazimuddin was technically a Kshmiri Shiah but that family had really got absorbed into the mainstream of Bengalee Muslims hardly identifying themselves as Shiahs. The real power then lay in the hands of Ghulam Mohammad, a Qadiani, and Iskandar Mirza, a Shiah.

2. Ayub was the first Sunni strong man in Pakistan. When more research is done we will know whether there was a Shiah nexus to bring him down. In fact Ayub had made a fatal mistake to disbelieve Brig Ahmed's reports all along that there indeed was a conspiracy to throw him out of power. Ahmed, a close confidant and former MS(C) to Ayub had been appointed IB Chief.How can one rationalize starting Op Gibraltar without the knowledge of the other two Service Chiefs, top military commanders and senior political leaders, unless this was a conspiracy by Bhutto and Musa to oust Ayub? Both were Shiahs. And we must recall that any intention of Ayub to fight back in 1969 was given up when the Shah of Iran had advised him to go.

3. The Shah had dreams of becoming the Shahinshah of Iran -Pakistan. Did he encourage Yahya to crack-down on the Eastern wing with inevitable result? During the Persepolis celebrations he was keen that Pakistan withdraws from the East. His idea was to have a consolidated kingdom of Irano-Pak!!!

4. Then came Bhutto, a Rajput Shiah.

5. Gen Zia and Nawaz were/are Sunnis coming in between / after Sihahs Benazir and Zardari. Mush, with a Qadyiani wife, can be called a half-Qadyinai although he belongs to a Syed family.

6. Pre-1971 Shiah-Sunni tension was unheard of in Pakistan. The schism of Shiahs began as something political, not spiritual. The conflicts and killings that we witness these days is the result of political issues that have been exploited by enemies of the Muslims and Islam who control the media and command endless resources. And this assault on us is not limited to Pakistan only.
As one of the largest Sunni Muslim nations of the world, Bangladesh has responsibility to take direct role in this conflict. If needed and invited we should actively recruit people, perhaps as migrant workers who can then get trained in Mid-east and take part in the current conflict in Syria and future brewing conflicts in Iraq and Lebanon, so that we can help Sunni countries win and eventually integrate the whole region under greater GCC and Arab League.
This is nonsensical rhetoric! Instead of you guys trying to interfere and poking your noses in other countries' affairs by sending your Sunnis to 'help' them in conflicts thereby exacerbating an already screwed up Middle East, it would be far better if you guys concentrate on improving the horrendous problems being faced within your own country by improving the economy, reducing poverty, improving health and education and building infrastructure for the benefit of your teeming millions.

You have no role in the Middle East and no one needs your help. Thank you!
If we help our Sunni brothers in achieving an integrated Arab League Union and become powerful as a result, they can then help us in our hour of need, when we need their help.
Really? And how and in what way can they help you? What have you got so far from the Arabs? They consider you as a basket case and don't want to touch you guys even with a barge pole. Get real and stop smoking weed. Start talking peace rather than war, though for people like you is easier said than done seeing that conflict and war is part of your DNA!

Your post can be described in two words - EPIC FAIL!
Banglasish is free to choose whatever their path , no one force them to follow iran's lead
This is nonsensical rhetoric! Instead of you guys trying to interfere and poking your noses in other countries' affairs by sending your Sunnis to 'help' them in conflicts thereby exacerbating an already screwed up Middle East, it would be far better if you guys concentrate on improving the horrendous problems being faced within your own country by improving the economy, reducing poverty, improving health and education and building infrastructure for the benefit of your teeming millions.

You have no role in the Middle East and no one needs your help. Thank you!

Really? And how and in what way can they help you? What have you got so far from the Arabs? They consider you as a basket case and don't want to touch you guys even with a barge pole. Get real and stop smoking weed. Start talking peace rather than war, though for people like you is easier said than done seeing that conflict and war is part of your DNA!

Your post can be described in two words - EPIC FAIL!

1.Why don't you look into the mirror?

a. More than half of India / Indians up in arms against the oligarchy in Delhi.

b. Every house, every office, every school / college / university, every organization is divided along irreconcilable cast division giving rise to bloody feuds often.

c. Religious riots never end.

d. The State itself kills own people by bombing and terrorism to blame Pakistan and the Muslims.

e. Concentration of the largest number of the abject poor in the world.

f. One million Indians, fed up with life in India, crosses over to the West illegally every year.

g. India is a country described by the international media as the largest open **** house / toilet.

h. Delhi has been named the capital of the Rape-ublic of India.

2. My fingers are giving away. The list is endless. What an awful nation India is. And it will remain so till the Muslims are back in the Red Fort.
Another one of the day dream thread by the Kalu guy.

I would encourage him to leave the kaffir country he has done revrse hizarat to, and go fight alongside the FSA.

And be a martyr in the cause of "Sunni Islam".

The rewards are going to be assuredly worth the pain. ;)

1.Why don't you look into the mirror?

a. More than half of India / Indians up in arms against the oligarchy in Delhi.

b. Every house, every office, every school / college / university, every organization is divided along irreconcilable cast division giving rise to bloody feuds often.

c. Religious riots never end.

d. The State itself kills own people by bombing and terrorism to blame Pakistan and the Muslims.

e. Concentration of the largest number of the abject poor in the world.

f. One million Indians, fed up with life in India, crosses over to the West illegally every year.

g. India is a country described by the international media as the largest open **** house / toilet.

h. Delhi has been named the capital of the Rape-ublic of India.

2. My fingers are giving away. The list is endless. What an awful nation India is. And it will remain so till the Muslims are back in the Red Fort.

We saved you from an ongoing genocide and for that we accept your thanks.

Now go and live your life.

And yes, you can do what people like you do before sleeping every night over this "Muslims back in the Red Fort" thingy. That is all people like you got for the wretched living.
So you are essentially saying your foreign policy should be for sale?

There are more Indians in the GCC than there are Bangladeshis, yet India has balanced relations with both Arabs and Iranians. Something for you to ponder...

That's all you could infer. ;)

You have a tremendous capacity for ignoring everything you don't want to see. Kudos for that.

Makes it so easy to pretend that things that we don't want to see, don't exist.

Money is not an issue here, Gulf nations I am sure will bear the expense.

Chinese have their own strategy to keep good relations with Arabs, they have been paying lip service to Russian interest in this conflict. There is not much Chinese interest at stake in Syria. And Russians sell arms for money, its not like we are going to use our fighter planes in Syria. If they get upset, we can always buy our weapons from China.

India is also a big oil customer of KSA, just as it is of Iran.

Lets do the cost benefit analysis, I am not against it. In every venture, there is risk involved, just like there is potential benefit, so we need to think before we leap. As far as I can see, the benefit is higher than the cost, otherwise I would not create a thread for this idea.

It is not national suicide by any stretch of imagination, rather only cowards and confused end up finishing last in every race, and remain friendless, destitute and poor, and have the dubious distinction of being known as the vassal state of another equally stupid and dirt poor larger neighbor.

You know this is the root cause for all this fantastic day dream (or wet dream if you will). ;)

Guess, we can enjoy the show. Damn good viewing.

Kalu Miah, people like you are a burden that we in the subcontinent don't need. Glad the subcontinent has vomited out some of these unwanted, unneeded people.
That's all you could infer. ;)

You have a tremendous capacity for ignoring everything you don't want to see. Kudos for that.

I respond to the central gist of the post, not the fluff.

Keeps the conversation focused.
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