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Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones

There is only one group of people that I cannot tolerate, Pro-PKK Kurds and leftists.
I can find common ground with all other people
What,you mean you don't like LGBT rights,protesting every day,caring more for Kurds than your own country,considering everything as racist and fascist and don't want open borders? :P
Nobody knows exactly how Iran would respond, various options can theoretically be envisaged, up to letting Baku take control of Zangezur and then using Iranian-trained Armenian guerillas for frequent operations against Azarbaijani forces in the area, as well as against the railway line and road leading through it. Such Armenian guerillas would benefit from a secure base on Iranian soil.

But if Iran does opt for using ground troops, they will most probably be dispatched to secure the Zangezur corridor on the Armenian side, a territory of limited size. I doubt they would enter the Republic of Azarbaijan itself.
İn the end Armenia will give Zengazur corridor with its own decision, When normalization progress with Turkey is over and we open closed borders to them.. Armenians are not Pro Russian or Pro Iranian, they are Pro EU and only thing that keep them away from EU is us keeping land connection to Europe closed for Armenia.
And I'm not worried about any war between Iran and Azerbaijan too because I'm sure we will also do something about İsrael's influence in Azerbaijan because a weak Iran means strong PKK-PJAK and more trouble for us.. And its vise versa for Iran too

What,you mean you don't like LGBT rights,protesting every day,caring more for Kurds than your own country,considering everything as racist and fascist and don't want open borders? :P
Nope and it seems like commie leftists can win both in Greece and Turkey next month.
Forget zangazur if any skirmish occurs Azerbaijan region in Iran will fall to Baku..

Hence war will take place inside Iran not in Armenia or elsewhere.. The azeris are armed to the teeth and martial people. If you think Ukraine overperformed wait until you see this azeris smoke Iran.. Before even Turkey enter..

They are a force to be reckoned with

Even if all of Armenia falls Iran will never get involved but the thing is that Armenia has currently better relations with Turkey and moving away from Russian sphere all together.. Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan will join NATO in the coming years.. Armenia is paving the way for this
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"Iran doesn't support Armenia against Azerbaijan it's just zionist propaganda" said some people :lol:

With or without Iranian drones, Azerbaijan will make short work of Armenia. In just 40 days Armenia's pathetic excuse of a military crumbled.
The power of oil

Azerbaijan need to keep some reserves for future
Forget zangazur if any skirmish occurs Azerbaijan region in Iran will fall to Baku..

Hence war will take place inside Iran not in Armenia or else.. The azeris are armed to the teeth and martial people. If you think Ukraine overperformed wait until you see this azeris smoke Iran.. Before even Turkey enter..

You think Azerbaijan can easily take on Iran?
You think Azerbaijan can easily take on Iran?

Not actully the words I used..

The azeris can easily deploy upto 500.000 men armed to the teeth across the engagement line any Iranian attempt will get stuffed effortlessly and turn into a meat grinder it won't be any cartoonish outcome and they are martial as fuk.

Azerbaijan is above the treeshold of military option for Iran's calculations otherwise it would be massive miscalculation as that would be destructive for both sides unless it was for existential reasons they would never engage each other and definitely not over Zangazur as the real corridor is Georgia anyways who is NATO allied hence Zangazur has no value when you look at the greater picture.

The reason I think the azeri region of Iran could fall is do to an uprising from within due to any potential clash between the two and this not even counting Turkey in the occasion..

This is the military side of things.

From the political side Armenia is gone. They will exit the Russian security group, make good relations with Turkey and join NATO and Turkey's current two allies in the caucasus Georgia and Azerbaijan will join NATO as well. Iran knows that Armenia is permanently moving away. Turkey will give Armenia security assurances in the future and world politics is a weird place but alliances switch with the wind..

This was yesterday.. Armenian defense minister visits NATO headquarters

Armenia has normalized relations with Turkey since last year that was the signal move towards NATO
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The azeris can easily deploy upto 500.000 men armed to the teeth across the engagement line any Iranian offensive will get stuffed effortless and turn into a meat grinder it won't be any cartoonish outcome and they are martial as fuk.
Did the Azeris easily deploy up to even 300,000 men against Armenia? Don't tell me "oh they didn't have to".

What makes you think that Azeris are "martial as fuk"? Were they back in the 90s? Nope. They're just normal.

Georgia anyways who is NATO allied hence Zangazur has no value when you look at the greater picture.
Georgia was friendly to NATO in 2008 too. Of course,other times,but still. Both Russia and Iran would not want to lose Iran's connection to Armenia.

The reason I think the azeri region of Iran could fall is do to an uprising from within due to any potential clash between the two and this not even counting Turkey in the occasion..
This has been mentioned before on PDF,but many of the Iranian members,who are Azeri ethnic themselves,argued about it.They claimed that's not the case. I think some of the guys were @aryobarzan @Dariush the Great @Shapur Zol Aktaf @Muhammed45 @SalarHaqq @Hack-Hook @Arash1991 Maybe I'm wrong about some of these,but many were Azeri ethnic

Iran knows that Armenia is permanently moving away. Turkey will give Armenia security assurances in the future and world politics is a weird place but alliances switch with the wind
Unless that traitor is toppled and the Armenians restore a patriotic government. Turkey,especially Erdogan's Turkey or a Nationalist government,will never give assurances to Armenia,but only want them as a vassal State,while they force them to give more land to the Azeris,to completely unite Naxichevan with the rest of Azerbaijan and then both of them having a secure corridor with Turkey.
LOL until you come out of your moronic ummah mentality, you'll never have an answer to your dumb questions. Serbs also targeted the Catholic Croatians. Guess what?

Italians didn't come to help them, at least from what I know. In fact Italians commonly dislike Croatians because of historical conflicts such as Dalmatia.

This is despite the Italians being Catholic like the Croatians. Too bad you can't see or learn anything outside your moronic Ummah mindset.
Look at Catholicism today and look at Islam today. One is has become a joke while the other has become a force to be reckoned with.

Ummah will always be alive. People like you will continue burning in rage. You beghairats are like Indians. You suck off kuffar just for them to treat you like shit.

Ummah will always be alive and always victorious 🏴

Don't start this bullshit again,it won't end well. We'll start fighting for 50 pages. Enough with the "genocide genocide" of Bosniaks. Kosovo Albanians started the whole thing,you guys need to stop cheering every Muslim,just because he is Muslim. You see Afghans acting like retarded cavemen,do you support them just for being Muslims? No. Well...some of you do,but they are few and dumb (I mean on PDF).

Also,this nonsense of "serbs justl looking for opportunity",is just that...nonsense. Come on,Sayfullah. Don't act like a Salafi.
Respectfully I disagree. Non Muslims even call it a genocide. However, I don’t wanna start with a 50 page argument. So let’s agree to disagree.
Did the Azeris easily deploy up to even 300,000 men against Armenia? Don't tell me "oh they didn't have to".

What makes you think that Azeris are "martial as fuk"? Were they back in the 90s? Nope. They're just normal.

Georgia was friendly to NATO in 2008 too. Of course,other times,but still. Both Russia and Iran would not want to lose Iran's connection to Armenia.

This has been mentioned before on PDF,but many of the Iranian members,who are Azeri ethnic themselves,argued about it.They claimed that's not the case. I think some of the guys were @aryobarzan @Dariush the Great @Shapur Zol Aktaf @Muhammed45 @SalarHaqq @Hack-Hook @Arash1991 Maybe I'm wrong about some of these,but many were Azeri ethnic

Unless that traitor is toppled and the Armenians restore a patriotic government. Turkey,especially Erdogan's Turkey or a Nationalist government,will never give assurances to Armenia,but only want them as a vassal State,while they force them to give more land to the Azeris,to completely unite Naxichevan with the rest of Azerbaijan and then both of them having a secure corridor with Turkey.
You don't know the history of the turkic Azeris they are martial as fuk rest assured and original rulers of Iran you don't know nothing John Snow they are the conquerors and rulers of Iran they are martial people and the most martial ethnicity in Iran..

The azeris were poor back then and new country back then while the Armenians came against Civilians. pfft.

Georgia will get admitted into NATO in the coming years rest assured. They are the corridor not Armenia go look at a map.

Turkey-Armenia are becoming allies and mending ties.. Turkey has already Georgia and Azerbaijan in the causasus as allies and Armenia will cement it. Armenia wants to join NATO.

If Armenia normalizes with Turkey that will mean Azerbaijan and Armenia normalizing as well all of this has been happening thru out the last year and it will come down to Armenia tilt towards the west and having aspirations of joining NATO
You don't know the history of the turkic Azeris they are martial as fuk rest assured and original rulers of Iran you don't know nothing John Snow they are the conquerors and rulers of Iran they are martial people and the most martial ethnicity in Iran..

Screenshot_2023-01-26 X-Factor Barbie Girl - YouTube.jpg

The azeris were poor back then and new country back then while the Armenians came against Civilians. pfft.
Oh is that your excuse? The videos of Azeri elite Geranboy battalion crying and running away,not knowing what to do is nothing? Videos of Azeris losing battles,Armenians rushing to them and even Chechen volunteers being frustrated about Azeri forces and especially officers?

Georgia will get admitted into NATO in the coming years rest assured. They are the corridor not Armenia go look at a map.
Wishful thinking. If that happens,there will be more war and fighting. And if the Russians can't fight with ground forces there,they will seriously bomb the place. If you corner a wounded animal,it will fight back with everything it has.

Turkey-Armenia are becoming allies and mending ties.. Turkey has already Georgia and Azerbaijan in the causasus as allies and Armenia will cement it. Armenia wants to join NATO.
No,that's only the Pashinyan government. Not the people. It's his government. And the people are against it.

If Armenia normalizes with Turkey that will mean Azerbaijan and Armenia normalizing as well all of this has been happening thru out the last year and it will come down to Armenia tilt towards the west and having aspirations of joining NATO
Aliyev wants more than just Karabakh. Erdogan wants more influence. The Iranians and the Armenian people don't want Turkish influence. So do the Russians.
View attachment 924411

Oh is that your excuse? The videos of Azeri elite Geranboy battalion crying and running away,not knowing what to do is nothing? Videos of Azeris losing battles,Armenians rushing to them and even Chechen volunteers being frustrated about Azeri forces and especially officers?

Wishful thinking. If that happens,there will be more war and fighting. And if the Russians can't fight with ground forces there,they will seriously bomb the place. If you corner a wounded animal,it will fight back with everything it has.

No,that's only the Pashinyan government. Not the people. It's his government. And the people are against it.

Aliyev wants more than just Karabakh. Erdogan wants more influence. The Iranians and the Armenian people don't want Turkish influence. So do the Russians.

You are just trolling and can't be taken serious... Do you know who the Safavid empire were or the following Nader Shah empire the Afsharid.. For nearly 500 years in the last recent history the Azeris have ruled Iran.. This is disappointing if you don't know anything about the history, peoples or areas of the world you wanna talk about then stop this empty convo..


If Russia were gonna bomb anyone it was Finland and they didn't bomb them.. Georgia is locked for NATO and that's a wrap and the Russians know already and have made their counter measures already..

It is to late for that Armenia has tilt towards the west...
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You are just trolling and can't be taken serious...
I'M trolling?! 😳 Are you kidding?

You're the guy posting on the forum that Azeris and Central Asians are some kind of supersoldiers. What are you even talking about?

You talk about history,yet you don't know about Armenians and how tough and skilled at warfare they are.

Do you know that your "martial as fuk" and well-equipped Azeris suffered more casualties in the last war? Do you know that if it wasn't for the UAVs and Pashinyan's betrayal of Artsakh,the Azeris would have stuck and lose the war? Even with the disadvantages and lack of modern equipment,the Armenians managed to cause heavy casualties to your well-equipped soldiers.
I'M trolling?! 😳 Are you kidding?

You're the guy posting on the forum that Azeris and Central Asians are some kind of supersoldiers. What are you even talking about?

You talk about history,yet you don't know about Armenians and how tough and skilled at warfare they are.

Do you know that your "martial as fuk" and well-equipped Azeris suffered more casualties in the last war? Do you know that if it wasn't for the UAVs and Pashinyan's betrayal of Artsakh,the Azeris would have stuck and lose the war? Even with the disadvantages and lack of modern equipment,the Armenians managed to cause heavy casualties to your well-equipped soldiers.

Armenia regained independence just recently.. Eastern Armenia have been ruled by successive Turkic Azeris for the last 500 years since the late 19-century Safavid, Asfarid and Qajar empires. While proper Armenia was under Ottoman rule since the 14th century and until late 19-century.

The Caliphate liberated Armenia from the Sassinds who ruled the territory from (428–636) and made Armenia a united country for the first time in centuries..

After the Sasanian period (428–636), Armenia emerged as Arminiya, an autonomous principality under the Umayyad Caliphate, reuniting Armenian lands previously taken by the Byzantine Empire as well. The principality was ruled by the Prince of Armenia, and recognised by the Caliph and the Byzantine Emperor. It was part of the administrative division/emirate Arminiya created by the Arabs, which also included parts of Georgia and Caucasian Albania, and had its centre in the Armenian city, Dvin. Arminiya lasted until 884 then started to falling in the hands of others like ping ball
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İn the end Armenia will give Zengazur corridor with its own decision, When normalization progress with Turkey is over and we open closed borders to them.. Armenians are not Pro Russian or Pro Iranian, they are Pro EU and only thing that keep them away from EU is us keeping land connection to Europe closed for Armenia.

It is true that the current Pashinyan administration is leaning towards not just the west but also Isra"el". After all it was brought to power through a classical CIA-sponsored, fake "color revolution". By virtue of this, it might as well be inclined to give away Zangezur.

This said, many key players wouldn't be seeing eye to eye with him in this regard. The first one being Armenian people themselves, as well as the Armenian opposition. Pashinyan would be walking a very tight rope, as any such decision to cede Armenian land to the Azarbaijanis will be guaranteed to trigger strong reactions domestically. He'd be seen as a traitor (which he already is in large segments of the Armenian public), so there's no guarantee he could successfully pull this off.

Moreover you say Armenians aren't pro-Iran nor pro-Russia, let's assume this is true. Above all however, they are anti-Turkish minded. There's so much bad blood between them, it's not going to be washed away as simply as that.

Then, two major regional actors, Russia and Iran, will also oppose Pashinyan ceding Zangezur to Baku, and will step in to counter it if necessary. Remember Iran using proxies can easily destabilize whatever transportation infrastructures traversing Zangezur. Much of the benefit Baku hopes to derive from it will instantly evaporate. China in particular will never use Zangezur as part of the OBOR east-west route if frequent attacks take place on the road and the railways. Geopolitical tensions alone and the risk of sabotage would be dissuasive enough to Beijing.

And I'm not worried about any war between Iran and Azerbaijan too because I'm sure we will also do something about İsrael's influence in Azerbaijan because a weak Iran means strong PKK-PJAK and more trouble for us.. And its vise versa for Iran too

Iran will not rest until the issue of zionist presence and mischief in the Republic of Azarbaijan is solved. Diplomacy would be the most constructive way forward to that effect, for all parties involved. Saudi Arabia managed to sit at a table with Iran and consequently halted its fruitless attempts at fighting the Islamic Republic at the behest of western and zionist imperialists. The Aliyev regime should take inspiration from that.

If the regime in Baku decides otherwise however, there definitely will be a response from Iran. Even if Iran chooses not to opt for outright use of Iranian ground forces.

This has been mentioned before on PDF,but many of the Iranian members,who are Azeri ethnic themselves,argued about it.They claimed that's not the case. I think some of the guys were @aryobarzan @Dariush the Great @Shapur Zol Aktaf @Muhammed45 @SalarHaqq @Hack-Hook @Arash1991 Maybe I'm wrong about some of these,but many were Azeri ethnic

My family is comprising Azari-speakers as well, yes. All 1000% loyal to Iran, realizing how Iran is and has always been their homeland, and how they are an Iranian people indeed. The very term Azar is Iranian, meaning fire.

In case of full fledged military conflict, Iran would rapidly wipe the floor with Baku.

A fair amount of Baku citizens actually realize it. Here's an example:

The maker of the above video seems to be Azari-speaking Iranian too.
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