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Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones

Armenia regained independence just recently.. Eastern Armenia have been ruled by successive Turkic Azeris for the last 500 years since the late 19-century Safavid, Asfarid and Qajar empires. While proper Armenia was under Ottoman rule since the 14th century and until late 19-century.
Ya Abu Mia Khalifa...the Armenians have a history of thousands of years and they've been great warriors. No matter if they were conquered,vassals or independent,they have been tough fighters. Don't you wonder why there are memes about Armenians winning against bigger forces in the 19th and 20th century?
It is true that the current Pashinyan administration is leaning towards the west and also Isra"el". After all it was brought to power by a classical CIA-sponsored, fake "color revolution". By virtue of this, it might as well be inclined to give away Zangezur.

This said, many key players aren't seeing eye to eye with him in this regard. The first one being Armenian people themselves, as well as the Armenian opposition. Pashinyan would be walking a very tight rope, as any such decision to cede Armenian land to the Azarbaijanis will be guaranteed to trigger strong reactions domestically. He'd be seen as a traitor (which he already is in large segments of the Armenian public), so there's no guarantee he could successfully pull this off.

Moreover you say Armenians aren't pro-Iran nor pro-Russia, let's assume this is true. Above all however, they are anti-Turkish minded. There's so much bad blood between them, it's not going to be washed away as simply as that.

Then, two major regional actors, Russia and Iran, will also oppose any such decision by Erevan and step in to counter it if necessary. Remember Iran using proxies can easily destabilize whatever transportation infrastructures traverse Zangezur. A lot of the benefit Baku hopes to derive from it will be gone. China in particular will never use Zangezur as part of the OBOR east-west axis if frequent attacks take place. Geopolitical tensions alone and the risk of sabotage would be dissuasive to Beijing.

Iran will not rest until the issue of zionist presence and mischief in the Republic of Azarbaijan is solved. Diplomacy would be the most constructive way forward to that effect, for all parties involved. Saudi Arabia managed to sit at a table with Iran and consequently halted its fruitless attempts at fighting the Islamic Republic at the behest of western and zionist imperialists. The Aliyev regime should take inspiration from that.

If the regime in Baku decides otherwise however, there will definitely be a response from Iran. Even if Iran chose not to opt for outright use of Iranian ground forces.

My family is comprising Azari-speakers as well, yes. All 1000% loyal to Iran, realizing how Iran is and has always been their homeland, and how they are an Iranian people indeed. The very term Azar is Iranian, meaning fire.

In case of full fledged military conflict, Iran would rapidly wipe the floor with Baku.

A fair amount of Baku citizens actually realize it. Here's an example:

The maker of the video seems to be Azari-speaking Iranian too.

It is a pipe dream Iran being capable of wipping the floor with the Azeris. It doesn't matter how many cannon fodders they throw towards the front they will not only get stuffed but bashed their skulls in on these Azeri territories.

Iran will never engage Azerbaijan unless it was absolutely necessary like depending on their existential but other then that no.. excluded turkey from the occasion and imaging it was just them two will never engage each other.. Both countries are too developed for that and to destroy their infras for something small..

Azerbaijan knows 100% that Iran is detered militarily and so does Aliyev and his elite.

Azeris will storm the northern Iranian territories in any opportunity provided
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My family is comprising Azari-speakers as well, yes. All 1000% loyal to Iran, realizing how Iran is and has always been their homeland; and how they are Iranians indeed. The very term Azar is Iranian, meaning fire.

In case of full fledged military conflict, Iran would rapidly wipe the floor with Baku.
Man,tell that Titanium guy about it. He seems to think Azeris in Iran will join Aliyev and Erdogan as soon as Azerbaijan moves forces to the border.

Iran will never engage Azerbaijan unless it was absolutely necessary like depending on their existential but other then that no..
Yes it is highly unlikely,but Iran could smash Azerbaijan with hundreds of drones,ballistic missiles and crazy numbers of AT weapons. Sure,they can send thousands to die. Regular Army,Pasdaran,Basij. Can Azerbaijan do the same?
It is a pipe dream Iran being capable of wipping the floor with the Azeris. It doesn't matter how many cannon fodders they throw towards the front they will not only get stuffed but bashed their skulls in on these Azeri territories.

Stop trolling please.

Iran will never engage Azerbaijan unless it was absolutely necessary like depending on their existential but other then that no..

The Supreme Leader has defined a red line. Iran will act accordingly.

Azerbaijan knows 100% that Iran is detered militarily and so does Aliyev and his elite.

Iran had no second thoughts about arming the Iraqi Resistance against the US forces no less, but will somehow be deterred by a minor power such as Baku. Do not waste our time.

Azeris will storm the northern Iranian territories in any opportunity provided

No they won't and they are very far from possessing even a fraction of the capability required to do so. What would rather happen is that the fake Baku republic's assets would get pummeled into dust by Islamic Iran.

Now if you'd kindly refrain from quoting me if the am is to hold this sort of a discussion.

Man,tell that Titanium guy about it. He seems to think Azeris in Iran will join Aliyev and Erdogan as soon as Azerbaijan moves forces to the border.

Such drivel is best ignored.
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Man,tell that Titanium guy about it. He seems to think Azeris in Iran will join Aliyev and Erdogan as soon as Azerbaijan moves forces to the border.

Yes it is highly unlikely,but Iran could smash Azerbaijan with hundreds of drones,ballistic missiles and crazy numbers of AT weapons. Sure,they can send thousands to die. Regular Army,Pasdaran,Basij. Can Azerbaijan do the same?

They will join Aliyev into their death and even follow him to the depth of the oceans. He is a strongman and a king like figure in Azeri society. He has won the hearts of his people with his campaigns and nationalism and His armed to the teeth.. Plus views himself as a LION
They will join Aliyev into their death and even follow him to the depth of the oceans. He is a strongman and a king like figure in Azeri society. He has won the hearts of his people with his campaigns and nationalism and His armed to the teeth.. Plus views himself as a LION
How many per day?

Azeris will storm the northern Iranian territories in any opportunity provided
No they will take advantage of the mountainous terrain and bleed Iran. Defense is their best offense.

The Supreme Leader has defined a red line. Iran will act accordingly.
As I said before It's not going to happen.

As others have pointed out ,Armenian government is even more pro-west than Azerbaijan. We all know Aliyev has good relations with Putin.

I think you will understand too that Armenia just isn't worth shedding Iranian blood over.
Baku Azerbaijan within next 50 years (probably sooner) wil rejoin and be united with Iranian motherland..Take it from a 1/2 Azari 1/2 Fars Iranian who went to school Iranian Azarbiajan ....No worries.
Man,tell that Titanium guy about it. He seems to think Azeris in Iran will join Aliyev and Erdogan as soon as Azerbaijan moves forces to the border.

Yes it is highly unlikely,but Iran could smash Azerbaijan with hundreds of drones,ballistic missiles and crazy numbers of AT weapons. Sure,they can send thousands to die. Regular Army,Pasdaran,Basij. Can Azerbaijan do the same?
Saddam was thinking that Iranian Arabs will join him if he attacks Iran ... we know what happened afterward.
Not actully the words I used..

The azeris can easily deploy upto 500.000 men armed to the teeth across the engagement line any Iranian attempt will get stuffed effortlessly and turn into a meat grinder it won't be any cartoonish outcome and they are martial as fuk.
and you think how many people iran can deploy?

It is a pipe dream Iran being capable of wipping the floor with the Azeris. It doesn't matter how many cannon fodders they throw towards the front they will not only get stuffed but bashed their skulls in on these Azeri territories.

Iran will never engage Azerbaijan unless it was absolutely necessary like depending on their existential but other then that no.. excluded turkey from the occasion and imaging it was just them two will never engage each other.. Both countries are too developed for that and to destroy their infras for something small..

Azerbaijan knows 100% that Iran is detered militarily and so does Aliyev and his elite.

Azeris will storm the northern Iranian territories in any opportunity provided
Iran will engage if its border with Armenia get threatened as we see that as NATO trying cut Iran from Russia and interrupt north-south corridor that we invested a lot in it and turkey can't do anything about it unless they attack Iran and that will be disastrous for them . it mean no tourism revenue for them , damaged infrastructures and an increase in Kurdish unrest so its actually turkey that is deterred there .

and about Azerbaijan attack Iran be assured many in Iran are dreaming about it and wish about is , there are many accounts to be settled here and that give Iran the opportunity to do so
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They will join Aliyev into their death and even follow him to the depth of the oceans. He is a strongman and a king like figure in Azeri society. He has won the hearts of his people with his campaigns and nationalism and His armed to the teeth.. Plus views himself as a LION
the 1000 following Aliyev facing 10,000,000 remain faithful , is Frank Miller writhing another chapter for 300 comics ?
As I said before It's not going to happen.

You'd be mistaken to assume such a thing.

I think you will understand too that Armenia just isn't worth shedding Iranian blood over.

Nothing to do with Armenia but with Iran's own national security and territorial integrity. Those aren't areas Iran can afford to or will in effect compromise on.
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No they will take advantage of the mountainous terrain and bleed Iran. Defense is their best offense.
just think like this Iran take nakhjavan and bleed the rest of Azerbaijan by droning it to oblivion the Azerbaijan can resist as much as they like but why attack mainland mountainous Azerbaijan when you just can take the oil facilities and population centers on Caspian sea and take nakhjavan that they can't reinforce no matter what and drone the rest of Azerbaijan army in mountainous area

I think you will understand too that Armenia just isn't worth shedding Iranian blood over.
the border with armenia is our red line , if Azerbaijan threaten it we consider it as NATO trying to cut us of from Russia and that is our national security
Iran will engage if its border with Armenia get threatened as we see that as NATO trying cut Iran from Russia and interrupt north-south corridor that we invested a lot in it and turkey can't do anything about it unless they attack Iran and that will be disastrous for them . it mean no tourism revenue for them , damaged infrastructures and an increase in Kurdish unrest so its actually turkey that is deterred there .
Turkey's entry into such a war is not a choice, but a decision registered with the agreement.
aka Susha declaration. Iran will also have similer problems like damaged infrastructure and Kurdish,Baloch,Ahvaz unrest..

just think like this Iran take nakhjavan and bleed the rest of Azerbaijan by droning it to oblivion the Azerbaijan can resist as much as they like but why attack mainland mountainous Azerbaijan when you just can take the oil facilities and population centers on Caspian sea and take nakhjavan that they can't reinforce no matter what and drone the rest of Azerbaijan army in mountainous area

the border with armenia is our red line , if Azerbaijan threaten it we consider it as NATO trying to cut us of from Russia and that is our national security
Its not walk in the park.. Drones and missiles are not enough to win war they are only support element, You will need more tank than Russia used in Ukraine to take any city from Azerbaijan
Nothing to do with Armenia but with Iran's own national security and territorial integrity. Those aren't areas Iran can or will compromise on.
Iran's national security doesn't lie in Armenia and frankly you're not making any sense.
just think like this Iran take nakhjavan and bleed the rest of Azerbaijan by droning it to oblivion the Azerbaijan can resist as much as they like but why attack mainland mountainous Azerbaijan when you just can take the oil facilities and population centers on Caspian sea and take nakhjavan that they can't reinforce no matter what and drone the rest of Azerbaijan army in mountainous area

the border with armenia is our red line , if Azerbaijan threaten it we consider it as NATO trying to cut us of from Russia and that is our national security
Nahcıvan would be defended by the Turkish army, any force entering this area would be demolished by TurAF

It's a pretty stupid red line and Iran is connected to Russia via caspian sea and by land through Turkmenistan anyway.

If real Iranian leaders thought like PDF Iranians, Israel would get what they wanted and Turkey and Azerbaijan would end up fighting Iran.
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