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Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones

Israeli support in the war (and I'm not talking about equipment) is vital
The biggest weapon of Armenians are their diaspora and how they can smear Azerbaijan in western capitals and in media. To counter that, you need someone with bigger and deeper pockets and that's where Jews enter the scene. Result, 45 days long war, and almost no mention of Armenia/Azerbaijan war in western media.
I don't like it either but what can you do about it? Israel is too useful to Azerbaijan right now.

Israeli support in the war (and I'm not talking about equipment) is vital

you can see how quickly they can smear you with genocide accusations and turn you into a pariah state.
Indeed, but it doesn't mean Iran must or should accept it without responding. Iran has shown incredibly restraint until now, far more restraint than most Iranians think was wise.

Quite embarrassing for Khamenei and the establishment after they spent so much political capital publicly supporting Azerbaijan's claim to Karabkh/Artsakh in the last war.

What do you think is a proportionate response to Azerbaijan inviting Iran's greatest enemy/threat to its borders and allowing Israel to use Azerbaijan's territory in terrorist operations against Iran (then brag about it on their public TV channels)?
Why is Iran arming Serbia? Serbs still have the same genocidal mentality of the 90s and are just looking for the opportunity to recreate the genocide of Bosnian Muslims or maybe Kosovo Muslims this time.

LOL until you come out of your moronic ummah mentality, you'll never have an answer to your dumb questions. Serbs also targeted the Catholic Croatians. Guess what?

Italians didn't come to help them, at least from what I know. In fact Italians commonly dislike Croatians because of historical conflicts such as Dalmatia.

This is despite the Italians being Catholic like the Croatians. Too bad you can't see or learn anything outside your moronic Ummah mindset.
Many also think they will be loyal to their husbands too O_O

I've heard so man stories and seen so many things online...

I once taunted a Croatian bigot online who came looking for a fight with Pakistanis. He claimed Pakistanis are extremists and Turks want to have nothing to do with them since they are "secular" blah blah blah.

He argued back when I told him little Croatia has no importance in world politics compared to Pakistan. He then boasted it doesn't matter. Croatia is a much better place for homosexuals, for women, better economy, closer to the EU.

Months later I taunted him that Slavic countries must be such a paradise for women that they run away to work as prostitutes abroad rather than stay with their alcoholic husbands who beat them all day.

That comment got to him. Even in Islamabad, the police nabbed a flock of illegal Eastern Slavic prostitutes. Not to suggest they're all like that, but stereotypes go all ways.

Don't start this bullshit again,it won't end well. We'll start fighting for 50 pages. Enough with the "genocide genocide" of Bosniaks. Kosovo Albanians started the whole thing,you guys need to stop cheering every Muslim,just because he is Muslim. You see Afghans acting like retarded cavemen,do you support them just for being Muslims? No. Well...some of you do,but they are few and dumb (I mean on PDF).

Also,this nonsense of "serbs justl looking for opportunity",is just that...nonsense. Come on,Sayfullah. Don't act like a Salafi.

See my last reply to that Pan-Islamist robot.
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The biggest weapon of Armenians are their diaspora and how they can smear Azerbaijan in western capitals and in media. To counter that, you need someone with bigger and deeper pockets and that's where Jews enter the scene. Result, 45 days long war, and almost no mention of Armenia/Azerbaijan war in western media.

What do you think is a proportionate response to Azerbaijan inviting Iran's greatest enemy/threat to its borders and allowing Israel to use Azerbaijan's territory in terrorist operations against Iran (then brag about it on their public TV channels)?
From what I can see, Iran seems pretty much pro-Armenia first that must be corrected

Secondly, Iran should pursue deeper diplomatic and economical ties with Azerbaijan, more trade, more collaboraion and even more cultural relations.

South Azerbaijan (Tebriz and surrounding areas) speak Azerbaijani Turkish and are basically the same people. This can be turned into an advantage.

Importantly, Iranian intelligence agencies should focus on counter-intelligence and they should stop sending agents to Azerbaijan, it just sends the wrong message.

In short, Iran should offer things Israel can't offer.
From what I can see, Iran seems pretty much pro-Armenia first that must be corrected
Directly from Khamenei's website:

"The Supreme Leader’s statements about the Karabakh dispute originate from his justice-seeking outlook and are based on accepted international principles. Today, according to international laws, supporting the territorial integrity of countries is an accepted and irreversible principle. In his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei demanded support for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the liberation of the lands occupied by Armenia."

I think you need to wear your glasses.
Months later I taunted him that Slavic countries must be such a paradise for women that they run away to work as prostitutes abroad rather than stay with their alcoholic husbands who beat them all day.

That comment got to him. Even in Islamabad, the police nabbed a flock of illegal Eastern Slavic prostitutes. Not to suggest they're all like that, but stereotypes go all ways.
But these were mostly Russian,Ukrainian,Moldavian,Bulgarian and some Romanian women as well. Slovenians,Croats and Czechoslovaks,Poles etc. were mostly ok financially not to go that way.
Directly from Khamenei's website:

"The Supreme Leader’s statements about the Karabakh dispute originate from his justice-seeking outlook and are based on accepted international principles. Today, according to international laws, supporting the territorial integrity of countries is an accepted and irreversible principle. In his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei demanded support for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the liberation of the lands occupied by Armenia."

I think you need to wear your glasses.
Well, he's an ethnic Azerbaijani from Tebriz area so it's not surprising.

But Iran as a state policy clearly doesn't support Azerbaijan like Turkey supports Azerbaijan. Or even to the degree that Israel supports Azerbaijan. Placing economic sanctions on Armenia would give Iran some leverage. Closing the Armenia border instead of threatening to defend it (lol) would make Iran suddenly much more valuable.

It's not like Armenia has any importance to Iran. Armenian lobby clearly doesn't support Iran.
But these were mostly Russian,Ukrainian,Moldavian,Bulgarian and some Romanian women as well. Slovenians,Croats and Czechoslovaks,Poles etc. were mostly ok financially not to go that way.

True. But there are prostitutes amongst those countries as well. I gave a semi-satirical response to his rude stereotypes. Besides, the majority of Croatians live outside Croatia.

They lack natural resources and manpower and mostly rely on tourism to sustain themselves. In fact, they were considering adopting an arrival visa policy for Pakistani tourists.

That's how desperate they've become for economic for tourism. Too bad the guy left the fight he started with me. My replies hurt him quite badly. Poor fellow :laughcry:
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LOL until you come out of your moronic ummah mentality, you'll never have an answer to your dumb questions. Serbs also targeted the Catholic Croatians. Guess what?

Italians didn't come to help them, at least from what I know. In fact Italians commonly dislike Croatians because of historical conflicts such as Dalmatia.

This is despite the Italians being Catholic like the Croatians. Too bad you can't see or learn anything outside your moronic Ummah mindset.
Last two times I told people on the forum that many big events of the Bosnian war,basically massacres attributed to Serbs,were propaganda or exaggerated by Western media back in the '90s....I got negative score from a South African and a bunch of Bosniaks and other panislamists rushed to attack me. When I confronted them with facts,I got more negative score from the South African.

The funny thing is,all these panislamists here who talk about the "evil West" and "evil Americans" etc. fanatically believe the lies of Clinton's government who was at the time full of Zionist members and they don't ask to stop for a second:

"Why did the Americans actually cared to protect some Muslims in the Balkans? Why would they care so much about the Bosniaks and then go to war with the Serbs for a bunch of Albanians in Kosovo?"
Well, he's an ethnic Azerbaijani from Tebriz area so it's not surprising.

But Iran as a state policy clearly doesn't support Azerbaijan like Turkey supports Azerbaijan. Or even to the degree that Israel supports Azerbaijan. Placing economic sanctions on Armenia would give Iran some leverage. Closing the Armenia border instead of threatening to defend it (lol) would make Iran suddenly much more valuable.

It's not like Armenia has any importance to Iran. Armenian lobby clearly doesn't support Iran.
First you say "Iran seems pretty much pro-Armenia" now you say "Iran as a state policy clearly doesn't support Azerbaijan like Turkey supports Azerbaijan". So supporting Azerbaijan's claims to Karabakh/Artsakh is not enough, Iran must unconditionally support the regime that invites Zionists to work against it in order to not be deemed "pro-Armenia". Logic is not your strong suit.
First you say "Iran seems pretty much pro-Armenia" now you say "Iran as a state policy clearly doesn't support Azerbaijan like Turkey supports Azerbaijan". So supporting Azerbaijan's claims to Karabakh/Artsakh is not enough, Iran must unconditionally support the regime that invites Zionists to work against it in order to not be deemed "pro-Armenia". Logic is not your strong suit.
I was trying to explain to you that that was Khamanei's personal thing and not Iran's state policy but take that as you will.
I was trying to explain to you that that was Khamanei's personal thing and not Iran's state policy but take that as you will.
Khamenei dictates Iran's state policy, are you new here? His position on Karabakh/Artsakh is the official Iranian state policy and that is reflected by the official statements released by the President, his spokespersons, and everyone else.
As a Pakistani living abroad, I've come to realize one thing: I don't feel affiliated with other Pakistanis just because they're Pakistanis.

Even when living in Pakistan, I only felt affiliated with Pakistanis who think like me.

They have to share my ideology/philosophy to be my friend. It's not that I don't respect other people's opinions, but I just don't feel close to people who think in ways that I feel are not my kind of thinking.

Likewise for Turks, Europeans, Arabs, Iranians, Indians or any other. If they think like me and are open-minded, then i can get along just fine with them.
I don't realy care about ideologies in real life, I rather have a loyal friend with oppusite ideology than to have a snake friend who share same ideology with me but have trash personality.
I don't realy care about ideologies in real life, I rather have a loyal friend with oppusite ideology than to have a snake friend who share same ideology with me but have trash personality.

That too. Personality also counts.
It's not like I can get along with a narcissistic or a lying trouble maker.

And even if I respect the opinions of others, I don't want to share my life with them too much. My ex-brother in law is from a conservative background but he's knowledgeable and respecting of other religions and wants equal religious rights in Pakistan, so I realize he shares my ideology.

He's patriotic and pro-equality, so we can get along for the most part.
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