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Why aren't Chinese students at UK universities getting top degrees?

It is wear, Sir. Not "were". Civilized enough?

So in one short phrase "Were a pant" with 3 words, there are two glaring errors.

Thanks for pointing out, now wear a pair of pants, and be civilized. It's too tiring to reply endlessly from a mobile phone.
Maybe they dont know the language, we all know how nationalistic the Chinese are and English is very limited....
I have some issues with this study, if one can call it that.
1) Grades are supposed to be confidenital. How were they able to get these grades?
2) The sample size is very small, (100 students) from both sides is inadequate for a true study.
3) These grades were obtained from accounting-finance students major only. This is not a true representation.
4) How were these samples obtained? What were the criteria for choosing these 100 students from the Chinese side and the British side? Proper selections or lack of will skew data.
5) Of the 100 British students, how many of these students are foreign born Brits?
6) The "researchers" (I am being generous) supposedly have the results of the variance in marks but yet they did not give the figures. Is this how scientific research are conducted in the UK? Subjectivity over objectivity?
7) did the "researchers" consider the language barrier of the Chinese students? I wonder how Uk students would perform in a Chinese university all taught in Mandarin.

At best this "study" is anything but scientific. It's more like someone using pseudo-science to prove their thesis.

To my dismay, no Chinese members questioned the flaws of the survey, but rather make up excuses for the poor performance of the Chinese students.
I have some issues with this study, if one can call it that.
1) Grades are supposed to be confidenital. How were they able to get these grades?
2) The sample size is very small, (100 students) from both sides is inadequate for a true study.
3) These grades were obtained from accounting-finance students major only. This is not a true representation.
4) How were these samples obtained? What were the criteria for choosing these 100 students from the Chinese side and the British side? Proper selections or lack of will skew data.
5) Of the 100 British students, how many of these students are foreign born Brits?
6) The "researchers" (I am being generous) supposedly have the results of the variance in marks but yet they did not give the figures. Is this how scientific research are conducted in the UK? Subjectivity over objectivity?
7) did the "researchers" consider the language barrier of the Chinese students? I wonder how Uk students would perform in a Chinese university all taught in Mandarin.

At best this "study" is anything but scientific. It's more like someone using pseudo-science to prove their thesis.

To my dismay, no Chinese members questioned the flaws of the survey, but rather make up excuses for the poor performance of the Chinese students.

Because we don't care a single about the survey, nor do Chinese companies care about foreign survey to assess the abilities. The survey is shit.

If we question the flaws the survey, it means we care western assessment standard, in fact ,we don;t care.
Because we don't care a single about the survey, nor do Chinese companies care about foreign survey to assess the abilities. The survey is shit.

If we question the flaws the survey, it means we care western assessment standard, in fact ,we don;t care.
The grade results of these Chinese students have no impact on me either. I only wanted to debunk this "study"
Thanks for pointing out, now wear a pair of pants, and be civilized. It's too tiring to reply endlessly from a mobile phone.
You have a mobile phone? Is it a two-legged or four-legged? Does it have a tail too? And how fast does this Mobile phone of yours move?
FYI, getting a UK degree is easier. Chinese are doing far better in US and Canada. I think many European nations have a disregard in UK's one year master's program.

1 year Masters program like MBA is a huge success. It's getting adopted by many european countries and australia. Unlike in India a fresh under graduate student can't do MBA in a reputed universities.
1 year Masters program like MBA is a huge success. It's getting adopted by many european countries and australia. Unlike in India a fresh under graduate student can't do MBA in a reputed universities.

Executive MBA is one year everywhere.
You have a mobile phone? Is it a two-legged or four-legged? Does it have a tail too? And how fast does this Mobile phone of yours move?

Are you feeling like you were outwitted by someone and now need to settle the score somehow? :lol:
it might be language problem....which is not a small problem anyway....anyway grouping all the chinese as not getting top degrees is stupid, i am sure most of them are doing well like any other nationality studying in U.K.Another reason could be is that those not getting admissions anywhere get seats in U.K easily so these might not be the brightest of the lot.
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