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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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Maybe, unless we conquer space! :D

Chaos and division. After the war against Crusaders and Mongols, many Muslim leaders invested in armies rather than science and research. Many engaged in subversive activities and assassinations against one another.

Thanks for the reply sir....Thanks Again ......

this fitnah has also happened with Hindu's aswell once before Alexender but we were fortunate to have scholar's like Chankya to guide us & leader's like chandragupt to Lead but after the demise of Maurayn empire for almost 1000 years we kept fighting among owerselfs then came the Muslim Invaders who through there barbaric & cruel policy to govern for next 800 years showed us the value of unity & education thats why after 18th century relegeous renasance by likes of Raja Ram mohan roy & others Hindu's axepted the western school of thought's & governance which anabelled us to fight off British Raj get independence ...& that is pricisly why we appreciate jews...Thanks.
citing pdf- and saying you had lot to say- thats the ez way out- or precisely chickenin' out-

I know you are the master of fighting in your own den John. So better keep it for someone else.

Yes I have a lot to say and thats why I am not replying to that idiotic and hillarious marshall race post. What in chanting again and again where India stand viz a viz Pakistan. The guy taking pride of Kargil where his own coward government could not honour its own martyr. Shameful.

Bye the way never saw you outside PDF umbrella.
Jews unlike muslims are united. Muslims back bite each other. Collapse of the ottoman empire is a perfect example. The arabs
were promised independence by the british & french crooks and they fell for it. Look at the M.E today, they have the same
religion and have same language but are divided into dozens of states each ruled by power hungry monarchs. Nationalism and
ethnicity destroyed muslim unity and made us weaker.
In our country we have a few traitors who look to the white man but you your people are a bunch of sycophants who look to whites and Zionists to save you. Bravo not so incredible Indian from not so incredible India

Yes , in you country just few are traitors and rest?????? Impotent????

And that coming from a guy whose nation first lived on white men aid and now getting killed for white men aid. Phew.
I meant by "WE", I was referring to my brethren! "-.-

It is true, Jews were historically very, very weak in politics for starters. Their power was devastated when Muhammad and his followers took over.

From then on, it was a long, long recovery till what they are today. And then, there was the Holocaust.

Muslims too had gone through hard times. The Mongols, the Crusaders, Western Colonialism and most of all, Fitnah. Muslim unity is like a dead fish no longer able to swim.

Zabaniya I don't know how religious you are but as a muslim you should use "Peace be upon him"
after the name of every prophets.:)
They have to be powerful, otherwise JEWS will be an lost species.
I know you are the master of fighting in your own den John. So better keep it for someone else.

Why engage the opponent in a position where he is at an advantage?

Bye the way never saw you outside PDF umbrella.

Why should he ? I think this forum beats the hell out on any other defense forum out there
United as a community, dedication to science and Technology, good at entrepreneurship, never given up their Jewish traditions to any of the conqueror which shows strong will-power and mostly work with their wisdom instead of talking big and acting idiotic.
Why engage the enemy in a position where he is at an advantage?

Why should he ? I think this forum beats the hell out on any other defense forum out there

Oh hell yeah! :partay: With the amount of hate and number of trolls floating about this forum, I'd have to agree its the most entertaining ever. One thing I really learnt from this forums - Its gonna take a Decepticon invasion before Indians and Pakistanis learn to live together. Only then will u guys decide to cooperate and point the nukes and hate at a mutual enemy. :hitwall:
Why engage the enemy in a position where he is at an advantage?

Who says we are enemies?

By the way we have a lot more than rants on the PDF to engage and I am very much for the same here.

Why should he ? I think this forum beats the hell out on any other defense forum out there

Who can deny?? Its the best in business.
But somethings are better unsaid. Its trade off.
Is this not what you were trying to do after getting pissed by his post :P

Sorry couldn't watch the video. In office :(

Anyways hopes that would be sarcastic or funny. Thanks for that.

No more off topic please. Same applies to me.
One needs a scientific approach to political power. The elites of certain communities are specialists in this science.

Modern computing and communication technology brings both opportunities and dangers to the established order.
People always reject israel/jews saying they gets US aid but no one bother to look why is it so.

Jews dominate US politics not because of there ethnicity but there economical and technological advancement in US system.
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