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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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why jews are more succsessful than any other relegeos group even though they were thrown owt of there land some 2000 year's ago by roman's & were prosecuted in all the adopted land's exept INDIA throughowt 2000 odd years and yet through there attitud to educate & sucseed they survived and not only survived they wrested there land back from the palestiene even after the ww2 holocoust against them ....you have to give them credit for it where they are now tell me one other race on the face of the earth which even after thousands of year's of misery & living under constant danger of prosecution survived in foriegn lands still not only got back what was there's but managed to become the undispeuted leader's of the modern world ...kindly do reply Thanks.
I think in historical terms it is no big deal. It took them two thousand years to get the state of Israel. They have held on to it for 70 odd years big deal. Every race religion has it's day. they may well be powerful today but that is very much linked to Pax America. We know America is on the wane. It's doubtful Israel could even exist without the extensive charity they get from America.

In America they have subverted American democracy. they rule America through the proxy that is AIPAC. I do hope that when the Americans wake up to the fact as did the Germans that their country was being ruled by Zionists etc the Americans dont take the same actions as Hitler and Germany did
I think in historical terms it is no big deal. It took them two thousand years to get the state of Israel. They have held on to it for 70 odd years big deal. Every race religion has it's day. they may well be powerful today but that is very much linked to Pax America. We know America is on the wane. It's doubtful Israel could even exist without the extensive charity they get from America.

In America they have subverted American democracy. they rule America through the proxy that is AIPAC. I do hope that when the Americans wake up to the fact as did the Germans that their country was being ruled by Zionists etc the Americans dont take the same actions as Hitler and Germany did

I think in historical terms it is no big deal

Why is surviving for according to you 1900 odd year's in adopted lnds in shadow of fear & prosecution not a big deal?????

They have held on to it for 70 odd years big deal

but how they managed to dominate 70 years even when they had no right &Jew's couldn't own lands across Europe & America before?????????

Every race religion has it's day

so did Islam but deu to infighting & injustice caused to common people we all know where is UMMAH & in what condition????

I do hope that when the Americans wake up to the fact as did the Germans that their country was being ruled by Zionists etc the Americans dont take the same actions as Hitler and Germany did

that is the reason why muslims could not progress even after so called 1500 years of world domination cause they are more happy to pull other's down than uplift there own society

Kindly do answer without prejudice & hate..thanks.
Jews are not some kind of super humans, people!

The reason for their influence is mostly historical.
Jews excelled at trade and commerce back in the olden days (I am talking 500+ years ago), because 1. they were not allowed to own land, and 2. they were allowed to charge interest while christian were not.
As Europe became the worlds power, the Jews used this expertise to gain

control of the monitory systems of many banks in many European countries. And like we all know, he who owns the wealth, owns the country. A major reason Hitler hated the Jews was because he saw their
influence in the Banks and he saw them as agents working against Germany.

In modern times, Jews have leveraged all their advantages to get to where they are now, and that includes playing the victim card on a regular basis.

Sorry, we are not Hinduism, we don't' simply mix and match our religion to our liking.

.i opologise if some body dosent like's my vies but i might be wrong or ignorant so kindly dont over react :angel:

Up untill the 1700s Europe was a faudalist society. Its not only the Jewish folks who couldn't own lands,'it was just about any average person.
Up untill the 1700s Europe was a faudalist society. Its not only the Jewish folks who couldn't own lands,'it was just about any average person.

But there were special laws against Jews owning land because at that time, Land was the true wealth.
This forced them to specialize in other fields, and a lot of them chose banking because they could charge interest and loan money.
But there were special laws against Jews owning land because at that time, Land was the true wealth.
This forced them to specialize in other fields
, and a lot of them chose banking because they could charge interest and loan money.

you gave the answer yourself sir....they (jews) are doninant today cause they were ever vigilant & extearmy motivated to think differntly & innovate and were very flexible in moulding according to the situation ...why ...cause they had no other choice still they are where so called UMMAH with all the Petro dollar's, 1.4 billion population & 56 countries could only dream of...Think!!!!!!
Knowledge, willpower, unity, long-term strategic plans, business domination and monopoly due to these factors.

These are the key reasons. Once you get them, there is no turning back.
Jews are so powerful now- maybe since 15-20 years- their history is full of running aways and taking refuge- Nothing impressing-
That's coz we are dumb.

Sorry, we are not.
Jews: Most hated and vilified community: History is written by winners, as Cristian and Muslims were winner against jew, they wrote the history. Even sex-pear mention jew cunning and cruel in his writings. The question is after so many adversary why they are intelligent?

Answer lies in the question, If you press a bamboo it will return sharply. It won't break. Jews have been migrated, and migration make ppl intelligent. When who migrate, you struggle to survive, that struggle make you strong and powerful.

Its migration which transformed ape into human. (I don believe in Adam-eve fable. )

Jews are so powerful now- maybe since 15-20 years- their history is full of running aways and taking refuge- Nothing impressing-

coz there history was written by victorious.

that is the reason why muslims could not progress even after so called 1500 years of world domination cause they are more happy to pull other's down than uplift there own society

Kindly do answer without prejudice & hate..thanks.

Dutt my little Indian friend. Out to defend Zionists. You and your nation are a joke. The sycophantic behaviour of a nation of 1.2 billion needing help from a nation of 4 million yea 4 million to assist you in Kargill. You a Hindu telling us Muslims about progress is such a laugh. We cant even mention the problems India has cos we get infractions and you Indians start crying. Go home to idf and sort out your own problems. Your hatred for your former rulers Muslims reeks of hatred.

Back to topic no big deal. When Americans realise that their democracy has been subverted no doubt they will react to this phenomenon. But lets hope they don't take a leaf out of Hitler's book.

coz there history was written by victorious.

Exactly my point- the last 20-25 years of success doesn't contribute a dime to the thousands year old below ordinary history- and certainly didn't deserve a thread-
Dutt my little Indian friend. Out to defend Zionists. You and your nation are a joke. The sycophantic behaviour of a nation of 1.2 billion needing help from a nation of 4 million yea 4 million to assist you in Kargill. You a Hindu telling us Muslims about progress is such a laugh. We cant even mention the problems India has cos we get infractions and you Indians start crying. Go home to idf and sort out your own problems. Your hatred for your former rulers Muslims reeks of hatred.

Back to topic no big deal. When Americans realise that their democracy has been subverted no doubt they will react to this phenomenon. But lets hope they don't take a leaf out of Hitler's book.

so my mighty Pakistani friend that's the best you could do ????????

why do you take other's weak point's to justify your leader's collective faliure to govern & uplift the society????????

that is the main reason why jew's are more powerful thanthe so called Ummah......instead of defaming other's & getting sarcastic think positively & innovate & educate no need to bring India or Indian's in it ...Thanks.
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