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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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Until the 1920s almost all of Europe was mostly ruled by the house Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. The British Royal family changed their name to the house of Windsor during WWI

but sir what has that to with jew's bieng so powerfull despite all the odd's...or why muslim's were not able to progress despite 1500 year's of world domination

Google it. Your questions of what other empires gave their masses is beyond the scope of this thread?? what do you want me to do??

back to topic Jews power is hanging by a thin thread. They control America by subverting American democracy. America is going buts and has had its best days. Jews or the state of Israel rely on American charity to survive. when Americans go bust their power will cease.

so you are still hoping that when your opponent dies you will bounce back .......well you can wake a sleeping person but there's nothing in the world that can wake a person in denial?????????Thanks for your extra ordinarry replie's ...Thanks Again .
They have held on to it for 70 odd years big deal

but how they managed to dominate 70 years even when they had no right &Jew's couldn't own lands across Europe & America before?????????

I think in historical terms it is no big deal

Why is surviving for according to you 1900 odd year's in adopted lnds in shadow of fear & prosecution not a big deal?????


Erm... you’re getting all mixed up. Correct the Jews were prosecuted but Zionist weren’t In fact it was them that instigated the holocaust of Jews WW2 in order to get Israel for other reason not for the Jewish religious reason. Beside every Jew (True Jew) believes that it is a curse to have Israel and Israel is more hurmful to a Jew. Also there are a lot of Isaeli jews that know nothing or won’t bother to learn anything about their religion, a religion that is strict on its conduct like Islam.

Every race religion has it's day

so did Islam but due to infighting & injustice caused to common people we all know where is UMMAH & in what condition????

How does Islam had its day...Islam could never haves its day . All the Prophets that was brought down were Muslims. Islam is still going strong rising in most of the western world and the Ummah will come back. You cannot defeat something thats an absolute or is from an Absolute.
God had said he will protect it and believe me there have been many attemps to this day that people try to distort the Quran meanings but fail – you just have to look what people are saying about Islam supporting sucide bombings Quran never mention it and is against sucide so how do you islamaphobe get that idea ?
Beside Islam is for Mankind not just for Arabs but everyone including you.

But if you are mentioning the Muslim yes there is an issue. The reason for that is people pick and choose and do things against the law of Islam for their desires.

I do hope that when the Americans wake up to the fact as did the Germans that their country was being ruled by Zionists etc the Americans dont take the same actions as Hitler and Germany did

that is the reason why muslims could not progress even after so called 1500 years of world domination cause they are more happy to pull other's down than uplift there own society

There is no prove of Muslim trying to pull down another for their benefits. Ayran was just pointing out some facts about the Zionist mistreatment of others around the world.
Guru_ Dutt you forget that Jewish religion has been hijack by the devil-worshipping Zionists in order to control everyone.
but sir what has that to with jew's bieng so powerfull despite all the odd's...or why muslim's were not able to progress despite 1500 year's of world domination

Infighting, wanting to live a life of luxury and no investment in industrialization.

After they lost their empires they also lost their wealth and dignity too
jews are powerful bocz they are back from dead...they have already seen the worst..and they bounced back like none has ever did!!
they were almost extinct..remember


Erm... you’re getting all mixed up. Correct the Jews were prosecuted but Zionist weren’t In fact it was them that instigated the holocaust of Jews WW2 in order to get Israel for other reason not for the Jewish religious reason. Beside every Jew (True Jew) believes that it is a curse to have Israel and Israel is more hurmful to a Jew. Also there are a lot of Isaeli jews that know nothing or won’t bother to learn anything about their religion, a religion that is strict on its conduct like Islam.

How does Islam had its day...Islam could never haves its day . All the Prophets that was brought down were Muslims. Islam is still going strong rising in most of the western world and the Ummah will come back. You cannot defeat something thats an absolute or is from an Absolute.
God had said he will protect it and believe me there have been many attemps to this day that people try to distort the Quran meanings but fail – you just have to look what people are saying about Islam supporting sucide bombings Quran never mention it and is against sucide so how do you islamaphobe get that idea ?
Beside Islam is for Mankind not just for Arabs but everyone including you.

But if you are mentioning the Muslim yes there is an issue. The reason for that is people pick and choose and do things against the law of Islam for their desires.

There is no prove of Muslim trying to pull down another for their benefits. Ayran was just pointing out some facts about the Zionist mistreatment of others around the world.
Guru_ Dutt you forget that Jewish religion has been hijack by the devil-worshipping Zionists in order to control everyone.

thank's for the reply SIR ...Thanks Again .
I wonder why the mods still allow false flager(Aresenal) to keep his account and didn't ban him yet, might i suggest adding him to the ignore list, the best way to treat that type of person.
Au contraire! .....

If the unfit has outside help he can triumph against overwhelming odds. Not every human being acts like a total animal. Many have compassion for the weak too

Do you think it would have been possible to create the state of Israel without the help from post WWII Western powers ?
jews are powerful bocz they are back from dead...they have already seen the worst..and they bounced back like none has ever did!!
they were almost extinct..remember

They are determined people. They did not bounce back ones but on numerous times and occasions. They were almost exterminated during emperor Hadrian's reign, their land of Judea was abolismed and named palestine and syria.
If the unfit has outside help he can triumph against overwhelming odds. Not every human being acts like a total animal. Many have compassion for the weak too

Do you think it would have been possible to create the state of Israel without the help from post WWII Western powers ?
In the realm of possibility, anything is possible but history was written with Jewish blood and Israel came to be.
It's like saying "Would Pakistan have been created if Islam was never introduced to the Indian sub continent?", it was and hence Pakistan.
If the unfit has outside help he can triumph against overwhelming odds. Not every human being acts like a total animal. Many have compassion for the weak too

Do you think it would have been possible to create the state of Israel without the help from post WWII Western powers ?

sir but why did & why are western countries still supporting Irsreal & jew's??????
cause after WW2 they were the victor's then why did they help an almost extinct race of Jew's? cause they could have very easily used other option's to control Suez cannal & Arabian OIL as there ruler's both of egypt & arabia were & are still US & NATO's allies????????
If the unfit has outside help he can triumph against overwhelming odds. Not every human being acts like a total animal. Many have compassion for the weak too
Again, adaption vs suppression of the weak. The "Juice" as a people adapted to their circumstances and survived, they did not suppress other people to achieve the success they enjoy now.
Do you think it would have been possible to create the state of Israel without the help from post WWII Western powers ?
Except for Britain which gave up its mandate (The British Mandate of Palestine) under UN auspices, show me any other post WW-II power which was involved in the creation of Israel?
..cause they could have very easily used other option's to control Suez cannal & Arabian OIL as there ruler's both of egypt & arabia were & are still US & NATO's allies????????

I don't understand
I wonder why the mods still allow false flager(Aresenal) to keep his account and didn't ban him yet, might i suggest adding him to the ignore list, the best way to treat that type of person.

There are many Non Zionist Israeli Jews
Why Are Jews So Powerful????????

cause there's an old saying in hindi....."hey devo shrishti me niyam sadaa atal hai reh sakta hai wahee surakshit jisme bal hai...nirbal ka na koi jagat me thikaana raksha sadhan use prapt ho chahe na na"

it mean's people in this world who is fittest &strong shal survive but the weak even with all the streanth's might not survive and in this case its not only about militarry power but the power which makes every thing work and that's resiliance & idiological & brain power

kindly do reply ...Thanks
The "Juice" as a people adapted to their circumstances and survived,

Your saying that unfortunate death of six million Jews was an act of adaptation ?

Except for Britain which gave up its mandate (The British Mandate of Palestine) under UN auspices, show me any other post WW-II power which was involved in the creation of Israel?

True but at that time the UK was pretty much the US of the time albeit a shadow of its former self and the rest of the Europe of was pretty much in ruins.

They did receive weapons from all over Europe before and after Israel declared independence (including former Nazi weapons)
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