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Why Are Jews So Powerful

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When you believe that your God's chosen people and you stand up after every fall saying it was a test, it makes you stronger. An English proverb comes to mind "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". Its certainly true in case of the jews.
Anothe factor is that they very united, they follow a religion which they believe is only meant for them and they are one ethnic group. Unlike muslims they don't have to worry about ethnicity and languages which might create divisions.
it mean's people in this world who is fittest &strong shal survive but the weak even with all the streanth's might not survive and in this case its not only about militarry power but the power which makes every thing work and that's resiliance & idiological & brain power

Yes those who are resilient and work hard to achieve their goals have a better chance of success. But then that is true for all human beings
Coz they got the JUICE...LOL.............jokes apart... why wouldnt they? with such a small population and world support n a good leadership... n education... its bound to happen...
They hold all the top and most powerful positions in: international/world banking, politics, media and white people believe they are the 'chosen race'.
Yes those who resilient and work hard to achieve their goals have a better chance of success. But then that is true for all human beings not just the Jewish people

The jews have infiltrated every western superpower in the history. They had a strong lobby in the roman empire until Hadrian came and destroyed them, they infiltrated the western banking system until Hitler realized it and took it over, the first thing Hitler did was to takeover the Vienna Rothchild's Banking house, which was the banking powerhouse of mainland Europe at that time.
If this thread posted when Hitler was in power he will probably give orders to their soldiers to kill every jew on the earth till every 1 dead. :sniper:

but i dont agree with tht they r the most powerful :blah: they r the most cruel people living on earth they are crawlese without money.

im sure if every zionist die on earth the world would be in peace ... Belive me
If this thread posted when Hitler was in power he will probably give orders to their soldiers to kill every jew on the earth till every 1 dead. :sniper:

but i dont agree with tht they r the most powerful :blah: they r the most cruel people living on earth they are crawlese without money.

im sure if every zionist die on earth the world would be in peace ... Belive me

This is the definition of antisemitism.
If this thread posted when Hitler was in power he will probably give orders to their soldiers to kill every jew on the earth till every 1 dead. :sniper:

but i dont agree with tht they r the most powerful :blah: they r the most cruel people living on earth they are crawlese without money.

im sure if every zionist die on earth the world would be in peace ... Belive me

The jews were sucking the very life out of Germany, which is why Hitler did what he did. He went a bit far in the way in which he "did it", but "it" had to be done.
Cuz they believe in themselves and are the hardest workers out there. Their education levels, way of thinking is above everyone else. More importantly they don't blame anyone else for their own failures. Instead of hating on Jews people should learn a thing or two from them. Their religion is very open and does not stop them from achieving and becoming successful.
Your saying that unfortunate death of six million Jews was an act of adaption ?

I think you are mistaking "Adapt" for "Adopt" Different words and different meanings.
I specifically used the word "Adapt".

The jews were sucking the very life out of Germany, which is why Hitler did what he did. He went a bit far in the way in which he "did it", but "it" had to be done.
Please explain how?

Another anti-semite!
If this thread posted when Hitler was in power he will probably give orders to their soldiers to kill every jew on the earth till every 1 dead. :sniper:

but i dont agree with tht they r the most powerful :blah: they r the most cruel people living on earth they are crawlese without money.

im sure if every zionist die on earth the world would be in peace ... Belive me
Not true my friend....
you say so cause that's what you have heard about them
Just like you hate jews many hindus also hate muslims:hitwall:
They think muslims are terrorsts.:fie:
Now tell me are you a terrorist??
lol, Yes Education is power, however, Israel will not survive without America, even in the past. And same with USA, it wont survive without Jews. most companies and businesses in USA are owned by Jews, which is why USA is a slave to Israel.
but i have to ask those Jews, where did the math they used come from? the chemistry they studied and used? Astronomy?
did the world forget the history of all of those important subjects?

Where did the math come from is irrelevant in to-days world, can you show us your latest accomplishment other than dictatorships and murderous spree. Is it possible that Math and Chemistry was work of some Jewish individuals who lived in your part of the world? Why has the innovation stopped coming out of your (ARAB) part of the world? The only thing that stands out of your post is hatred and jealousy. Try to change your thought process and only than you can make any positive contribution in the world of today.
If this thread posted when Hitler was in power he will probably give orders to their soldiers to kill every jew on the earth till every 1 dead. :sniper:

but i dont agree with tht they r the most powerful :blah: they r the most cruel people living on earth they are crawlese without money.

im sure if every zionist die on earth the world would be in peace ... Belive me


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