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Why Arabs Lose Wars

Palestinians are the basest thing have ever existed. We hosted them in Jordan, they attacked us but they were beaten up and expelled, the same happened to them in Israel, Lebanon, Lydia, Kuwait, Iraq and now Syria. They are garbage, everyone throw them away :sniper::rofl:

Woww....what the heck am I reading here ! :o:

You were supposed to be an Arab Nationalist or something ! :unsure:

And Queen Rania is a Palestinian ! :azn:
Bro, what happened to the "Arab Nationalism" and "Pan-Arabism"? :what: :)

When you fight 4 wars for them, host 2 million of them and offer them passports and all citizens rights. When you employ all your abilities to defend them politically, and set up hospitals in their territories and send to them aids every while, and what you get in return is insults and accusations of treason, you will have no choice but to hate them.

The very same they did in Kuwait, Kuwait preferred Palestinian workers over others to help them, until their numbers reached 500 k (more than Kuwaiti citizens), and when Kuwait got invaded, they got down streets and chanted for the invaders. I Iraq, they collaborated with Saddam against Iraqis. In Lebanon, they tried to take it over, the same in Jordan. And after we chose to let it go, they wouldn't do so, they always attack you. It's not only about Hazzy but most of them are like this.

I've long feared a Palestinian with Hazzy's mindset here in PDF, because I know them and I knew they would bad mouth me and my country. No matter how much you sacrifice for them, they will always back-stab you in the back. However, when he came here I hoped nothing of this sort would happen, and I warned him several times but he brought it to himself my man. He got what he worked for. :-)
When you fight 4 wars for them, host 2 million of them and offer them passports and all citizens rights. When you employ all your abilities to defend them politically, and set up hospitals in their territories and send to them aids every while, and what you get in return is insults and accusations of treason, you will have no choice but to hate them.

The very same they did in Kuwait, Kuwait preferred Palestinian workers over others to help them, until their numbers reached 500 k (more than Kuwaiti citizens), and when Kuwait got invaded, they got down streets and chanted for the invaders. I Iraq, they collaborated with Saddam against Iraqis. In Lebanon, they tried to take it over, the same in Jordan. And after we chose to let it go, they wouldn't do so, they always attack you. It's not only about Hazzy but most of them are like this.

I've long feared a Palestinian with Hazzy's mindset here in PDF, because I know them and I knew they would bad mouth me and my country. No matter how much you sacrifice for them, they will always back-stab you in the back. However, when he came here I hoped nothing of this sort would happen, and I warned him several times but he brought it to himself my man. He got what he worked for. :-)

Who accused you of treason? All Arabs have collaborators, we had them in Egypt, in Syria and in Palestine. You're not a collaborator, and no, your choice is not to hate us. As I told you, you say you're a fan of pan Arabism, yet the pan arab PLO is what you're describing here. My mindset is perfectly fine, you are against a large portion of Arabs because they have a different opinion than you. All the instances you described have been committed by pan Arabs. I am very simply about this, pan Arabism is like pre Islamic Arabs. We know very well from our scripture and our Prophet(SAW) that it will lead us even more astray. The only thing that can solve our problems is Islam. It's no different today than yesterday, you know exactly that Pan Arabism is a path that will not work and only create more problems. I am very clear when it comes to Jewish colonialists, I don't side with them if it suits me, I never side with them even if they criticize people I don't like. You don't what you're talking about, you support persecution of a huge portion of Arabs because they differ on their views. You have gone from pan arab to Saudi/Egypt anti Islamist camp. None of you care about the I/P conflict, because you're invested in something very wrong. You bring things on yourself, just because I disagree with Saudi/Egypt camp doesn't mean you go anti Palestinian and embarrass us here and let the Jewish colonialists laugh at us.
Arabs were never in wars in the recent years. Those were all lengthy Battles.
Woww....what the heck am I reading here ! :o:

You were supposed to be an Arab Nationalist or something ! :unsure:

And Queen Rania is a Palestinian ! :azn:

The problem with these is people is they aren't a hundred percent Pan Arabs anyways. They want you to accept their ideas, which is two things:

1. We have to solve our problems in our nations caused by Shia
2. Support military regimes and monarchies

Now, let's say I decided to say I support their leaders and their nations and went along #1. What do I get in return? They will not speak about Palestine, they will not support the Palestinians in Gaza, they will actually condemn them even. They will tell us to just go along with the US/Israeli plan which is to completely dominate Palestine and continue their crimes against humanity. This is not reasonable, to be fair to them they're also scared of US/Israel since they threaten us with complete destruction if we even slightly support the Palestinians. Europe and Israel attacked Egypt in 56, these nations attack us on behalf of Israel because of Jewish money and domination. So this naturally means we ask ourselves why don't we develop a strategy to get around this hegemony? What are we doing to change that ? Upgrading relations with them and preventing Saudi citizens from being able to donate to palestine?

They say we have our own affairs, that's what they said before Syria, today they're flooding Syria and Egypt with billions of dollars and tons of weapons. Could they really have not been able to support the Palestinians with even a portion of that? Could they at least take extreme diplomatic action which makes things easier for them? The people would tell you yes, however, the people governing us cannot support palestine simply because the US/EU/Israel do not want us to take matters into our own hands. They want to control how conflicts play out.

I've had someone tell me in a private message that after Syria everything will be focused on Palestine, I really wish that and he probably genuinely does too. But, is that really likely? I don't think so, unless you believe otherwise.

In the end even if I appease them some of them will still stand against the Palestinians here, many are pro Israel and celebrate when Israel gets new weapons. That can't happen, you can't say you're going to liberate palestine later and give credibility to Israel which is a pariah state. Some people all sellout starting to realize how crazy Israelis are becoming and they actually really don't know how they are. They never experienced the intifada days, maybe they are waking up though.

How many Arabs thank my posts regarding the i/P conflict or leave a comment condemning Israel's actions? Only Al-Hasani used to that, the people that are condemning Israel's actions are Pakistanis and Iranians mostly. So there's something fishy when they tell you only focus on Syria right now don't bring up Palestine. Yet, they discuss Egypt and everything else in the Arab world but single out Palestine with an exception of a few people. This is not right.
There was a person recently whom I met and we came up with this very debate. There were few very important points my opponent came up with. I would just quote a one line "Arabs come with their old tanks and say Allah is with us where they are directly disobeying Almighty Allah's command in Surah Anfal where he commanded us to be prepared for war with well trained horses."

One other point is that Arabs are now under the knife of the west unfortunately reason all their money is invested in there. They have no choice but to obey them!
There was a person recently whom I met and we came up with this very debate. There were few very important points my opponent came up with. I would just quote a one line "Arabs come with their old tanks and say Allah is with us where they are directly disobeying Almighty Allah's command in Surah Anfal where he commanded us to be prepared for war with well trained horses."

One other point is that Arabs are now under the knife of the west unfortunately reason all their money is invested in there. They have no choice but to obey them!

Exactly! We are in a difficult position, but , we need to start changing that around! This is what the Palestinian people in Gaza believe and other Arabs who strive for self determination! We need to be doing something to change that around! What is being done? Nothing.
Exactly! We are in a difficult position, but , we need to start changing that around! This is what the Palestinian people in Gaza believe and other Arabs who strive for self determination! We need to be doing something to change that around! What is being done? Nothing.

My heart bleeds for Palestinian people. But it makes no difference does it. My tears won't bring smiles on the faces of thousands of Palestinian children who lost there fathers, mother, sisters, brothers and friends. The only thing that would make any difference would be your actions and my actions. And by actions I mean PEACEFUL action. Make the world realize about it. Make every living person on earth feel the loss these children have beard!
We didn't win against Iran using camouflage of the Arab world

Let me tell you what happened just to tell people who was trying to force his views on who, from A-Z:

1- I'm known here of defending Palestinians and their cause, I've created threads and posts, I've had a lot of fights with Israelis and their supporters and neutralized them.The last one was popeye-turbo whom I created a thread to follow his new accounts and show to Mods to get banned, and 3 of his accounts were banned. And this is one of my recent posts regarding my first part of the above:

Palestinian struggle for freedom. | Page 48

2- The same goes with most Saudis, they've been even the most radical in being anti Israel. However, you've been harassing me and them just because they have a different view than yours, and I warned you about that and told you are not helping your cause, and further hurting Palestinian image and you're forcing them to turn against you. Your response was negligence of my warning.

3- I tried to avoid you as much as I can so we don't reach this point, but you kept following and harassing me and Saudi members.

4- Here I created a new thread about Obama's visit to Riyadh as it's an important visit of a president of the most powerful country to an important Arab country. That's what I got from Hazzy:

Obama begins official visit to Saudi Arabia

I replied and then ignored him. Then this, it's in Arabic:

Obama begins official visit to Saudi Arabia | Page 2

He was talking - after calling us animals - about Zionism, American hegemony and not believing in America. ( Although I have never said I'm pro US, all what was doing is posting NEWS)

I told him to shut up as he used insults and started going crazy about things we have nothing to do with.

5- Then he called me and my people animals, traitors, collaborators, kafirs, atheists, backwards..ect

Obama begins official visit to Saudi Arabia | Page 2

The fights started from there.

Who accused you of treason? All Arabs have collaborators, we had them in Egypt, in Syria and in Palestine. You're not a collaborator, and no, your choice is not to hate us. As I told you, you say you're a fan of pan Arabism, yet the pan arab PLO is what you're describing here. My mindset is perfectly fine, you are against a large portion of Arabs because they have a different opinion than you. All the instances you described have been committed by pan Arabs. I am very simply about this, pan Arabism is like pre Islamic Arabs. We know very well from our scripture and our Prophet(SAW) that it will lead us even more astray. The only thing that can solve our problems is Islam. It's no different today than yesterday, you know exactly that Pan Arabism is a path that will not work and only create more problems. I am very clear when it comes to Jewish colonialists, I don't side with them if it suits me, I never side with them even if they criticize people I don't like. You don't what you're talking about, you support persecution of a huge portion of Arabs because they differ on their views. You have gone from pan arab to Saudi/Egypt anti Islamist camp. None of you care about the I/P conflict, because you're invested in something very wrong. You bring things on yourself, just because I disagree with Saudi/Egypt camp doesn't mean you go anti Palestinian and embarrass us here and let the Jewish colonialists laugh at us.

You're a lying liar. That's why I usually call you a liar, simply not to insult you but because you lie. Look above. Plus. You always call me a collaborator, a traitor, a kafir, an athiest, an enemy of god. I'm not the one who force my view on you, it's you who stalk, harass and insult to force your view on us. What the fvck you freak do my religious views have to do with you? It's not of yourfreaking business whether I'm atheist or not, pan Arab or not, religious or not!

@Armstrong @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @Frogman
Without Jordan Israel would take all the West Bank in 1948 and there would be no Palestinians.

Israeli army was not mobilized in 1973. 20 Syrian brigades attacked 2 Israeli brigades. Yet they failed and ran away. Only Iraqis and Jordanians saved Assad from total collapse.

oh how cute, the Israeli came to help....

and in 1973 Egypt got back Sinai and then the Egypt stopped, thus it put all the pressure on Syria alone...

and you think Israel is fighting its own wars? there wouldn't be Israel if it wasn't for the west and their puppets in the region...

Jordan and Israel cooperated during Yom Kippur War, documents reveal - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Now Wikipedia provide the sources... so don't complain, source [11] is linked...

After the 1967 War and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 242, Gunnar Jarring was appointed by the UN as a special envoy for the Middle East peace process, leading the so-calledJarring Mission. Both Egypt and Israel responded to Jarring's proposals with support for a peace process, but the process did not move forward.[10] Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Syrian president Hafez al-Assad met King Hussein in 1973 to discuss the possibility of war. Hussein, fearing another loss of territory to Israel, declined. Furthermore, Hussein was suspicious of Sadat's promise to PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat to hand over the West Bank to the Palestinians in the event of a victory, as he considered the West Bank to be Jordanian territory. On the night of 25 September, Hussein secretly flew to Tel Aviv to warn Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir of an impending Syrian attack. "Are (the Syrians) going to war without the Egyptians, asked Mrs. Meir. The king said he didn't think so. 'I think they [Egypt] would cooperate'".[11]
On 6 October 1973, Syria and Egypt attacked Israel without the aid of Jordan. A ceasefire was declared on 23 October, but fighting continued until January 1974. The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, after 14 months of diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Israel, and the United States.
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