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Why am I hating America everyday more?

I don't doubt that some Americans think this foreign policy serves America's long term interests, but there are also many Americans who disagree.

Leaving aside the Libertarian objections, it is a foreign policy that is not true to America's ideals. It betrays the core principles of its Constitution and Bill of Rights. Granted those documents were written for domestic application, but a government that compromises its principles in one instance will find it easier to do so again, elsewhere.

Please don't take the following as a flame, because it's true:

Majority of people in the USA feels threatened that these very principles you mentioned are under attack from Muslim religious fanatics. Their internal media also has a hand in it, but so does the large number of 'nuts' present in your country.
There is no reason to hate America for the drone strikes in their present form. They happen with the involvement of the PA and if you dont know that, then I am surprised.

As for Americas past dealings w Pakistan, what is done is done. Instead of 'hating' make the best of the present situation and never put yourself in a similar situation in future. If you haven't noticed, we've been following both mantras viz our official policy.

America has much to teach us. Specifically the focus on innovation, garage entrepreneurship, risk taking and a rolling up the sleeves mentality it posessed in years gone by. Take the best of what America has to offer and ignore the rest if you so wish, but don't see a complex thing like an entire country in such a unidimensional way. You wouldn't be much better than the NYT is on Pakistan if you did that.

Pakistans future is incredibly bright, but unfortunately we pull our own morale down by myopically focussing on negativity. Time to change that.

With all due respect to you Sir, the one who does not understand the nature of American imperialism, refuses to learn from history and ignores the designs America has against Islam and Pakistan is an extremely ignorant person...

Unless someone is on their payroll of course...
Please don't take the following as a flame, because it's true:

Majority of people in the USA feels threatened that these very principles you mentioned are under attack from Muslim religious fanatics. Their internal media also has a hand in it, but so does the large number of 'nuts' present in your country.

Only the Faux News crowd believe the nonsense about the 'freedumbs' being under attack from the 'terrists'

Let's examine the Bill of Rights and see who exactly is attacking these freedoms...

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- Patriot Act undermines this right.

2. A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

-- Not undermined by anyone.

3. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

-- Not undermined by anyone.

4. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be undermined, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- Patriot Act undermines this right.

5. No person shall be held to answer for any capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- US citizens accused of terrorism don't have this right.

6. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district where in the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- US citizens accused of terrorism can be confronted with secret evidence and secret witnesses.

7. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- US citizens accused of terrorism don't have this right.

8. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- US citizens accused of terrorism don't have this right.

9. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- Patriot Act undermines this right.

10. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

-- Terrorists: Nope.
-- Patriot Act undermines this right.
GMSS: why do you have George W. Bush as your avatar? He's the most hated and ridiculed figure, second only to Hitler.

Not in India. He was the best President of US who did many good things to India, the best being the nuke deal.
The bill of rights is applicable to CITIZEN of USA. Your analysis doesn't make sense because what we are discussing is a foreign policy decision. Both things are mutually exclusive.

Oh, and no doubt what you said about 'Faux News' etc. is true. But, when educated people in this part of the world start talking about the superiority of Islam over everyone else, and death to infidels, people start to get a bit fidgety.
The bill of rights is applicable to CITIZEN of USA. Your analysis doesn't make sense because what we are discussing is a foreign policy decision. Both things are mutually exclusive.

Oh, and no doubt what you said about 'Faux News' etc. is true. But, when educated people in this part of the world start talking about the superiority of Islam over everyone else, and death to infidels, people start to get a bit fidgety.

Technically, the US Constitution applies to any person on US soil, including illegal immigrants, and including passengers on US-registered vessels.

But you are right. I stated in my original post that these documents are designed for domestic application. However, they represent the essence of American values and US foreign policy betrays them. And terrorists are not a threat to any part of the US Constitution; it is the US overreaction that is the greatest threat to it.
Oh, and no doubt what you said about 'Faux News' etc. is true. But, when educated people in this part of the world start talking about the superiority of Islam over everyone else, and death to infidels, people start to get a bit fidgety.

which educated people you are referring to? do you know any? if yes then name five please....

every religion or belief thinks it is better and superior to others and should rule the world.. same is the case with the Israeli Zionists.. then you have evangelist Christians and not to forget the RSS fanatics..
tell me which one of those has a higher or good opinion of others..
all of the above call others gentile, lower/ inbred impure races..

mind you.. it is the evangelist belief too that at the time of end of days... the mountains and trees will expose the "dirty Jews" and the righteous Evangelist sons of God will find them and eradicate them.

the cowboys had the same philosophy when they eradicated the heathens from the south America..

point is.. der sir.. please dont be suffering selective memory.. the hateful & racist trait you generously attributed to as a Muslim-Only trait is very much wide spread and rears its head throughout the history..
sometimes in name name of race or sometimes religion.

not sure how you will take it but not very long ago the high caste Hindus will smash the head of an untouchable at the doorsteps of their manson for good luck.. I am sure that ritual was never done out of pure love for the unfortunate untouchables..

I hope you are still reading through I would suggest if you have a stomach then read through the material of these white superimist.. mind you they are not the typical red necks with broken teeth, and a rebel flag on a pickup truck but are highly educated and in respectible positions like district atronies, judges, priests, senators, bankers and business tycons...
I am sure if you allow some fairness then you would have to add their name in the list of "educated Muslims" that want world domination.

There is no reason to hate America for the drone strikes in their present form. They happen with the involvement of the PA and if you dont know that, then I am surprised.

As for Americas past dealings w Pakistan, what is done is done. Instead of 'hating' make the best of the present situation and never put yourself in a similar situation in future. If you haven't noticed, we've been following both mantras viz our official policy.

America has much to teach us. Specifically the focus on innovation, garage entrepreneurship, risk taking and a rolling up the sleeves mentality it posessed in years gone by. Take the best of what America has to offer and ignore the rest if you so wish, but don't see a complex thing like an entire country in such a unidimensional way. You wouldn't be much better than the NYT is on Pakistan if you did that.

Pakistans future is incredibly bright, but unfortunately we pull our own morale down by myopically focussing on negativity. Time to change that.

Having said that America hates most muslim just because of a few extremists.
With all due respect to you Sir, the one who does not understand the nature of American imperialism, refuses to learn from history and ignores the designs America has against Islam and Pakistan is an extremely ignorant person...

Unless someone is on their payroll of course...

with equal and due respect sir.. this was very rude and insulting.... having a difference of opinion and a different take on things is a basic right of a civilized society..

barring that is a practice of fascism and tyranny...

there are many things that I also disagree with you but I never dare to suggest that you are on Saudi/ Al Qaeda payroll... and I assure you that my difference of opinion should also not be taken as being on Western payroll.

With all due respect to you Sir, the one who does not understand the nature of American imperialism, refuses to learn from history and ignores the designs America has against Islam and Pakistan is an extremely ignorant person...

Unless someone is on their payroll of course...

The U.S. has nothing against Islam. Seeing as people can practice it freely here. If the U.S. were "imperialists" like you say then that would not be the case would it ?
The U.S. has nothing against Islam. Seeing as people can practice it freely here. If the U.S. were "imperialists" like you say then that would not be the case would it ?

May be they do not have anything against Islam in reality but America isn't able to convince this to the Muslims. Why hasn't any non-Muslim country been attacked in the name of war against terror.. are all the terrorists Muslims? Even if its so.. why so? Why are these only Muslims who are standing against USA? May be Muslims think America is terrorist and if it is the case, it indeed becomes American war against Muslims. No matter which way you go, you still hold the same ear.

What are arguments in the favor of America on that?
I am not sure why it is so but I am hating America everyday more.. even when I try to convince myself that they are an Ally my mind doesn't buy that.. I feel not only angered but also frustrated for not having a representation of this feeling from the political setup of the country. I am trying to find why is it so.. am I over-reacting or trying to be over-sensitive towards my National Issues or has America really reached a point where it deserves to receive that and I am justified in having this rage inside.

Am I the only one who is on to these lines?

Just watch this, you r not alone.

Books against various religions by Amazon Book Search

Search Term "Against Islam" - 2,010
Search Term "Against Christianity" - 1,139
Search Term "Against Hinduism" - 149
Search Term "Against Jews" - 807
Search Term "Against Atheism" - 246

Search results by Followers of Relegion

Search Term "Against Muslims" - 3,711
Search Term "Against Christians" - 1,829
Search Term "Against Hindus" - 650
Search Term "Against Jews" - 975
Search Term "Against Atheist" - 184

May be Amazon Search is not the best way to find %age of effort going on against Muslims as compared to any other religion but I see there is something notable going on in the world and that is against Islam as a religion and Muslims as followers of this religion.

If some of us think there is no war against Islam going on in the west or in the form of "War of Terror", they need to re-think about it.
May be they do not have anything against Islam in reality but America isn't able to convince this to the Muslims.

U.S. already made it clear it is not a war on Muslims with Bush speaking on it and Obama. If you still don't understand then that is your problem.

Why hasn't any non-Muslim country been attacked in the name of war against terror.. are all the terrorists Muslims?

No but the ones that carried out 9/11 are Islamic Extremists in Muslim countries and its the U.S. job to clean them up.

Why are these only Muslims who are standing against USA?

Extremist views lead to terrorists and they gained popularity lately. Especially in younger Muslims. There are others that stand against the U.S. Islamic extremists are the most prominent though. Emotion and social instability lead them to seek this too
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