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Whose is bigger?? India - Pak (Media Round 1)

scroll back n see how i owned him.. every times his kind met us in battle ... they got slaughtered...

It really surprise me when i see people boosting about high/low casts which is curse of Vedic era Hinduism, or martial/non-martial classification done by masters of colonial period.
Lo jin k fatti pari ho wo nukes k naam b nhi letey...

We have nothing to lose here which make us fearless :P

You have everything is lose in a nuclear holocaust. If you survive which is unlikely, you will see complete annihilation of human civilization.
"Indians not always the same.........we pack them too

LAHORE: Pakistani student Ali Hassan Raza, who was assaulted in the southern Indian state of Pondicherry earlier this week, reached Lahore on Saturday, Express News reported.

and you are proud of your pack of cowards dastardly act

Three unidentified men allegedly attacked Raza when he was asleep in his room at Sir CV Raman Hostel on Tuesday. Raza sustained head, neck and back injuries.
lmao... camel jockey tht owned you sell out sikhs in every battle the met.. as for the british n non martial... moron than they wouldnt have recruited Baluch soldiers nor raised Baluch regiments...

But hey your sikh and its forgiven.. carry on...:lol:
Baloch are brave people from what I have read of them. Among the Muslims they are second to none in bravery, except for maybe the Pashtuns. During the olden times, large parts of Sindh and South western parts of Punjab was ruled by the Baloch. I think the reason why people do not know about Baloch bravery is because Baloch have not done a good job in writing their history. I first found out about Baloch bravery because one of my elders had served with Baloch soldiers during WW2.
Thts your only victory till date and that too due to the conditions .. civil war,thousands of miles apart from mainland.. with india in between n a ratio of 1:20..
And the same indra taught you another lesson in 84.. chal nas hun... and dont forget to take a good look on your submissive ancestors who were humiliated by us several times since ....
Most of the time Indians do refer us defeat of 1971, But frankly speaking 15 - 17 days Warz dont deserve to be called Warz
It is just Demonstration of POWER i.e 100 tanks vs 33 or 1000men vs 200 ...........More equipment you have more force you exert to penetrate in enemy territories.....??
Warz spans years (1914-1918)&(1939-1945) etc etc

For Example:
Germans invaded Russia & captured most of it - and Russians happily allowed them in their border occupied territories But Russian choose city of STALIN-GRAD into battlefield & later thy resisted back & captured upto East Germany
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those whom british considered non martial always argue ..you know what because we were fighting against them so they wont recruit us blah blah to soothe their ego. balochis make good camel jockeys not soldiers.
Balochs, like most of the pashtun tribes, love fighting but hates to be a soldier. @DESERT FIGHTER's papa is in the army, he would naturally try to convince you that his people were favourite picks for british army. But the fact is his tribe mari, were never favourites for recruitment even though they are warlike tribe, perhaps more tough and brave than any martial baradri of potohar.
Sikhs, gurkhas and potoharis, were the best and favourite soldiers of british indian army, no one should deny that. Baloch people were rebellious and unruly people, not fit for soldiery.
@Jaggu's assessment of balochs is accurate. Balochs were careless in recording their history and also, if they had enough numerical strength like other nations, they could have been conquering hindostan upto bengal.
indians are gutless p*ssies with no balls to go for a conflict...specially with superior Islamic peoples who have ruled, humiliated, defeated, and divided india for centuries upon centuries.

It is just a talk from them...

At best, indians can only interfere in civil wars like they did in 71 lol
desert fighter is baloch? I remember him giving is name as Ali Khan some where here and @talon questioning it - Khan is a baloch surname? looks like a fake both ways.
@DESERT FIGHTER do complete "honour the baloch...". If i am not wrong it is "honour the baloch, buy the pashtun, rule the punjabis and intimidate the sindhis"

Let me share more british policy rules for different communities of india

1. Give food to Bengalis, fear to Sindhis, land to Punjabis, money to pathans, respect to Balochis, job to Gurkhas, palaces to Rajputs & education to Hindus.
2. Give titles to Pathan Nawabs, horse lands to Punjabi Nawabs, gun salutes to Baloch Nawabs, jaagirs to Sikh Nawabs and patronage to Hindu Nawabs.
3. Keep a Bengali, hungry; a Sindhi, illiterate; a Pathan, near; a Balochi, away, a Punjabi, busy; a Sikh, pompous and a hindu, loyal.
4. Never employ a Bengali; Never trust a Pathan, Never empower a Punjabi, Never confront a
Balochi, Never educate a Sindhi, Never squabble a Hindu, Never belittle a Rajput, Never trade a Memon.
These are not compliments ,they were exploiting the weaknesses to rule them all. Impoverished malaks of pathans were bought through allowances. Punjabis were expected to be ruled, as they have always been. Sindhis were percieved as cowards and were intimidated into subjugation. Simple Balochs were won over simply by bestowing their sardars with honour and titles.

@LoveIcon, @Jaggu,
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@DESERT FIGHTER do complete "honour the baloch...". If i am not wrong it is "honour the baloch, buy the pashtun, rule the punjabis and intimidate the sindhis"

Let me share more british policy rules for different communities of india

1. Give food to Bengalis, fear to Sindhis, land to Punjabis, money to pathans, respect to Balochis, job to Gurkhas, palaces to Rajputs & education to Hindus.
2. Give titles to Pathan Nawabs, horse lands to Punjabi Nawabs, gun salutes to Baloch Nawabs, jaagirs to Sikh Nawabs and patronage to Hindu Nawabs.
3. Keep a Bengali, hungry; a Sindhi, illiterate; a Pathan, near; a Balochi,
away, a Punjabi, busy; a Sikh, pompous and a hindu, loyal.
4. Never employ a Bengali; Never trust a Pathan, Never empower a Punjabi, Never confront a
Balochi, Never educate a Sindhi, Never squabble a
Hindu, Never belittle a Rajput, Never trade a Memon.
These are not compliments ,they were exploiting the weaknesses to rule them all. Impoverished malaks of pathans were bought through allowances. Punjabis were expected to be ruled, as they have always been. Sindhis were percieved as cowards and were intimidated into subjugation. Simple Balochs were won over simply by bestowing their sardars with honour and titles.

@LoveIcon, @Jaggu,

Seem like Punjabis got the best deal, land. :D
indians are gutless p*ssies with no balls to go for a conflict...specially with superior Islamic peoples who have ruled, humiliated, defeated, and divided india for centuries upon centuries.

It is just a talk from them...

At best, indians can only interfere in civil wars like they did in 71 lol

drive your cabby useless immigrant
forget british ...It is also a fact that in Pakistan army baloch number is not comparable to the other ethnic group’s representation in Pakistan army

Jatta i don't know why you believe in British martial theory crap. Sikhs had 35-40% churas/dalits. Most physically weak punjabis. That didn't stop them did it?
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