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Who's responsible for bad Image of Pakistan

Who is responsible for Pakistan's Bad Image around the world

  • Media

    Votes: 18 31.0%
  • Overseas Pakistanis

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • Our Enemies

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Local Pakistanis

    Votes: 35 60.3%

  • Total voters
army?????????? so you mean that pakistan should be like somalia .lol lool how much indians hate arms of pakistan

NO Imran bhai ARMY ( pak fauj) se mera matlab tha ....their craze for power and using pakistan social funds for generals and officers , behind the back stabing their own people.

Pakistan in worst situation also will never become Somalia , and raha sawaal PAK FAUJ KE ARMS KA....khuda ki kasam muje koi problem nahi hai...
arms ka bajaaar khula hai saabke liye.... le lo jitna lena hai
Everyone minus Pakistan and Pakistani's.
could you please elaborate n what will the indians gain by promoting Panistan's image?

I personally believe it is in the best interests of both the Pakistani & Indian nation to live amicably with each other. For that to happen, people have to start on an individual level before they start seeing a change in approach from both governments.
NO Imran bhai ARMY ( pak fauj) se mera matlab tha ....their craze for power and using pakistan social funds for generals and officers , behind the back stabing their own people.

Pakistan in worst situation also will never become Somalia , and raha sawaal PAK FAUJ KE ARMS KA....khuda ki kasam muje koi problem nahi hai...
arms ka bajaaar khula hai saabke liye.... le lo jitna lena hai

But don't Indians claim Pakistan is the world's #1 failed state, even ahead of Somalia, Afghanistan & similar countries?

Seems like you are contradicting yourself again. Not unusual for Indians though, their obsession with Pakistan makes them reach unimaginable levels.
NO Imran bhai ARMY ( pak fauj) se mera matlab tha ....their craze for power and using pakistan social funds for generals and officers , behind the back stabing their own people.

What do you mean by this? How has the Army backstabbed its people? And are you implying that the Indian Army doesn't kill its own people?
Bilal... Deal with it.. Indians are not the reason for Pakistan's bad image. Just read what other Pakistanis have written.
What do you mean by this? How has the Army backstabbed its people? And are you implying that the Indian Army doesn't kill its own people?

Indian army doesn't have a lot of power. They don't run business empires . Neither can they take over the government. The military is strictly below the civilian government.
Bilal... Deal with it.. Indians are not the reason for Pakistan's bad image. Just read what other Pakistanis have written.

Have I denied the role of other Pakistanis? No. Just like the creators of Slumdog Millionaire were bashed in India for disgracing their own country when they exposed India's ground realities. Just when Arundhati Roy claimed on public media & said "Kashmir is not an integral part of India, & the Indian troops are committing terrorism massacring the Kashmiris. As well as committing terrorism against the poor people in Chattisgarh & the other states." Just like Rahul Gandhi said that Hindutva terror is a greater threat to India than Islamic one. Deal with it.
bilalhaider said:
Just like Rahul Gandhi said that Hindutva terror is a greater threat to India than Islamic one. Deal with it.

Rahul Gandhi also said that Congress would get a foothold in the Bihar elections :azn:
Indian army doesn't have a lot of power. They don't run business empires . Neither can they take over the government. The military is strictly below the civilian government.

So how does this mean that the Pakistani Army backstabs the people of Pakistan? The most development Pakistan has seen is in the Army regimes, not under civilian governments. During Musharraf's rule, Pakistan's poverty was halved: 35.2% in 1999, to 17.4% in 2008. Does this mean the Pakistani Army is backstabbing the people? The Pakistani Army fought against the Taliban in Swat, South Waziristan, Bajaur, Mohmand agencies; and got rid of the Talibans that were holding the people hostage. Does this imply that the Pakistani Army is backstabbing the people? No.
Our enemy India has a population of over 1.2 billion people. Most are obsessed about Pakistan and are waging a 24 hours/7days a week cyber war against Pakistan. Indians are fully responsible for Pakistan's bad image.
Hmm, I don't watch TV, only read Pakistani newspapers and the Google headlines, and I've developed a bad image of Pakistan.

I guess there's only one way that has happened: by reading the Pakistani posters here at PDF.

That shouldn't surprise you. Not one of you has said, "Hey, I AM RESPONSIBLE" at least in part, and vowed to change what you say and do as a result. And your whole country is like that, right?
For those who have been blaming 'Local Pakistanis' for the 'Bad Image', how can the world know, what has been going in Pakistan ?
They cannot represent Pakistan, neither do they.

Its the media, that has been portraiting Pakistan in the way.
Both 'so called' Pakistani media and the western Media.

Yes, but who gives material to the media?
If Pakistan had the level of crime like Sweden or Switzerland, the media would have little to latch on to.
Have I denied the role of other Pakistanis? No. Just like the creators of Slumdog Millionaire were bashed in India for disgracing their own country when they exposed India's ground realities. Just when Arundhati Roy claimed on public media & said "Kashmir is not an integral part of India, & the Indian troops are committing terrorism massacring the Kashmiris. As well as committing terrorism against the poor people in Chattisgarh & the other states." Just like Rahul Gandhi said that Hindutva terror is a greater threat to India than Islamic one. Deal with it.

Slumdog, Arunndhati Roy, Rahul Gandhi were all right . To different extents of course. The difference is, they were opinions and not news. If you want to compare, compare the media of India and Pakistan.
what the lamda told is right. Other than terrorism or defence pakistan hardly makes any international news.
Pakistan lacks multi dimensional progres
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