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Who's responsible for bad Image of Pakistan

Who is responsible for Pakistan's Bad Image around the world

  • Media

    Votes: 18 31.0%
  • Overseas Pakistanis

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • Our Enemies

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Local Pakistanis

    Votes: 35 60.3%

  • Total voters
Have I denied the role of other Pakistanis? No. Just like the creators of Slumdog Millionaire were bashed in India for disgracing their own country when they exposed India's ground realities. Just when Arundhati Roy claimed on public media & said "Kashmir is not an integral part of India, & the Indian troops are committing terrorism massacring the Kashmiris. As well as committing terrorism against the poor people in Chattisgarh & the other states." Just like Rahul Gandhi said that Hindutva terror is a greater threat to India than Islamic one. Deal with it.

atleast we dont blame pakistan,china for bad image of india,every other pakistani,chinese in pdf comes and starts with poverty,toilets,slums in every india related thread but we dont care about china or pakistan the thing is india is developing well steadily and many countries have a positive outlook for it
Slumdog, Arunndhati Roy, Rahul Gandhi were all right . To different extents of course. The difference is, they were opinions and not news. If you want to compare, compare the media of India and Pakistan.

So news cannot be sensationalized? What's your point? I don't understand you.
So how does this mean that the Pakistani Army backstabs the people of Pakistan? The most development Pakistan has seen is in the Army regimes, not under civilian governments. During Musharraf's rule, Pakistan's poverty was halved: 35.2% in 1999, to 17.4% in 2008. Does this mean the Pakistani Army is backstabbing the people? The Pakistani Army fought against the Taliban in Swat, South Waziristan, Bajaur, Mohmand agencies; and got rid of the Talibans that were holding the people hostage. Does this imply that the Pakistani Army is backstabbing the people? No.

I was merely replying to your post dragging Indian army into it. There is a sea of difference between them. I stated them. Don't you think your army signing deals with TTP is backstabbing the public?
very trick question.....so i let others answer it.:D
atleast we dont blame pakistan,china for bad image of india,every other pakistani,chinese in pdf comes and starts with poverty,toilets,slums in every india related thread but we dont care about china or pakistan the thing is india is developing well steadily and many countries have a positive outlook for it

We don't care about what India thinks about Pakistan, or says to others about it. Get your head out of your a**. The Indian media does claim Pakistani involvement in everything India though, including Pakistani pigeons spying in India, & blaming China, Nepal & Bangladesh as well for India's internal problems, so I guess that evens things out.
I was merely replying to your post dragging Indian army into it. There is a sea of difference between them. I stated them. Don't you think your army signing deals with TTP is backstabbing the public?

Signing deals with the TTP because they were defeating the army at the time, gaining territory & were killing more & more innocent people. How is that backstabbing?
So news cannot be sensationalized? What's your point? I don't understand you.

A bomb blast is a bomb blast. No matter how you show it. I don't know how it cannot be sensational. Terrorism, blasphemy laws, fanatic mullas are the main problem of your country and they all make sensational news. It cannot be shown otherwise.
We don't care about what India thinks about Pakistan, or says to others about it. Get your head out of your a**. The Indian media does claim Pakistani involvement in everything India though, including Pakistani pigeons spying in India, & blaming China, Nepal & Bangladesh as well for India's internal problems, so I guess that evens things out.

so does indian media operate in usa,uk,france,etc?
no india doesnt blame other countries for poverty, toilets,hindu extremists,etc
and terrorists dont operate UAVs,spy satellites so the can use pigeons
Whether it's by design or by co-incidence, foreign media focuses ONLY on the negatives in Pakistan. Even in good times they only used to focus on the negatives. I've observed this trend for the last 6-8 years, and I highly doubt it's a co-incidence. That's why I don't care what people think about Pakistan.
so does indian media operate in usa,uk,france,etc?
no india doesnt blame other countries for poverty, toilets,hindu extremists,etc

But India blames Maoists are being funded from abroad with the help of Nepali Maoists, blames China of trying to break up India, Islamic extremism from Bangladesh in India's North East states, & blames Pakistan of being responsible for Kashmir & Khalistan in the past. It's a recurring trend with India: blame anyone you can, because India is perfectly innocent & cannot be faulted for anything. Delusional people.
But India blames Maoists are being funded from abroad, blames China of trying to break up India, there is Islamic extremism from Bangladesh in India's North East states, & Pakistan is responsible for Kashmir & Khalistan in the past.

so does that result in negative image of india ,mostly it is reported in indian media only and since you are not concerned about negative image from indians
china blames india for tibetan govt
bangladesh for BSF
pakistan for every problem
^ Pakistan only blames India for terrorism and for water issues. Pakistanis don't blame Indian for electricity issues, or poverty, etc.
Pakistan doesn't blame India for its negative image either. I don't know where you got this idea that Pakistan blames India for its negative image. Certain Pakistanis might do it, just like certain Indians might blame Australians of being racist towards them, or might blame Americans of stereotyping their accents or the way they talk, or anything else. It does not reflect a whole country's point of view.
Pakistan doesn't blame India for its negative image either. I don't know where you got this idea that Pakistan blames India for its negative image. Certain Pakistanis might do it, just like certain Indians might blame Australians of being racist towards them, or might blame Americans of stereotyping their accents or the way they talk, or anyone else. It does not reflect a whole country's point of view.

There is a stereotyped image for every country. For India it is poverty, caste system , corruption, crazy customs. So, only if such news come out, they will find space in the international media. They would talk about a person's caste even if the news is totally unrelated to it.
Similarly, in Pakistan's case, it is terrorism, intolerance, nuclear bomb, WOT. If a news fits the stereotype, it will get media coverage.
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