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Who's responsible for bad Image of Pakistan

Who is responsible for Pakistan's Bad Image around the world

  • Media

    Votes: 18 31.0%
  • Overseas Pakistanis

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • Our Enemies

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Local Pakistanis

    Votes: 35 60.3%

  • Total voters
The adverse image, if you wish to call it so, has been caused by many reasons.

It will be recalled that Pakistan's image was good, and in fact, Pakistan was said to have a better economy than India under Field Marshal Ayub Khan.

The image started plummeting once the War against the Soviet Union was over. There were a surfeit of unemployed Mujahideens from all over the world, bringing in their own ideas of life, honed with fundamentalism and the days of glory of Islam when the Caliphate straddled Europe to the East. It was a heady elixir. Hence, various elements planned and plotted to be in the vanguard of bringing those glorious days back once again. They were assisted by the hyeprclergy since under Zia they had got their second wind and were running triumphant.

All this led to 9/11.

Then all hell broke loose and all terrorists acts led to a Pakistani link. It maybe added that it was not Govt sponsored, nor was the common Pakistani involved. And to be frank, none could do anything since it those who were organising terrorism very ingenuously used Islam for their purpose nor could anyone protest since they also used 'oppression' of the Islamic world very effectively. It was a Catch 22 situation and so these elements of terrorism continued to grow more powerful by the day as Pakistan helplessly watched.

Then came the Iraq and then Afghanistan. It added justification to the fundamentalist elements and the terrorists' refrain. Not satisfied in taking on the world, these terrorist turned their wrath and ire on the Pakistan Govt and what could be better to upset governance than creating panic and uncertainty amongst the general Pakistani public.

As the fundamentalist and terrorists grew in strength and following, the Pakistan Govt started losing its grip over the events and since they were back to the wall, they started depending heavily on the US. This act added to the following that the fundamentalist had, and more the terrorists started to gain greater control of Pakistan through chaos and mayhem, the more the Pakistan Govt got dependant on the US and it became a vicious circle out of which there appeared to be no exit.

Not satisfied, these terrorists and fundamentalist started attacking opposite sects (Shia Sunni Sufi Ahemediya bombings) and achieved their aim to divide civil society that already was at their tethers end. This added to the confusion and the schizophrenia.

In addition, the economy of Pakistan plummeted and it became more dependent on IMF, WB and the US.

Now, all this took place over a span of years, but if every day reports of terrorist actions in the badlands and consequent actions by the Pakistan Army, daily bombing of Mosques and killing of the opposite sects thorough internecine wars, important political leaders being killed, the Judiciary and Govt fighting for power and so on happens in rapid succession and is reported, then obviously a bad image is axiomatic.

These events have been reported since Pakistan is a democracy and there is a free press and none can seriously control the Press in a democracy and such reports have created a sense of despondency, not only in Pakistan but the world over.

To feel that the media is responsible would be a wrong premise.

The fact why Pakistan has a bad image is because Pakistanis have allowed the situation to come to this sad pass and still they are not ready to take the problem head on.

It must dawn on all that a semblance of stability is first brought and then the differences sorted out across the table.
pakistan is not having multi-dimensional progress . Consider india or china. They make their place in the news in all ways-bridges,buildings,
Events,people,defence,education etc. The future of a
sia is in their hands.
The only field in which pakistan shows development
Is defence. Even if they make
Progress,it is shadowed by
Other issues. Your main problem is lack of education.
Lack of education makes peop
le to misinterpret the theories
of religion. I am sure that no where in holy quran it says
to murder christians or any
Human beings. The WTC will
always be a painful memory
in the hearts of every American. I've lost my little
Ryan there. What did those
guys get by taking his life. Is
it for any good? Does anyone think that allah or jesus or someone will reward them with heaven for shattering
our lives
pakistan is not having multi-dimensional progress . Consider india or china. They make their place in the news in all ways-bridges,buildings,
Events,people,defence,education etc. The future of a
sia is in their hands.
The only field in which pakistan shows development
Is defence. Even if they make
Progress,it is shadowed by
Other issues. Your main problem is lack of education.
Lack of education makes peop
le to misinterpret the theories
of religion. I am sure that no where in holy quran it says
to murder christians or any
Human beings. The WTC will
always be a painful memory
in the hearts of every American. I've lost my little
Ryan there. What did those
guys get by taking his life. Is
it for any good? Does anyone think that allah or jesus or someone will reward them with heaven for shattering
our lives
Relax bro! Allah will pay
all the wrongdoers. My prayers are with you
@ lamda
Yeap ! I agree with you that illiteracy is the main cause of terrorism. Pakistan should spend enough to education.
pakistan is not having multi-dimensional progress . Consider india or china. They make their place in the news in all ways-bridges,buildings,
Events,people,defence,education etc. The future of a
sia is in their hands.
The only field in which pakistan shows development
Is defence. Even if they make
Progress,it is shadowed by
Other issues. Your main problem is lack of education.
Lack of education makes peop
le to misinterpret the theories
of religion. I am sure that no where in holy quran it says
to murder christians or any
Human beings. The WTC will
always be a painful memory
in the hearts of every American. I've lost my little
Ryan there
. What did those
guys get by taking his life. Is
it for any good? Does anyone think that allah or jesus or someone will reward them with heaven for shattering
our lives

Very sad indeed, was he your son?

But let me tell you that WTC was not done by Pakistanis.
May be due to zia ul haq may be due to israel may be due to saudi arabia may be due to US but its we who are suffering.... Not a single day passes without any news of terrorism :cry: we see people dying and we don't know the reason why they were killed.... :cry: we see muslims dying while praying and we see every one bashing muslims and islam 4 all the mess :cry:
we see people uttering bull crap about islam and Pakistan ignoring the fact that we muslims and pakistanis are the targets of every single terrorist whether he's a muslim terrorist, hindu terrorist, christian terrorist or jew terrorist....

---------- Post added at 12:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 AM ----------

May be due to zia ul haq may be due to israel may be due to saudi arabia may be due to US but its we who are suffering.... Not a single day passes without any news of terrorism :cry: we see people dying and we don't know the reason why they were killed.... :cry: we see muslims dying while praying and we see every one bashing muslims and islam 4 all the mess :cry:
we see people uttering bull crap about islam and Pakistan ignoring the fact that we muslims and pakistanis are the targets of every single terrorist whether he's a muslim terrorist, hindu terrorist, christian terrorist or jew terrorist....
I think so (btw it's my humble opinion.. don't generalise it)
I would blame local pakistanis. Overseas pakistanis are doing fine by and large.
Most of negative news about pakistanis comes from pakistan.
Almost everyday, some bomb blast.
I wont blame media, the same way I wont blame salesman for a bad product.
India and pakistan both tried to show each other as bad, most most outsider think it is a fight between neighboeurs.
And 911 changed the perception as well.
I wont blame media, the same way I wont blame salesman for a bad product.

Exactly, blaming the media is shooting the messenger. If the most exciting thing happening in Pakistan was the Karachi flower show the media would report how all Pakistani were peacefull flower lovers or probably report about some where else.
If you have political parties with armed gangs roaming the streets, bombings, mob violence and people being murdered over their interpretation of a law dont blame the media for reporting it.
Do you have to say anything about the topic ??

well we all know that jews control 90% of the media in the world, they control all the big companies and channels and it makes 90% or even more, i heard that in many many programs.
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