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It's Indian propaganda for morons

All India is awash with communal hatred

That rape fest called Holi was just a another toxic communal hate cauldron

And these dopes think they can convince people that a Muslim population with access to internet and social media that can see the shit going on across India would willingly support being part of such a hindutva piss hole
Talk to people in AJK and if you have GUTS AND BALLS TAKE PUBLIC OPINION.

On whose side they want to go.

Why are you afraid of letting people OF AJK to go Live.

Because it will disclose your ILL DOMINANCE OVER AJK.
I always succeed to bring cat out of the box.
Pakistan has everything dear when it comes to nu-kes and nu-king India.
Do you know what needs most to use Nu-kes? It is courage and will.
Pakistan has both.
Do not get distracted by Pakistan's political and economic issues. They bring forth this will and desire even more :azn: Nu-kes will be use as a result of desperation. You must be even more careful.
You forget Zia's words, you forget Musharaf's actions and again you forget Imran Khan's words.
When it comes to nu-king India they are willing no matter if it is IK or PDM or whoever.
And yes it will happen, sometime in the future. It is written. India's atrocities will bring forth doom's day. :enjoy:
And you know what is the greatest problem of Pajeets? They always keep boasting about the money they spend on bla bla things. One nu-ke and everything is blown.
Even an ant can murder an elephant.
But Pakistan doesn’t have nukes that’s my point , and it’s not as simple as you think nuclear warheads need a reliable delivery system which has to evade the air defense system of India.
Indians know that Pakistan doesn’t have nukes that’s the reason why they bombed balakot , Americas won’t bomb North Korea because they know North Korea has nukes so is not the case with Pakistan
watever indian pajeet dream about kashmir dream but you will always be a slumdog endian.
First learn to write properly.
No spelling mistakes allowed.

I always succeed to bring cat out of the box.
Pakistan has everything dear when it comes to nu-kes and nu-king India.
Do you know what needs most to use Nu-kes? It is courage and will.
Pakistan has both.
Do not get distracted by Pakistan's political and economic issues. They bring forth this will and desire even more :azn: Nu-kes will be use as a result of desperation. You must be even more careful.
You forget Zia's words, you forget Musharaf's actions and again you forget Imran Khan's words.
When it comes to nu-king India they are willing no matter if it is IK or PDM or whoever.
And yes it will happen, sometime in the future. It is written. India's atrocities will bring forth doom's day. :enjoy:
And you know what is the greatest problem of Pajeets? They always keep boasting about the money they spend on bla bla things. One nu-ke and everything is blown.
Even an ant can murder an elephant.

I always succeed to bring cat out of the box.
Pakistan has everything dear when it comes to nu-kes and nu-king India.
Do you know what needs most to use Nu-kes? It is courage and will.
Pakistan has both.
Do not get distracted by Pakistan's political and economic issues. They bring forth this will and desire even more :azn: Nu-kes will be use as a result of desperation. You must be even more careful.
You forget Zia's words, you forget Musharaf's actions and again you forget Imran Khan's words.
When it comes to nu-king India they are willing no matter if it is IK or PDM or whoever.
And yes it will happen, sometime in the future. It is written. India's atrocities will bring forth doom's day. :enjoy:
And you know what is the greatest problem of Pajeets? They always keep boasting about the money they spend on bla bla things. One nu-ke and everything is blown.
Even an ant can murder an elephant.

Gand me dum he to Ek Nuke dal ke dekh.
Pata chalega kiski Phati he and kiski gand me Chhatri ghus gayi he.
India , France , UK , China , Russia and USA do not assert that they have nukes
Pakistan and Iran keep asserting that they have nukes , these countries keep reminding the world that they have nukes (which they don’t have)

First learn to write properly.
No spelling mistakes allowed.



Gand me dum he to Ek Nuke dal ke dekh.
Pata chalega kiski Phati he and kiski gand me Chhatri ghus gayi he.
Pakistan doesn’t have nukes , Every Pakistani wants to nuke India but they don’t have one
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But Pakistan doesn’t have nukes that’s my point , and it’s not as simple as you think nuclear warheads need a reliable delivery system which has to evade the air defense system of India.
Indians know that Pakistan doesn’t have nukes that’s the reason why they bombed balakot , Americas won’t bomb North Korea because they know North Korea has nukes so is not the case with Pakistan
Pakistan has nuclear weapons and a delivery system... that is my point.
Even our 60 years old Mirages can do that (remember 27 Feb 2019 when they banged your posts in a heavily contested zone.)
I did not want to say but I here I have to ... Please avoid drinking cow _____. It destroys brain cells and the power of thinking.

India , France , UK , China , Russia and USA do not assert that they have nukes
Pakistan and Iran keep asserting that they have nukes , these countries keep reminding the world that they have nukes (which they don’t have)

Pakistan doesn’t have nukes , Every Pakistani wants to nuke India but they don’t have one
They guy is living on another planet.
But Pakistan doesn’t have nukes that’s my point , and it’s not as simple as you think nuclear warheads need a reliable delivery system which has to evade the air defense system of India.
Indians know that Pakistan doesn’t have nukes that’s the reason why they bombed balakot , Americas won’t bomb North Korea because they know North Korea has nukes so is not the case with Pakistan

First condition for implementation of UN mandate is for both parties to show willingness that they will implement the mandate.

Even the Indian FM does not use the argument. They know plebiscite’s results will not be to their liking.

How is Pakistan the aggressor and India is not when J&K did not belong to any party.
Then why didn't you implement the mandate, if you are so sure of it. After 75 years it will be extremely difficult to implement it because of non Kashmiri living in PkOK.

A small price to pay to rid the world of Pakjeets.
Likewise we feel the same.

Kashmiris rule this country Called Pakistan.

Who is nawaz sharif ashahbaz sharif..folks from srinagar
It is abundantly clear that NO PAK kashmiri, including GB people and Indian Kashmiris, wishes to live with India or Pakistan.

If a vote is held, citizens will have the option of forming a new country. More than 70% of both sides will vote for the new country.

Lol who told you GB people would want to live with kashmiris in their new khodmukhtar state???
Who armed them? They were joined by your regular army. There are accounts of insane killing in muzafarabad by these tribesmen of innocent women, children and others who could not recite Kalma. They were brutes who had to be put down.

They’ brought over masses of arms from the Second World War. Entire regiments could stuff their pockets with whatever they could carry and return home. The looks on the Dogra faces were priceless when they saw a better trained, battle hardened and well equipped force suddenly in front of their faces.
The rest, yes Pashtun tribesmen did come but at a later stage by which time the AJK region was free from Dogra and Indian troops. The Pakistani army came a good deal later.
Of course sadly many innocents were killed as well.
Then why didn't you implement the mandate, if you are so sure of it. After 75 years it will be extremely difficult to implement it because of non Kashmiri living in PkOK.

Likewise we feel the same.
Not sure where you are coming from.

There needs to be 2 parties that need to agree to abide with oversights from UN being the party where this mandate was agreed.

So Pakistan has to agree to abide by the UN resolutions, India has to agree to abide by the UN resolutions and that is when the steps within the mandate have to be implemented.
First learn to write properly.
No spelling mistakes allowed.



Gand me dum he to Ek Nuke dal ke dekh.
Pata chalega kiski Phati he and kiski gand me Chhatri ghus gayi he.
hahaha. Pajeet getting red hot.
I always like it when Pajeets lift their masks and utter cow dung from their mouths.
Remember Abhi-nine-done. he fell in my area in AJK. Many of my friends took part in beating the hell out of him.
I always regret I was not there (I was in UAE at that time).
That is how we treat even the elite of you.... now imagine how we will treat inferior creatures like you. :azn:

Then why didn't you implement the mandate, if you are so sure of it. After 75 years it will be extremely difficult to implement it because of non Kashmiri living in PkOK.

Likewise we feel the same.
Say it again and say it without shitting inside your pants. 🤭
India abrogated an article in its own constitution
Why pakistanis have a problem with it . I don't understand
Should Indian ask for permission before they make changes in their own constitution.
Because It's a disputed territory dumbo. Don't pretend to be a Kashmiri we know who you are.
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