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Dude just nuke India already, these subhumans really don't deserve the right to live.
We have enough to nuke your country into oblivion.

jammu was a historically Muslim majority region - RSS, Sikh jathas, and Maharajas forces carried out pre planned massacres of Muslims of the region to reduce their numbers
after these pre-planned religious cleansing, actions were taken in AJK and Rajouri by tribesmen - its dark shit and I consider all em one people in many ways than not so I am not justifying anything, it hurts me but you need to look at what happened in Jammu before looking looking at AJK, Rajouri and what tribesmen did

Copy pasting @waz post here
" Brother with all due respect that simply is NOT TRUE.
I've gone blue in the face putting up link after link, evidence after evidence about this.
It was the AKRF who freed Azad Kashmir, my grandfather, my grand uncles and the 90,000 men who fought in the Second World War.
Pashtun irregulars came later and the army even later than that.
I know people do it with the greatest of intentions but this undermines my people and discounts the sacrifices of our forefathers.".

"According to Sardar Ibrahim, during September 1947, some 50,000 men were organised into a people’s militia variously known as the ‘Azad Army’, ‘Azad Forces’ or ‘Azad Kashmir Regular Forces’. This locally-officered volunteer ‘army’ comprised 90 per cent ex-servicemen, except in Bagh, where the percentage was lower. A ‘very small percentage of Pakistani volunteers’ fought with them, as may have twelve women. According to the Azad Kashmir Defence Minister, Colonel Ali Ahmad Shah (a former captain in the J&K State Force), the ‘Azad Forces had been recruited locally or had risen spontaneously’. They comprised ‘seasoned troops’ with experience fighting in both world wars and the serious ‘Waziristan Operations’ (1920-21). After Azad Kashmir came into being, its ‘Defence Council’ assumed administrative control of ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir Forces’. This council comprised seven members: two ministers (Defence, Finance); one bureaucrat (Defence secretary); two soldiers (commander-in-chief, chief of staff), and two ‘public representatives’ (members of the Muslim Conference).‘Soldiers’ were paid Rs. 10 per month from accumulated donations, although many men apparently refused wages. Clothing came from donations from local supporters and Pakistanis. The ‘main problem’ was a lack of arms, with some soldiers fighting with ‘axes, spears and swords’. Most used arms and ammunition ‘captured from the enemy in major and minor engagements’ or obtained from Muslim deserters from the Maharaja’s army. Communications were an issue, with men fighting ‘in separate groups on many fronts … [with] no links with each other’. Couriers carried messages between Muzaffarabad and Bagh; elsewhere, post and telegraphic exchanges went via locations in Pakistan"

"Benefiting from shorter supply lines, rugged terrain, local knowledge and support, and high morale, the Azad Army built on the Poonch uprising to further oppose the Maharaja. By 22 September 1947, the Azad Army’s military structure was functioning so well that Major-General Scott reported that the Maharaja’s armed forces were losing control over large parts of J&K. "

"The Maharaja’s opponents were doing well, despite ‘miserably lack[ing] a regular line of communication, and a regular supply of arms and ammunition’. By mid-to-late October, they controlled large parts of Poonch and Mirpur, while much of Muzaffarabad tehsil was being cleared of non-Muslims elements, including ‘Sikhs, Dogras and R.S.S [Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh] cut-throats’. This latter activity mirrored anti-Muslim religious violence occurring in Jammu"

"The Azad Army’s success was significant: when Pukhtoon tribesmen entered Kashmir Province on 22 October 1947, most of western Jammu Province had already been liberated from the Maharaja’s forces. Two days after the Pukhtoons’ invasion – as India correctly called it"

when Pukhtoon tribesmen entered Kashmir Province on 22 October 1947, most of western Jammu Province had already been liberated

Now gilgit baltistan
This is a thread on liberation of GB started by a mod from gilgit baltistan

"On November 1, 1947 Gilgit-Baltistan became a republic and 15 days later acceded to Pakistan .Through a jointly formed armed struggle of the local people, the Gilgit Scouts and the Muslim officers of the Maharaja’s army, the area was liberated on November 1, 1947 and an interim government constituted under Raja Shah Rais Khan of Gilgit.The main reason being that : the people wanted to be a part of Pakistan but the governor had other plans , and then what the chain of reaction that unfold ."
View attachment 920094
The national flag

The government of Pakistan was invited through a telegram to take control of the areas. Responding to this request Sardar Muhammad Alam (A tehsildar in the NWFP government at that time) was appointed and sent to Gilgit on 16th November, as government of Pakistan’s political agent
I will get back to you soon. I am pressed for time. Project deadline.
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Yes, we opted to be secular and we were not divided based on religious ideology. Yes for plebiscite in Kashmir based on UN mandate. Ist condition, Pakistan has to remove all its forces from occupied areas because they were aggressors. 2nd India will remove its forces but will keep enough to maintain peace. Then only plebiscite will occur.
Suggest you to read the UN resolutions. It refers to irreguler forces or tribals at the time in Azad Kashmir. As for the reguler forces is concerned it's same for both Pakistan & india to remove their forces.
Eitherway it doesn't justify indian claim or abrogation of 370. It's still a disputed territory.
First condition for implementation of UN mandate is for both parties to show willingness that they will implement the mandate.

Even the Indian FM does not use the argument. They know plebiscite’s results will not be to their liking.

How is Pakistan the aggressor and India is not when J&K did not belong to any party.
Well I am from Azad Kashmir and I personally think people in Azad Kashmir are happier and are living a better life then people in Indian Occupied Kashmir. After the regime change in Pakistan and Traitors taking charge of things the situation of whole Pakistan is not good especially economically and that is same for Azad Kashmir and along with whole of Pakistan people in Azad Kashmir are also suffering because of extremely high inflation.
well you should come to J&K sometimes then to get out of your idea of Indian Jammu and Kashmir
I have lived in srinagar for about 6 months and visit there quite often
Social parameters of our side of J&k are even better than rest of India. Let it be AJK

Indian J&K India Azad Kashmir (so called azad jk)
Infant mortality rate
23 per 1000 births 33 per 1000 births 51 per 1000 births
life expectancy 74.10 years 68.7 years 66 YEARS
below poverty line 10.4 % 21.90 % 40%
unemployment rate 5.3 % 6.1 % 11 %
J&K’s literacy rates 77.30 % 74 % 60 %
no of universities 35-40 11-12

I can give so many examples in which Jammu and Kashmir is much more prosperous than rest of India
Once Pakistan gives up its craze for it ...
situation will get much better in terms of militancy as well

Suggest you to read the UN resolutions. It refers to irreguler forces or tribals at the time in Azad Kashmir. As for the reguler forces is concerned it's same for both Pakistan & india to remove their forces.
Eitherway it doesn't justify indian claim or abrogation of 370. It's still a disputed territory.
India abrogated an article in its own constitution
Why pakistanis have a problem with it . I don't understand
Should Indian ask for permission before they make changes in their own constitution.
jo bhi hai, its working.
Then why preaching
On Kashmir, I have a very natural point of view. Just as you, being Pakistani, support the Pakistani version, and I, being an Indian, do support Indians.

But always, I have mentioned that if you speak to the Kashmiri people on both sides, they actually don't want to live with both countries. They want their own independent nation for Kashmiris.

But, whatever Pakistan or India will do, nothing will be on the ground.

People on both sides, accept or don't accept the LOC as a permanent border, but the final solution would be to accept it as such. Nothing will be changed.
All above agreed except the very last line. Things will get change. As India is a back staber they will eventually break all water treaties (they are already cheating a lot) and this eventually will result in retaliation from a very thirsty Pakistan. Conventional war is not viable for Pakistan so it will lead to Nuc-lear.
Hoping for the best 😉

Average life expectancy in Indian side of Kashmir is 74 years , Infant and maternal mortality rate is also very low , quality of life of an average individual living in Indian side of Kashmir is far superior to his/her counterpart in Pakistani side of Kashmir
An average Indian has superior quality of life compared to an average Pakistani and it’s reflected in healthcare indicators and consumption but the Indian side of Kashmir is not just superior but far and way more superior to Pakistan in terms of quality of life of an average individual something which Pakistanis can’t even dream to match in foreseeable future
Zoo animals animals live unto 40% more than the free ones in wild.
Have yiu ever seen faces of caged/zoo animals??
You just keep repeating your rant.
I will pour my words in your deaf ears again.
Freedom and life under oppression are two different poles of world, far from each other.
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We have enough to nuke your country into oblivion.

I will get back to you soon. I am pressed for time. Project deadline.
Yes nuke us.
You will not be able to see even what happened to you and only kingdom of Hinduvata on earth.
Your eyes will only open in hell, never to close again. 😬

Do u most kashmir muslims share same surname with Kashmir Pandits including the Pandit surname? Beside that u've Muslim Dar vs Hindu Dhar, Butt Vs Hindu Bhatt and more like that.
May be the case is other way around.

Do u most kashmir muslims share same surname with Kashmir Pandits including the Pandit surname? Beside that u've Muslim Dar vs Hindu Dhar, Butt Vs Hindu Bhatt and more like that.
May be the case is other way around.
You also had no business in Kashmir and let them have a independent mulk, like Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. But you started killing people and soldiers and raping women, so maharaja had to seek our help. Rest is history.

There is nothing to fish 🐟. You are ones who started the killing in Kashmir. You are the ones who are still uncivilized and training jihadists and doing cross border terrorism. So, Karma a bitch and your mulk is bankrupt.
The qualities you described above I was 100 percent sure you were talking about India and her army but then I realized you got desperate and were accusing Pakistan.
indians have been dreaming about taking ajk for many decades. dream on shit stain pajeet
plz stay on your side of border i dont want shitty smelly indians next to me. last guy got a welcome in ajk wid bloody nose and then said the tea is fantastic and then released back to endia.
absolutely not. we dont want anymore land. our goal is to transform our country into 1st world country. we are ok with al current boders as international borders (IB). in my entire life, i never came across a single person who wanted more land (i.e Pakistan administerted Kashmir, and GB)
We have enough to nuke your country into oblivion.
A small price to pay to rid the world of Hindujeets

absolutely not. we dont want anymore land. our goal is to transform our country into 1st world country. we are ok with al current boders as international borders (IB). in my entire life, i never came across a single person who wanted more land (i.e Pakistan administerted Kashmir, and GB)
You never met one because they know it isn't theirs and it is overall stupid to try and take it.

But with the recent facist political environment there are many Pajeets who are falling victim to their own propaganda and genuinely believe people in GB/AJK actually want India to retake the land
A small price to pay to rid the world of Hindujeets

You never met one because they know it isn't theirs and it is overall stupid to try and take it.

But with the recent facist political environment there are many Pajeets who are falling victim to their own propaganda and genuinely believe people in GB/AJK actually want India to retake the land
Pakistan doesn’t have the nuclear deterrence , it’s a myth , it’s not possible for Pakistan to maintain an effective nuclear deterrence against a country like India which spends billions of dollars on air defense systems and day by day Indian air defense system is getting stronger and stronger with increasing size of their defense budget and budget for research and development
Pakistan doesn’t have the nuclear deterrence , it’s a myth , it’s not possible for Pakistan to maintain an effective nuclear deterrence against a country like India which spends billions of dollars on air defense systems and day by day Indian air defense system is getting stronger and stronger with increasing size of their defense budget and budget for research and development
I always succeed to bring cat out of the box.
Pakistan has everything dear when it comes to nu-kes and nu-king India.
Do you know what needs most to use Nu-kes? It is courage and will.
Pakistan has both.
Do not get distracted by Pakistan's political and economic issues. They bring forth this will and desire even more :azn: Nu-kes will be use as a result of desperation. You must be even more careful.
You forget Zia's words, you forget Musharaf's actions and again you forget Imran Khan's words.
When it comes to nu-king India they are willing no matter if it is IK or PDM or whoever.
And yes it will happen, sometime in the future. It is written. India's atrocities will bring forth doom's day. :enjoy:
And you know what is the greatest problem of Pajeets? They always keep boasting about the money they spend on bla bla things. One nu-ke and everything is blown.
Even an ant can murder an elephant.
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