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Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

That would me undoubtedly.The ultimate disaster and a dead end:lol: No more elections.ever again:enjoy:
I would opt for Musharraf again, he's the best leader Pakistan has had in past 5 decades. He's well educated, moderate and envissioned and most important, he's a leader.

Benazir's asassination is the only reason he lost last elections, he would have won it easily under normal circumstances.

I'm sorry Neo but i don't agree with you.Benazir's assasination was not the only reason he lost the elections.The whole nation was looking forward to his farewell.
I know i'm not into politics but I'm not blind.Look no further than this Energy Crisis we are facing rightnow.do you know the reason he gave to the country??
"people started erecting air conditioners and other heavy duty electric appliances all of a sudden massively"? absurd! Atleast i don't expect this carelessness and short-sightedness from a President and a Chief of Army staff.
"discretion" is the word!
Guys what abt Sheikh Rashid:azn:

nahi Chaudhry Shujaat:rofl:
A journalist asked him "sir suna hai unko harne mein aapka haath hai"
he answered(though his nose) "to phir mujhe harane mein kis ka hath hai?":rofl:
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I would say Imran Khan. Although he lacks experiece but everybody agrees he has good leadership skills and the passion. My 2nd choice would be Javed Hashmi, he is also a good canditate.

My 3rd choice, Mulana Fazal ur Rehman .......... LOL! Just kidding!
I guess this thread has run its course. General Musharraf was the "winner" among PDF voters:

1) Gen. Musharraf (Z9-ec, Neo, saadahmed, TOPGUN, bezerk86)
2) Zaid Hammid (Thunder777, Silverfalcon)
3) Zardani (araz, Rabzon)
4) Some mullah (IceCold, Haider)
5) Imran Khan (raheel1, thorosius)
6) Nawas Sharif (Asim Aquill)
7) Gen. Kiyani (imran khan)
8) Shah Mehmood Qureshi (rubyjackass)
If we are looking for someone whom most parties respect then Javed Hashmi comes to mind. He is a down to earth person and well respected by most of the politicians...at least for now :-)))
Still i really do not know about his capabilities as a leader, atleast he seems one of the few sincere people.

Imran Khan is atleast a sincere person and is a lot more candid in his opinions, whereas he may seem confused i really feel honesty and sincerity can also bear fruit. One should not snub him for not being a typical politician who seem so sure of the right path at the time of elections and then ignore every promise they make in the guise of "political requirements".

However I would say anything is better than Zardari, he is the ultimate low.
The Mullahs are the biggest hypocrites since they are hijacking us all in the name of Islam and with their comfortable lifestyle and petty politics clashes they can never do us any good.
Long time ago i read about the tax returns of many of our politicians including the industrialists the feudal lords and the maulvis, honestly on paper i am richer than all of them...since i pay more tax. :hitwall:

As far as Musharraf is concerned, i was also a big supporter of Mush once but in the last few years he became such a puppet in the hands of silly advisors that most of the steps he took really backfired and the grand finale was the NRO which is the crappiest thing he did and is like giving all the corrupt alligators a second life, so sorry no way he is good for us.
Maybe once when he started ruling he was sincere but not anymore.

He chose to legitimize his rule by using politicians whereas the public was with him at the time. He chose politicians over the people.
Had he pursued his goals of ending corruption and sorting out the core issues i am sure he would be the peoples darling today.
Instead he ignored the power of the common man and allied with the corrupt politicians for a token legitimacy for his rule (which by any rule/law was illegal) and ended up getting the sort of advice which made him a most hated figure.
Still he is much better than Zardari and most of our politicians.

Even though Nawaz Sharif is quite a dud...i think Shahbaz is a good administrator and He is a much better candidate than his brother.
At least he gets things done but in the capacity of a president his role would actually not be according to his strengths.

There is no simple answer here and therefore i cant be critical of anyone's opinion since it is really difficult to judge between a web of lies and deceit.

I would support Imran to be president since he is not of ruling parties and will not be emotionally attached to anyone, besides he is atleast honest than most.
2nd choice would be Javed Hashmi if we need someone whom the parties also respect and someone with a clean slate.

Please note these are presidential candidates...do not forget that prime minister is actually the one who needs to be the more brilliant and prominent leader!!!

Look no further than this Energy Crisis we are facing rightnow.do you know the reason he gave to the country??

Much should have been done regarding energy, in the last 50 years and every government is equally responsible, including three of PPP and two of PML-N. But, figures prove MW were increased during last eight years.

In 1999 our installed capacity was merely 15,860 MW. (With Hydel 4826 + Thermal 10,897 + Nuclear 137)

In 2005-06 our installed capacity increased to become 20,495 MW. (With Hydel 6499 + Thermal 13,534 + Nuclear 462)


Minister for Water and Power Raja Pervez Ashraf had blamed the Musharraf regime for not inducting even a single unit in the power generation system, but two days ago the Ministry of Water and Power in a written reply to the National Assembly refuted the claim of its own Ministry. The ministry conceded that 2200 MW power had been injected in the system during the last seven years. Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
President- Zaid Hamid

PM- Imran Khan

It is not suitable for Ex-President Musharraf to return at this time. Too soon, and public opinion about him is pretty much the same as when he left. People for the most part still blame him for many things.

Why Zaid Hamid? He can talk the talk and show that he's ready to walk the walk.

Why Imran Khan? The man has done things for Pakistan w/out being an elected official, that perhaps some of the heavy weights couldn't have. He will focus on Pakistan. His wealth is not in a foreign account as far as i know. One thing's for sure he doesn't have billions in Swiss banks.

I believe anyone who wants to run for public office should declare their assets and those assets should then be verified by an independent body, and then after the scrutiny and proper filtering, allow him/her to run for the desired position. A new political process is needed, heck it was needed like yesterday, we're already a day late. :D

Both of these fellas can incorporate very few of the honest people who are on scene already, or bring in fresh faces who fit the criteria set forth.
Salam everyone,
Well i would definately stand behind Musharraf, but only in case if he decides to change his leniant policy towards USA. In so called war against terrorism, we did not only lost lifes of our soldiers and people, but at the same time, taliban who were ready to give their lifes for pakistan are also turning against us. Despite of his this wrong policy i would still stand behind him because i am sure he did not commited it intentionally but was not perfectly aware of the future outcome. But most of all, i would wish and pray that somehow we get rid of zardari, who has no plan, no vision, but definately have well set speeches designed to fool our nation.
imran khan undoubtedly, and i am sure his time will come soon...just a matter of time..
Salam everyone,
Well i would definately stand behind Musharraf, but only in case if he decides to change his leniant policy towards USA. In so called war against terrorism, we did not only lost lifes of our soldiers and people, but at the same time, taliban who were ready to give their lifes for pakistan are also turning against us. Despite of his this wrong policy i would still stand behind him because i am sure he did not commited it intentionally but was not perfectly aware of the future outcome. But most of all, i would wish and pray that somehow we get rid of zardari, who has no plan, no vision, but definately have well set speeches designed to fool our nation.

Walaikum salam

The issue with Parvez Musharraf is that when he took power in 99, people will behind him 200%. People were out and about celebrating. He then promised a complete reform, and that made people even more happy and people supported him further. But instead of doing the political reform, what did we see? Chaudhry bros. (the same corrupt people from before) become a part of his ultimate party the PML-Q. That was the first low point, then 9/11 happened which obviously was not his fault, he did do the best he could to save Pakistan at the moment. But almost all the policies after that have had corrupted view because of the people surrounding him. Some even say he was running a One-Man show with rubberstamp Parliament because nothing was ever discussed there. Everything had Presidential signature from get-go to finish. Had he kicked the corrupt to the curb and using the opportunity and power of the time to deal with them once and for all, even after his departure we'd be better off right now. Could have brought in talented and honest people from within Pakistan who would willingly serve the public.

MQM stayed in power. Altaf Hussain was never criticized. Nawaz, BB, and Zardari all came back to Pakistan under the infamous NRO.

I know this is diverting from the topic, but think of all these things. Circumstances may have led him to make those choice, but at the end of the day the choices were made. I'm afraid the public is just not ready to see him again because some of those wounds are still fresh. Perhaps after another term or so.

Give the chance to others who truly deserve it. :pakistan:
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