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Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

icecold is not feeling well today! fever i think! whats wrong man?
all is not "thap" man.

May God have mercy on us all. :coffee:

Huh....? :what::confused::undecided:
I hope you're joking mate, please elaborate.

I know this sounds absurd, but all these years watching the liberals come and go, still following the same old foreign policy to please the US and more noticeably the recent stand off between Pakistan and India and our response to it, made me think and finally come to a conclusion that indeed we are direction less when it comes to our foreign policy and a policy of appeasement is going on. First it was for the US and now with India too? and so Pakistan needs a major shift w.r.t to its foreign policy and that shift is not possible with a liberal.
Wiki paragraphs about Zaid Hamid:

"Zaid Hamid eventually completed his degree in Electronics Engineering from NED University of Engineering & Technology in Karachi. He was also a student of world history, economics, Islamic philosophy, Quran and Sunnah.

The immediate fame that Zaid Hamid gained was because of his statements against the American, Indian, Israeli and Afghan governments. He claimed that Baitullah Mehsud and his aides, including the suicide bombings within Pakistan are actually funded by the CIA and RAW to destabilize Pakistan. He has said that the real target of the US is Pakitan's nuclear capability which is a direct threat to Israel's sovereignty. He has also stated that the November 2008 Mumbai attack was actually a plan hatched by "Hindu Zionists" and "Western Zionists", including the Mossad, and that it was "an attempt by the Indians to stage an attack just like the Americans, who executed the September 11 attacks perfectly".

Zaid Hamid is critical of the present government of Pakistan, declaring it as a 'CIA-sponsored' democracy. He disapproves the concept of democracy in all its totality and claims it as un-Islamic. He does not support secular liberal western democracy, nor advocates fascists totalitarian secular dictatorships. His ideology of political power is based on the doctrine of Allama Iqbal, which supports the concept of spiritual democracy or benevolent dictatorship. Zaid Hamid also admired Augusto Pinochet and how the South American dictator wanted to kill the Chicago boys if they failed to do economic reforms."

I hope that Pakistan would not choose such an anti-democrat. The man's ideas are very "last century", if not "last ten centuries". Sounds like he is one of those who believes in one vote, one time --> then president for life.
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What about Maulana Fazul-rahman....lolz..but never know he bring down the whole terrorism industry and plus establish peace in Afghanistan, which is root cause of terrorism.
What about Maulana Fazul-rahman....lolz..but never know he bring down the whole terrorism industry and plus establish peace in Afghanistan, which is root cause of terrorism.

The previous govt in NWFP was of Maulana sahib but what batter has he done when he was in power?The same suicide attacks were taking place at that time.Uncertainty and chaos were prevailing,so i would say if he comes into power he will do no good to our country instead would bring the country on the verge of destruction:disagree:
How about Pakistan's Foreign minister
Shah Mehmood Qureshi?
What do you think?
Not enough of a muslim?:pop:
I wonder why people here are looking for musharaf as their leader..this guy does not have any moral values....like zardari he also does not care about ordinary citizens of this country...the guy literally raped the constitution twice, promised to quit as COAS but then refused...in the so called national interest. Gone out of the way to please US and prolong his tenure...murdered alot of innocent balauchis... and the list goes on and on..

I personally think this guy deserves central jail only.
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