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Who was the most influential leader of 20th century?

Who was the most influential leader of the 20th century?

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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
London meeting: Imam Khomeini most influential leader of 20th century

Jun 4, 2020, 7:02 PM
Journalist ID: 2374
News Code: 83810558

London, June 4, IRNA – Different scholars, political and social activists from all around the world in a meeting in London termed Imam Khomeini as the greatest and most influential leader of the 20th century in light of his legacy.

During the virtual meeting which was screened by YouTube, Facebook, Ahl-e-Bait TV, Hedayat TV and Euronews, 11 Muslim and Christian scholars from Canada, Iran, Australia and the UK elaborated on the impacts of Imam Khomeini’s ideologies in the world.

Head of the Islamic Center of England Hashem Mousavi said that before the Islamic Revolution, it was always mentioned that Islam is not capable of controlling the society.

But Imam Khomeini proved Islam’s capability to control the society and the government, he added.

What Imam Khomeini did was like creating big waves in an ocean, he noted.

Meanwhile, UK political analyst Rodney Shakespeare termed Imam Khomeini as a bigger leader than Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

He welcomed Imam Khomeini’s idea of replacing economic system with a system which free Islam and Muslims from poverty.

Meanwhile, an activist from Bahrain Saeed Shahabi said that in fact Imam Khomeini changed the path of history.

In the meantime, Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution Saeed-Reza Ameli termed Imam Khomeini as man of century, saying he appeared when the world was dominated by secular systems.

He noted that Imam Khomeini was a philosopher, cleric, political leader and gnostic.

Imam Khomeini, who led the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979), passed away in 1989 at the age of 87.

His charismatic character and political approach inspired many leaders and popular uprisings against dictatorial powers across the world.


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Poll's List Explanation

The Pax Britannica as the world order at the start of the 20th century
7. George V King of the British Empire.

The first grain of sand in the gears of the Pax Britannica
6. Franz Joseph I Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary: A week after delivery of the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, on 28th July 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Within weeks, the Germans, Russians, French and British had all entered the fray which eventually became known as World War I.

The end of the Pax Britannica-friendly Russian Empire
5. Kaiser Wilhelm II: Germany declares war on Russia and mobilizes on 1st August 1914. Severely beaten, Nicholas II abdicates on 15th March 1917.

The beginning of the anti-imperialist rebellion
4. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: arrives in Petrograd on 16th March 1917. Armed insurrection in Petrograd on 25 October 1917. Leading to peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed on 3rd March 1918 with Germany. And the founding of the Soviet Union in 28th December 1922. With the civil war ending in 1923.

Counter-insurgency World War II
3. Benito Mussolini: The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I. Mussolini in power, fascism spread to other European countries, including Germany. Fascism in Europe and Asia as a counter-insurgency tool of the Pax Britannica to finish off the Bolshevik anti-imperialist rebellion.

The craddle of mind-control weapons
2. Emperor Showa. Second Sino-Japanese War starting from the Mukden Incident in 1931. Expansion on 7th December 1941 to a war on the Allies, leading to scientific isolation from the rest of the world, and secret military research.

The Dystopian New World Order
1. Secret Master. Harvesting the secret Japanese mind-control weapons developed during the Pacific War, achieved after 1945 the first world conquest in history.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
What kind of satire is this?
Don't send horseshit threads to Iranian section. It is a disrespect.

Also please please please change your signature lines and pictures or you will look 16.
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For asians ,emperor showa,Japan is responsible for the end of western imperialism/colonialism in Asia,or rather the world.
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Hitler because his ideology then went on being followed by India and China.

The Hindus and Han Chinese believe in eugenics
Such questions are in vain because they are no objective ways of deriving a conclusion. It is rather obvious most people will vote for the person most closely aligned to their ideologies. If one ever tries to remove these inherent biases, I wish you luck (you will need it).
One name comes immediately to mind when this question is asked, Hitler. Stalin and Churchill to follow. The list in the OP doesn't have any credibility without these three, but so many others are missing.
This is the lamest list.
At least put Stalin, Hitler, and Mao on it.
One name comes immediately to mind when this question is asked, Hitler. Stalin and Churchill to follow. The list in the OP doesn't have any credibility without these three, but so many others are missing.

From the official world history timeline chart published in 1931 in the U.S. by Rand McNally (Histomap of World History) covering the last 4'000 years, it was known by all educated people in the Western hemisphere that Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao didn't make it to the world stage, being even less influential than the real historical political heavyweights, like Qin Shi Huang, Cyrus The Great, Ashoka, Ramses II, because they lead the greatest civilizations of mankind, and that could pass the test of time, that is over more than 4 millennia.

But after 1945, people have been so brainwashed by the official media, education and institutions, that today they really believe that these minor players are more than insignificant brief sparks in the long night of history.


http://archive.is/hnvpi/84e467fa4bece1f7c20aedf0f8dd9aed14b538b6.jpg ; https://archive.is/hnvpi/6f26c0dc34ff7e6c0f6d13d7a5e6d484a17888f3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200508095932/https://i.imgur.com/IalynO3.jpg
1. Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4'000 years of civilization.

So where are Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao hidden in this chart?

Not even mentioned between 1900 and 1950, because during that lapse of time the main historical event was the demise of the Pax Britannica superseded by the Pax Americana.

All weighting as much as Attila The Hun, little glitches, and parentheses in the long timeline of history.

Such questions are in vain because they are no objective ways of deriving a conclusion. It is rather obvious most people will vote for the person most closely aligned to their ideologies. If one ever tries to remove these inherent biases, I wish you luck (you will need it).

On the contrary, this shortest possible list, where we didn't even went to name 10 people, was intended to be the most unbiased and objective.

This is what future historians would testify, or... currently any advanced exo-civilization studying the earth history.

But by removing any name from the posted list (Secret Master, Emperor Showa, Benito Mussolini, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Franz Joseph I, George V), we would invariably end up in an ahistorical parallel universe.

And this is exactly where you are stuck. Doomed to delusion without end.

Please educate yourselves, research and read, as history don't lied, only institutional dogma, revisionist education and media whitewashing history.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
@Galactic Penguin SST,
Maybe you should have read the thread title before posting. Your pretentious and condescending rant was entirely unnecessary, the discussion is about 20th Century leaders.

Welcome to my ignore list.
@Galactic Penguin SST,
Maybe you should have read the thread title before posting. Your pretentious and condescending rant was entirely unnecessary, the discussion is about 20th Century leaders.

Welcome to my ignore list.
Well he posts questionable things from time to time over here. So I never take his posts seriously and I dont think anyone should unless he decides to actually post some useful stuff.
From the official world history timeline chart published in 1931 in the U.S. by Rand McNally (Histomap of World History) covering the last 4'000 years, it was known by all educated people in the Western hemisphere that Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao didn't make it to the world stage, being even less influential than the real historical political heavyweights, like Qin Shi Huang, Cyrus The Great, Ashoka, Ramses II, because they lead the greatest civilizations of mankind, and that could pass the test of time, that is over more than 4 millennia.

WTF...did you even read your own OP title????
Who was the most influential leader of 20th century?
On the contrary, this shortest possible list, where we didn't even went to name 10 people, was intended to be the most unbiased and objective.

This is what future historians would testify, or... currently any advanced exo-civilization studying the earth history.

But by removing any name from the posted list (Secret Master, Emperor Showa, Benito Mussolini, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Franz Joseph I, George V), we would invariably end up in an ahistorical parallel universe.

And this is exactly where you are stuck. Doomed to delusion without end.

Please educate yourselves, research and read, as history don't lied, only institutional dogma, revisionist education and media whitewashing history.


Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation

How did this in any way counter what I had said? This was a senseless reply.

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