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Who was the most influential leader of 20th century?

Who was the most influential leader of the 20th century?

  • Total voters
Today's Secret Master of the World is so powerful, that he is, believe it or not, both the creator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation, and every nations released since 1945 from the European colonial Empires of the WWII era!

Iran as the successor of Persia, is literally a U.S. creation even more grandiose than a Hollywood super-production!

Main Cast

Sean Connery as Imam Ayatollah Seyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini:


https://archive.vn/s4DSy/1d4fa98ef082d9f855ca13b4c083870aee7ee49a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/s4DSy/eb081e2f4df04d9a9440c05cac2505cc3dc5f8f5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201107023752/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElqWGusUcAAZz9c?format=jpg&name=medium
1. Sean Connery as Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini.

Steven Spielberg as President Sayyid Mohammad Khatami:


https://archive.vn/2aI9F/0942e1dbf0aa4f6dde2381f08d2312baa8f79fba.png ; https://archive.vn/2aI9F/1d9aa0bb5c4a6b1ea63577bbb7ecee2e1573c310/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213030354/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EozadU-WMAI9MGG?format=png&name=small
2. Steven Spielberg as Sayyid Mohammad Khatami.

Sean Penn as President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani:


https://archive.vn/HKHNM/606692168ed4ae98c28f00e6c85c926cf635f230.jpg ; https://archive.vn/HKHNM/3251340ab98d72556a5c1109a545fd141401469e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213030507/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOYmAGyVAAAfH7I?format=jpg&name=small
3. Sean Penn as Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Steven Seagal as Secretary of Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei:


https://archive.vn/8Jqib/a47cbf08ae19b5266fb4caee337bf78bd907c6a2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/8Jqib/86576dea5707f9c5c929a52f95ae3374c95796e5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213030034/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eov_sKvXYAEPti3?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
4. Steven Seagal as Mohsen Rezaei.


https://archive.is/LMR2V/de2561404ee8312d83afe82b7f633156eb080ff7.jpg ; https://archive.is/LMR2V/d041ecb0f4f074da6c559de8b8ffe05e8feea1c6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213025944/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eov_quGWMAIYIrW?format=jpg&name=900x900
5. Steven Seagal as Mohsen Rezaei.

Al Pacino as young Deputy Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari:


https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/5d1cd7396ff64184545d4ce388dae870cddcf2c4.webp ; https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/d67809f8aa8cb7311efe7d3bd485640f5790a286/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200624021352/https://tennimuhou.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Scarface1983_1.jpg
6. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.


https://archive.vn/UjPkr/1ede9ff7fff5ce3c086af77e62003951060ba7e6.jpg ; https://archive.vn/UjPkr/62d54b9ace82649a75e804467e4d86dfad717607/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213034954/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELRkWSLUUAEuq0q?format=jpg&name=small
7. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.

Billy Crudup as Dr Shahid Ardeshir Hosseinpur (the first Iranian nuclear scientist martyred by the Z in 2007):


https://archive.vn/HNTb7/ffdd09d42e68c899894e11423906b5436e82df62.webp ; https://archive.vn/HNTb7/99c1f7a2ef0c4b69f43efa669d738c07e484dbca/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213034823/https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/Claire-Danes-Billy-Crudup-inline.jpg?w=400&quality=86&strip=all
8. Billy Crudup as Dr Shahid Ardeshir Hosseinpur.


https://archive.vn/4w0Mj/459954f368cb6a6a8b43538b8c0307b79cdc6e3a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/4w0Mj/73e433c4554b81aadbdc85f526851d2d49c917e8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213031705/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eoa71PFXYAE09Rh?format=jpg&name=medium
9. Billy Crudup as Dr Shahid Ardeshir Hosseinpur.

Sneak peek of a scene from the battle of the Sharud Missile Complex: :lol::guns:


https://archive.vn/NKMD4/5d573c5c6c9b3bf72bff9cb6716dc85c31a9ece5.png ; https://archive.vn/NKMD4/9d530d0538ce675593ab09fa47fde86c1d40d15d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213045502/https://i.imgur.com/gPQz2GT.png
10. Sneak peek of the Iran movie.




Last edited:
Quaid a Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the most influential leader of 21st century. He precisely predicted what will happen 70 years after his death.
Today's Secret Master of the World is so powerful, that he is, believe it or not, both the creator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation, and every nations released since 1945 from the European colonial Empires of the WWII era!

Iran as the successor of Persia, is literally a U.S. creation even more grandiose than a Hollywood super-production!

Main Cast

Sean Connery as Imam Ayatollah Seyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini:


https://archive.vn/s4DSy/1d4fa98ef082d9f855ca13b4c083870aee7ee49a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/s4DSy/eb081e2f4df04d9a9440c05cac2505cc3dc5f8f5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201107023752/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElqWGusUcAAZz9c?format=jpg&name=medium
1. Sean Connery as Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini.

Steven Spielberg as President Sayyid Mohammad Khatami:


https://archive.vn/2aI9F/0942e1dbf0aa4f6dde2381f08d2312baa8f79fba.png ; https://archive.vn/2aI9F/1d9aa0bb5c4a6b1ea63577bbb7ecee2e1573c310/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213030354/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EozadU-WMAI9MGG?format=png&name=small
2. Steven Spielberg as Sayyid Mohammad Khatami.

Sean Penn as President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani:


https://archive.vn/HKHNM/606692168ed4ae98c28f00e6c85c926cf635f230.jpg ; https://archive.vn/HKHNM/3251340ab98d72556a5c1109a545fd141401469e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213030507/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOYmAGyVAAAfH7I?format=jpg&name=small
3. Sean Penn as Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Steven Seagal as Secretary of Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei:


https://archive.vn/8Jqib/a47cbf08ae19b5266fb4caee337bf78bd907c6a2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/8Jqib/86576dea5707f9c5c929a52f95ae3374c95796e5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213030034/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eov_sKvXYAEPti3?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
4. Steven Seagal as Mohsen Rezaei.


https://archive.is/LMR2V/de2561404ee8312d83afe82b7f633156eb080ff7.jpg ; https://archive.is/LMR2V/d041ecb0f4f074da6c559de8b8ffe05e8feea1c6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213025944/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eov_quGWMAIYIrW?format=jpg&name=900x900
5. Steven Seagal as Mohsen Rezaei.

Al Pacino as young Deputy Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari:


https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/5d1cd7396ff64184545d4ce388dae870cddcf2c4.webp ; https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/d67809f8aa8cb7311efe7d3bd485640f5790a286/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200624021352/https://tennimuhou.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Scarface1983_1.jpg
6. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.


https://archive.vn/UjPkr/1ede9ff7fff5ce3c086af77e62003951060ba7e6.jpg ; https://archive.vn/UjPkr/62d54b9ace82649a75e804467e4d86dfad717607/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213034954/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELRkWSLUUAEuq0q?format=jpg&name=small
7. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.

Billy Crudup as Dr Shahid Ardeshir Hosseinpur (the first Iranian nuclear scientist martyred by the Z in 2007):


https://archive.vn/HNTb7/ffdd09d42e68c899894e11423906b5436e82df62.webp ; https://archive.vn/HNTb7/99c1f7a2ef0c4b69f43efa669d738c07e484dbca/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213034823/https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/Claire-Danes-Billy-Crudup-inline.jpg?w=400&quality=86&strip=all
8. Billy Crudup as Dr Shahid Ardeshir Hosseinpur.


https://archive.vn/4w0Mj/459954f368cb6a6a8b43538b8c0307b79cdc6e3a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/4w0Mj/73e433c4554b81aadbdc85f526851d2d49c917e8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213031705/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eoa71PFXYAE09Rh?format=jpg&name=medium
9. Billy Crudup as Dr Shahid Ardeshir Hosseinpur.

Sneak peek of a scene from the battle of the Sharud Missile Complex: :lol::guns:


https://archive.vn/NKMD4/5d573c5c6c9b3bf72bff9cb6716dc85c31a9ece5.png ; https://archive.vn/NKMD4/9d530d0538ce675593ab09fa47fde86c1d40d15d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213045502/https://i.imgur.com/gPQz2GT.png
10. Sneak peek of the Iran movie.




That is smart....... great imagination ...
Influential or not, there's no debate that Khomeini was an evil man. The moment he comes to power he starts exterminating his political rivals. How is that moral let alone Islamic?
Influential or not, there's no debate that Khomeini was an evil man. The moment he comes to power he starts exterminating his political rivals. How is that moral let alone Islamic?
that's revolutionary way
It's difficult to miss out Hitler lol but you guys did.

Not at all. Why bother to mention all the minor losers, footnote of history.:crazy:

Either the U.S. wins the WW2 and we end-up in the real world of today, under the yoke of the U.S.-originated Secret Master, or it is the Empire of Japan that wins the WW2, by not engaging the Republic of China, then saving Hitler by either opening a second front against the Soviet Union from Outer Manchuria, or simply assisting the Republic of China-Mengkukuo coalition in doing the same job, then by crushing the Axis with the extensive use of mind-control weaponries after 1946, and finally trashing what is left from the Allies in the American continent itself.


http://archive.is/hnvpi/84e467fa4bece1f7c20aedf0f8dd9aed14b538b6.jpg ; https://archive.is/hnvpi/6f26c0dc34ff7e6c0f6d13d7a5e6d484a17888f3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200508095932/https://i.imgur.com/IalynO3.jpg
1. Historical Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.

In this alternate reality, we would be living under the yoke of a Nipponese-originated Secret Master of the World.


https://archive.is/CBt38/9bcdf745b78e24d16a41ed65fa96e6dff0eb53e0.jpg ; https://archive.is/CBt38/75d8445dd9c5d1fd4de5bb497354579f1c434d3a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200530190616/https://i.imgur.com/URMll4H.jpg
2. Ahistorical Timeline of the Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.

Hitler simply does not make it to the top 7 of the 20th century.

Deal with it!:agree:


Iran Movie

Additional cast

Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari:


https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/5d1cd7396ff64184545d4ce388dae870cddcf2c4.webp ; https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/d67809f8aa8cb7311efe7d3bd485640f5790a286/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200624021352/https://tennimuhou.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Scarface1983_1.jpg
1. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.


https://archive.vn/UjPkr/1ede9ff7fff5ce3c086af77e62003951060ba7e6.jpg ; https://archive.vn/UjPkr/62d54b9ace82649a75e804467e4d86dfad717607/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213034954/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELRkWSLUUAEuq0q?format=jpg&name=small
2. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.

Jean Reno as senior Deputy Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari:


https://archive.is/Q5PPf/a6f17ccd25388c715184ee579de2c171f6c5eff6.jpg ; https://archive.is/Q5PPf/8eecdccd92f91ed80e09a1cdc2bc0bf39576bfc0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201223132144/https://i.imgur.com/7ZZzEIC.jpg
3 Jean Reno as Habibollah Sayyari.

Additional Sneak Peek

The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World using beams of mind-control rays from outer space flying saucers to remote-control the Iranian representative, Dr Ahmed during a session of the United Nation!:lol:


https://archive.vn/Fh4aa/e4b70991298dcb0f83265ed590f74ecbe3e10117.png ; https://archive.vn/Fh4aa/b7711051e9a4fd13854c2c3c117d613e359d14bc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201223133630/https://i.imgur.com/TYaWfkr.png
4. The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World using beams of mind-control rays from outer space flying saucers to remote-control the Iranian representative Dr Ahmed during a session of the United Nation! Uchū Daisensō 宇宙大戦争 (1959)


https://archive.vn/GkJaR/5c1b0aa3cea7ac38f6d4625a8cb65c5d80496ce8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/GkJaR/8b191a230fd1593e86ba634d2b9dab60b6e31f05/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201223133648/https://i.imgur.com/dYED1aZ.jpg
5. The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World using beams of mind-control rays from outer space flying saucers to remote-control the Iranian representative Dr Ahmed during a session of the United Nation! Uchū Daisensō 宇宙大戦争 (1959)




Not at all. Why bother to mention all the minor losers, footnote of history.:crazy:

Either the U.S. wins the WW2 and we end-up in the real world of today, under the yoke of the U.S.-originated Secret Master, or it is the Empire of Japan that wins the WW2, by not engaging the Republic of China, then saving Hitler by either opening a second front against the Soviet Union from Outer Manchuria, or simply assisting the Republic of China-Mengkukuo coalition in doing the same job, then by crushing the Axis with the extensive use of mind-control weaponries after 1946, and finally trashing what is left from the Allies in the American continent itself.


http://archive.is/hnvpi/84e467fa4bece1f7c20aedf0f8dd9aed14b538b6.jpg ; https://archive.is/hnvpi/6f26c0dc34ff7e6c0f6d13d7a5e6d484a17888f3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200508095932/https://i.imgur.com/IalynO3.jpg
1. Historical Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.

In this alternate reality, we would be living under the yoke of a Nipponese-originated Secret Master of the World.


https://archive.is/CBt38/9bcdf745b78e24d16a41ed65fa96e6dff0eb53e0.jpg ; https://archive.is/CBt38/75d8445dd9c5d1fd4de5bb497354579f1c434d3a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200530190616/https://i.imgur.com/URMll4H.jpg
2. Ahistorical Timeline of the Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.

Hitler simply does not make it to the top 7 of the 20th century.

Deal with it!:agree:


Iran Movie

Additional cast

Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari:


https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/5d1cd7396ff64184545d4ce388dae870cddcf2c4.webp ; https://archive.vn/ZcDQs/d67809f8aa8cb7311efe7d3bd485640f5790a286/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200624021352/https://tennimuhou.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Scarface1983_1.jpg
1. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.


https://archive.vn/UjPkr/1ede9ff7fff5ce3c086af77e62003951060ba7e6.jpg ; https://archive.vn/UjPkr/62d54b9ace82649a75e804467e4d86dfad717607/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201213034954/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELRkWSLUUAEuq0q?format=jpg&name=small
2. Al Pacino as young Habibollah Sayyari.

Jean Reno as senior Deputy Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari:


https://archive.is/Q5PPf/a6f17ccd25388c715184ee579de2c171f6c5eff6.jpg ; https://archive.is/Q5PPf/8eecdccd92f91ed80e09a1cdc2bc0bf39576bfc0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201223132144/https://i.imgur.com/7ZZzEIC.jpg
3 Jean Reno as Habibollah Sayyari.

Additional Sneak Peek

The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World using beams of mind-control rays from outer space flying saucers to remote-control the Iranian representative, Dr Ahmed during a session of the United Nation!:lol:


https://archive.vn/Fh4aa/e4b70991298dcb0f83265ed590f74ecbe3e10117.png ; https://archive.vn/Fh4aa/b7711051e9a4fd13854c2c3c117d613e359d14bc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201223133630/https://i.imgur.com/TYaWfkr.png
4. The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World using beams of mind-control rays from outer space flying saucers to remote-control the Iranian representative Dr Ahmed during a session of the United Nation! Uchū Daisensō 宇宙大戦争 (1959)


https://archive.vn/GkJaR/5c1b0aa3cea7ac38f6d4625a8cb65c5d80496ce8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/GkJaR/8b191a230fd1593e86ba634d2b9dab60b6e31f05/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201223133648/https://i.imgur.com/dYED1aZ.jpg
5. The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World using beams of mind-control rays from outer space flying saucers to remote-control the Iranian representative Dr Ahmed during a session of the United Nation! Uchū Daisensō 宇宙大戦争 (1959)




Holy crap! what did you just post ?
Holy crap! what did you just post ?

Not at all. Why bother to mention all the minor losers, footnote of history.:crazy:


http://archive.is/hnvpi/84e467fa4bece1f7c20aedf0f8dd9aed14b538b6.jpg ; https://archive.is/hnvpi/6f26c0dc34ff7e6c0f6d13d7a5e6d484a17888f3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200508095932/https://i.imgur.com/IalynO3.jpg
1. Historical Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.

In this alternate reality, we would be living under the yoke of a Nipponese-originated Secret Master of the World.


https://archive.is/CBt38/9bcdf745b78e24d16a41ed65fa96e6dff0eb53e0.jpg ; https://archive.is/CBt38/75d8445dd9c5d1fd4de5bb497354579f1c434d3a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200530190616/https://i.imgur.com/URMll4H.jpg
2. Ahistorical Timeline of the Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.
That is smart....... great imagination ...

Today's Secret Master of the World is so powerful, that he is, believe it or not, both the creator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People's Republic of China, North and South Korea, the Russian Federation, and every nations released since 1945 from the European colonial Empires of the WWII era!

Iran as the successor of Persia, is literally a U.S. creation even more grandiose than a Hollywood super-production!

Puppet strawmen leaders placed at the top of the various puppet states are therefore not only chosen for their incompetence and lack of patriotism, but foremost, as they are meant to be seen by all the masses both domestically and internationally, for their physical appearance.

The phenotype is the paramount factor. And above all, their family names.

But this last factor is only intended for the higher educated elite, with background in international affairs.

Persian Language And The Language Of Diplomacy

The gradual entry of a large number of loan words into Persian from European languages and most notably from French began in the 19th century and continued through the 20th century as part of the process of modernization of culture and society in Persia. Several political and educational factors played a significant part in the selection and provenance of these borrowings. Although France did not have the perennial political and military influence of Russia or Britain on Persia, it served, particularly in the 19th and early part of the 20th century, as the most important model of modern secular culture for Persia as well as many other countries of the region. French was not only the language of the corps diplomatique and haute couture but was also used as a second language in European royal courts and aristocratic circles particularly when refinements of cuisine, manners, and etiquette were discussed.

This process continued into the 20th century with the educational system at all levels modeled on the French system, in organization as well as curricula, and with the textbooks, particularly in the sciences, based on translations from French.

By the 17th century, French was known as the language of diplomacy and international relations throughout the world.

Iranians know what to expect when dealing with foreign leaders, as the French meaning of their names give a pretty good hint!

Modern Time World (Movie)

Main Cast

•Shinzo Abe is a Japanese politician who has been Prime Minister of Japan since 2012:
Shinzo The Abbot (French: abbé; Meaning: abbot)

•Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi HI PP is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Pakistan:
Imran The Rod (French: canne; Meaning: stick)

•Narendra Damodardas Modi is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current Prime Minister of India since 2014:
Narendra The Cursed (French: maudit; Meaning: cursed)

•George Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009:
George The Big Mouth (French: bouche; Meaning: mouth)

•Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States, in office since January 20, 2017:
Donald The Cheat (French: trompe; Meaning: deceive)

•Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a Russian statesman and former intelligence officer serving as President of Russia since 2012:
Vladimir The Whore (French: putain; Meaning: prostitute)


•Yoshihide Suga is a Japanese politician who has been Prime Minister of Japan since September 2020:
Yoshihide The Raid (French: souga; Meaning: raid)

•Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the 46th and current President of the United States, in office since 21st January 2021:
Joseph The Debacle (1.French: bide; Meaning: fiasco; 2. French: bidet; Meaning 1: pony, Meaning 2: type of sink intended for washing the external genitalia and the anus)

•Kamala Devi Harris is the 49th and current Vice President of the United States since 21st January 2021:
Kamala The Rice (1.French: à riz; Meaning: for the rice; 2. French: a ri; Meaning: has laughed)

•Xi Jinping is a Chinese politician and President of the People's Republic of China since 2013:

As a subplot:

Iran Movie

Additional cast

Louis de Funès as Mohammad Reza Pahlavi:


https://archive.is/zReJD/5376ff33627384bc0566eabb56d7ee7469203a74.webp ; https://archive.is/zReJD/023ec58d6cbda90ea6a51ad4aba7232f717ba827/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/2021012...6/XVM3aaecdaa-b6c9-11ea-b145-df26af8c8f82.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/2020112...unes-tel-qu-en-lui-meme-sur-france-3-20200626 ; https://archive.vn/frdnK
1. Louis de Funès as Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.


https://archive.vn/FqsfN/a4bc347ec59967de82a1d9b21992423bf967c214.jpg ; https://archive.vn/FqsfN/6bbe63270a120c52cbd778d5de5d6e860930e4ab/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/2021012...-iran-shah-possibly-found-1524531447-4951.jpg
2. Louis de Funès as Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Additional Sneak Peek

The most powerful leader of the 20th century, and Secret Master of the World is now inching closer to its targeted 42'000 Starlink orbital directed energy platforms.

Elon Musk, his number one strawman consequently bestowed recently as the richest man of the Dystopian Empire's plutocracy, with the latest launch of its Falcon-9 SLV on 20th January 2021, dubbed Starlink V1.0 L16, the 17th Starlink series mission has placed 60 more weapons into LEO, bringing the total number of satellites launched so far for the Internet of Military Things (IoMT) constellation to more than 1'013.

Thus further advancing the doomsday clock closer to midnight for Iran!


https://archive.vn/NNvOr/80decb7e787e533cf3c9d8dac4cffa41193fbbc9.jpg ; https://archive.vn/NNvOr/50d5e9d02e7687c0478c4d07eb164f468c256372/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210121150540/https://i.imgur.com/eN060rg.jpg
4. U.S. robotic armies as hinted in OUTSIDE THE WIRE 2021




The French late actor Louis de Funès was indeed very popular in Iran. I loved his "le gendarme de Saint Tropez" film. Actually one of my favourite movies back then in those days..

Now for your last person " Xi Jinping "..what is the answer..My IQ does not make it to 100 ..as you have already indicated..lol

Today's Secret Master of the World is so powerful, that he is the sole supervisor of all human conceptions, from dating, mating, impregnation, pregnancy to delivery, and therefore Godfather of all people born after 1946. From birth to death.

While on a macroscopic scale, he is believe it or not, both the creator of Israel, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People's Republic of China, North and South Korea, the European Union, the Russian Federation, and every nations released since 1945 from the European colonial Empires of the WWII era!

Iran as the successor of Persia, is literally a U.S. creation even more grandiose than a Hollywood super-production!

Modern Time World (Movie)

Additional Cast

•Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron is a French politician who has been serving as the president of France and ex officio co-prince of Andorra since 14 May 2017:
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Can't you read? Do not click!
With enough IQ level, one would already know the meaning.:lol:

Emmanuel The Pimp (1.French: maquereau; Meaning: pimp; 2. French: macron; Meaning: Macron gastropod)

Dyanne Thorne as Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron:


https://archive.is/iffAZ/deb7582d6a68f7d0baff8f8b032a346f0043caf5.jpg ; https://archive.is/iffAZ/70bd7316d8153fe12dbac65c0a720df90bac2fe6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210123010542/https://i.imgur.com/sga36PP.jpg
1. Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS (1975): Staring Dyanne Thorne as Ilsa.


https://archive.vn/XUa6x/75ba111c941821c74739f18649d3d6cadfaa37c0.jpg ; https://archive.vn/XUa6x/8c06053936be217378ca8918f7416270390312b6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210123013958/https://fac.img.pmdstatic.net/fit/https.3A.2F.2Fi.2Epmdstatic.2Enet.2Ffac.2F2021.2F01.2F16.2F7afd2a11-f363-411b-9b33-7be549f38a78.2Epng/850x478/quality/80/crop-from/center/focus-point/1224,585/camille-combal-tente-de-recruter-brigitte-macron-dans-mask-singer-et-c-est-pas-gagne.jpeg
2. Dyanne Thorne as Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron.

As a sub plot:

Iran Movie

Additional cast

Christian Clavier as Sayyid Abolhassan Banisadr:


https://archive.vn/mHcMS/6a0b4151d967bf8c2676b979f5ab75da79b5a5da.jpg ; https://archive.vn/mHcMS/63cdd59a51ec0da27556f7d83d55490725dedf1e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210123000702/https://i.skyrock.net/5283/18915283/pics/534999042.jpg
1. Christian Clavier as Sayyid Abolhassan Banisadr.


https://archive.is/2zUvl/200a15b9db69aa9e30180b67c69916ca5fc93d37.jpg ; https://archive.is/2zUvl/63e875e1588be7020541b121a0b51ee3a3376eed/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210123000511/http://www.hafezkhabar.ir/images/docs/000017/017378/images/banisadr.jpg
2. Christian Clavier as Sayyid Abolhassan Banisadr.





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