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Iran prepares for Western invasion as thaw in relations with the outside world boosts tourism indust

You seriously need to reconsider about Iran my friend .

I don't support compulsory hijab law in Iran but I strongly support the law against badly dressed people .
Who the hell are you to say what's right and wrong? You're a religious freak, to you everybody is badly dressed. The world doesn't revolve around you guys.
Who the hell are you to say what's right and wrong?

Did I say right or wrong ?!

You're a religious freak,

Did I say anything about religion or Did I support it ?!!

to you everybody is badly dressed

Did I even write 1 word about what badly dressed meant ?!!!

The world doesn't revolve around you guys.

What I believe is not limited in Iran and Islamic laws but the whole world and every sane culture , especially amongst normal people .

Badly dressed people are almost the same in every culture and part of the world and most people have negative view about them as they are a problem for the society .
Dude stfu

Don't you worry about the rest of the world. You're living in North Korea and making observations about Luxemberg and Norway?! LMAO

You're so full of it. At the end of the day, you're no different than Mohsen and the rest of these lot.

Why are you angry dear Abii ?

Put your hostility aside and think carefully about what I said , Then we'll discuss about this in a more friendly way .
Why are you angry dear Abii ?

Put your hostility aside and think carefully about what I said , Then we'll discuss about this in a more friendly way .
It's about what you're not saying.

Instead of talking about others, focus on the armpit you call a country and its problems.
I was in Iran in 07 and I was stopped 3 times by the basij. Once for being with a "na mahram" (to these hezbollahi arabs even family members are na mahram I guess), second time b/c of my tee shirt (can't remember if it was for the design or the fact that I was showing too much skin) and third time for having loud music in the car.
Fucking garbage basiji low lives. I had longish hair back then too (my hair was majestic in my teen age years lol) so that pissed them off even more.
Oops, I can smell lots of lies here, my Lady.
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