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Who supports the French terrorists?

As if Hindus are not sentimental about blashmpehous photos of their Holy figures. How a Muslim was killed by hindus on rumor that he shared sacrilegious photo on FB should not be forgotten while taking pot shots at muslims
This is another novel way you justify such acts. I did not see this argument before. Appreciated. :)

Regarding the incident I won't reiterate what I stated before - 'Be hurt, have sentiments, just don't kill' because it will be of no use. Also try not to confuse a riot(both sides get killed) with a targetted massacre.
Obviously the nation that is wise enough to know the difference between the good taliban and the bad taliban is also wise enough to know the difference between clean pigs and dirty pigs, no matter what the color of the meat inside. :D

A nation who provides a negotiation office to taliban in qatar, release their high profile prisoners to qatar, Differentiate b/w good and bad taliban is taking pot shots at others. Moral compass level = American
A nation who provides a negotiation office to taliban in qatar, release their high profile prisoners to qatar, Differentiate b/w good and bad taliban is taking pot shots at others. Moral compass level = American

International geopolitics have no compasses, only national interests.
Since I have now noticed more than a handful here that support the French terrorists and pretty much with no consequence to their membership here. I'd figure supporting of terrorists would mean an immediate permanent ban.

I thought why not start a poll and ask those who openly support it and those in the shadows to show some guts and vote their true feelings- so we can see how deep such sentiments run among the membership here.

if you remove your hipocratic hat then and only then you will see that no one is supporting terror but what people are doing is exposing hipocricey of French in particular and west in general.
Who supports the Moslem terrorists responsible of the Paris murders? About 95 per cent of Moslems.
Barring about half a dozen, all beleivers have supported the idea that Charlie Hebdo deserved death. Sad state.
What, did G-d authorize extremists to appoint themselves to carry out such death sentences? Or for other Muslims to condone such executions?
What, did G-d authorize extremists to appoint themselves to carry out such death sentences? Or for other Muslims to condone such executions?
Every individual Muslim is expected to follow the Sunnah. In some earlier verses it is revealed that God should be the final Judge. But 'under special circumstances' it is incumbent upon the believers to do what needs to be done. That's leaves enough room for violence, especially now that there is a 'Khalifa'(regardless of how many follow him). I would suggest you go through the Islamic books, especially from Sahih International - they are authentic and you will get a clear picture.
why we always distinguish between terrorist!
Terrorist are Terrorist whether suits me or not!

Name of Thread should be " Who support Terrorists"
Found two more supporters of the terrorists acts and since I cannot update the post on Page 1 with them added. I've added it here .

Seems like as time goes by instead of sanity taking over, it is getting worse here. AND! they are volunteering this information on their own. Crazy times folks.

Charlie Hebdo was a third rate journalist who got glory in insulting Prophet Mohammad---. Indeed Allah gives in so many different ways.
. Everything happens with the will of Allah.

Pieces of cat scum like Charlie Hebdo need people like the gunmen......
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You have only noticed it now? :D

Sonyaa, nawaan aayaan ein? :lol:

You should have seen all the hoopla when France banned the veil, and the silence when China has done the same thing recently. The policies implemented here speak loudly by themselves, noble claims notwithstanding.

Oye yaar; even the underlined part reflects the "freedom of speech" that BlackBlood speaks about. Some freedoms come more easily and cheaply than others.

And the poll has gone missing. :D

And you are surprised??
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