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WHO says it 'regrets' US decision to halt the funding

I'm not convinced that altruism over exploitation of the natural resources of various countries by China is the driving factor (or even a major factor) behind US led 'containment of China'.

If that were truly the case, why this drive to promote India as a means to contain China -- India is yet another huge nation with a large economy and an increasing appetite for natural resources, and in many ways even fewer environmental controls domestically (forget abroad) than the Chinese?

No we're just preparing for the fight - the trigger will be resource constraint. China craves resource security, the very same set of circumstances that led to Pearl Harbor. India is useless (as a counter) - too many contradictions, the US has walked back from that misstep a long time ago. Now the relationship is strictly transactional.
Chinese CDC never mentioned th economy when talking about measures to contain the virus. Only US/UK

Not the CDC the WHO.
They are supposed to be looking after World health not "hmm what is the economic repercussions if we declare a pandemic? Let's wait until the last possible moment and keep our fingers crossed. Oops it has spread all over the world...we'll be better NEXT time"

Sorry...heads need to roll at the WHO.
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We have no evidence for anything and cant identify the asymptomatic new threat yet because we cant look two weeks into the future, but lets just assume the worst and trust some recent American blog posts citing anyonmous people who heard someone who heard someone and hearsay of some doctors of completely unrelated fields gossiping about pneumonia cases, please everyone shut down your economy and outgoing tourism everywhere. Signed the WHO

Yeah Im sure that would have stopped Trump from playing it down as a flu for months and made Americans shut down its outgoing tourist industry and made Americans wear masks which they dont until this day.

Oh another bird flu outbreak in the USA? Please close all travel and economic ties with America! Just in case. After all its our responsibility to keep the world save as the WHO
There's over 130,000 deaths in the world and 25,000 is in the US. The number is going to be hitting 1Million soon.

The WHO is supposed to be protecting the planet not economies.
It blew it badly with Covid19 by not taking quick action.

Why are we giving them $500 Million?

I hope and think it may be possible to avoid to get to 1 million deaths.

The epidemic seems to have peaked in Europe and not taking off in Asia, that has the majority of the world's population.

As for WHO, it looks like they were not given the correct information by the Chinese for one reason or another.
Questions will need to be asked of the Chinese after this pandemic is finally over.

They did declare Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11 but some countries still waited a week or two to announce proper "lockdowns". That can hardly be WHO's fault.

If USA wants to leave WHO then so be it, most of the rest of the world will carry on with the current system as it is far better having a global health organisation(minus USA) than none at all.
They did declare Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11

That's way too late to wait.
Remember the WHO did not endorse travel restrictions to China.
People from all over the world were flying in and out.

Here's the count the day before the announcement:

March 10th
China: Coronavirus death toll rises to 3,139

There are currently 80,754 registered cases in China with 4,794 in serious condition; notably, 16,982 people are in hospitals for observation.
Then giving them money is useless if they can do nothing but twiddle thumbs..

Ofcourse its your money , WHO already said that alternative arrangements for funds are now arranged.

But then again, those 1.5 trillion dollars smoked in Afghanistan was also your money, could have come quite handy now specially when Americans are suffering at home.
That's way too late to wait.
Remember the WHO did not endorse travel restrictions to China.
People from all over the world were flying in and out.

Here's the count the day before the announcement:

March 10th
China: Coronavirus death toll rises to 3,139

There are currently 80,754 registered cases in China with 4,794 in serious condition; notably, 16,982 people are in hospitals for observation.

Yes WHO should have declared a pandemic a week or two earlier but I do not agree that March 11 was way too late.

As an example, UK "lockdown" only came into force on the 24th of March. During this date and when WHO declared the pandemic, there was massive spread of the virus in the UK - maybe 10 times more people got infected in that period.

UK government kept dithering for those 2 weeks as it worried about the economy rather than shutting the country down which would have meant maybe 10 times fewer deaths in the UK now from Covid-19.

I know Trump is frustrated but laying all the blame on WHO is not productive and stops the correct lessons being learnt from this disaster.
Ofcourse its your money , WHO already said that alternative arrangements for funds are now arranged.

But then again, those 1.5 trillion dollars smoked in Afghanistan was also your money, could have come quite handy now specially when Americans are suffering at home.

Next step should be take away the WHO tax benefits this will discourage US based charities like the Gates foundation which is the next biggest contributor after the US government.

Most of this money is wasted on pointless first class travel to kiss Pooh a$$ anyway - what an expensive boondoggle!!

76% of WHO funding is from the US!!:pissed:
This must stop now!!

According to WHO, contributions from the U.S. government, American citizens, and U.S.-based charities make up 76% of all voluntary contributions to the organization.

The WHO is also responsible for the spread of the virus by not demanding an independent research of the pandemic and trusting the words of a regime thats known for twisting facts.
They can ask China for funding in the future.

This was January, whole month after first confirmed cases:


WHO downplaying the pandemic by trusting Chinese goverments claims has cost lives, they should have done own research, it must have a consequence.

100% agreed and couldn't have said it better.
Next step should be take away the WHO tax benefits this will discourage US based charities like the Gates foundation which is the next biggest contributor after the US government.

Most of this money is wasted on pointless first class travel to kiss Pooh a$$ anyway - what an expensive boondoggle!!

76% of WHO funding is from the US!!:pissed:
This must stop now!!

According to WHO, contributions from the U.S. government, American citizens, and U.S.-based charities make up 76% of all voluntary contributions to the organization.


Please go ahead. While you are at it, also get out of UN altogether and make your own UN with "like minded" nations.

Not sure if next UN generally assembly session is now possible in America with current apocalyptic situation in New York anyway. Mother nature is making UN irrelevant for uncle sam it seems.

You very conveniently ignored 1.5 trillions you smoked on Afghanistan though.
How exactly is WHO supposed to have done their own research in a country like China?
They kind of have to take the information from the government at face value.

After this is all over the Chinese will have to submit to full transparency, as we need to find out exactly where this virus came from and whether China deliberately misled or withheld information to allow it to become a worldwide pandemic.

Lol transparency? China 2 days back ruled, any journalistic articles regarding Virus Origin has to be approved by all hail.CCP before it can be published.

Again how can anyone blame WHO?

They have to take the word of the individual member states. It has no capacity to independently verify anything.

Now if those member states were not honest then that is the fault of the member states.

When Trump banned flying out of China, WHO and CCP jumped up and down claiming it's not required and racist.
Who is the clown now? WHO is paid to do research and prevention in times of pandemic? If they were not given access in Wuhan, then why did they repeat CCP.statements? While cutting funding is extreme, WHO is responsible wholly. They announced a pandemic only on March 12 after thousands of Italians died.
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