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WHO says it 'regrets' US decision to halt the funding

So you "solid proof" is a letter with broken english written by an anonymous author who seems to be 12 years old at max? I could write you that letter in 2 minutes with a better grammar and my english is far from good.
Thats no way written by a goverment official...
See the man holding the letter(Exactly same letter as you read). Do you know who is this guy? Everyone in Taiwan knows him. He is Taiwan's Health Minister, Chen Shih-chung. The letter was written by Taiwan government. The letter itself was the whole warning information as Chen Shih-chung said. Nothing else.
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WHO'declared January that COVID doen not have human to human transmission ability, in spite of Taiwan's information of confirmed cases of human to human transmission, which they send to WHO on 31st December, 2019. Who will take the responsibility of their such irresponsible act? The director of WHO, who once was health minister of Ethiopia, has a track record of suppressing cholera epidemics in his own country when he was holding the portfolio.

There were plenty of warnings given to all nations to act on time , yet they didn't. Now you see the nations who are suffering most due to their own government incompetency are making most noises about the WHO.
There were plenty of warnings given to all nations to act on time , yet they didn't. Now you see the nations who are suffering most due to their own government incompetency are making most noises about the WHO.
But WHO cannot deny the responsibility of giving misinformation by declaring the virus non transmissible between human to human in January. They could say the mode of transmission to be unclear yet.
But WHO cannot deny the responsibility of giving misinformation by declaring the virus non transmissible between human to human in January. They could say the mode of transmission to be unclear yet.

Its a new diseases, it takes time to understand its behaviour and symptoms. In Pakistan, when I spoke to my folks, they had all the schools shut long before we did here in UK. Everyone was confused here in UK as to why government is not closing the schools down. As I said, its the governments who screwed up their response are now making most noises about WHO, like America and its cheerleader India. I have kept this screenshot, Enjoy! No beating around the bush, trying to blame someone else for own incompetency will not fool anyone.

This a rare occasion where I agree with the American decision to stop funding of WHO because it acts much more like a political organization rather than a health organization. This Corona virus crisis has exposed the political nature of this failed organization, no need to waste any money on them. WHO didn't want to acknowledge Covid-19 as a global pandemic as late as 11th March. WHO has definitely acted disgracefully during the corona virus crisis.
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Its a new diseases, it takes time to understand its behaviour and symptoms. In Pakistan, when I spoke to my folks, they had all the schools shut long before we did here in UK. Everyone was confused here in UK as to why government is not closing the schools down. As I said, its the governments who screwed up their response are now making most noises about WHO, like America and its cheerleader India. I have kept this screenshot, Enjoy! No beating around the bush, trying to blame someone else for own incompetency will not fool anyone.

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That's why I said, they should say that the behaviour is still unclear, so everyone should be prepared for the worst. Instead they dissmissed any chance of human to human transmission in January.
And why to worry? The mighty rich new leader China and its cheerleaders will definitely shoulder the responsibility of the withdrawn fund of WHO and save the mankind. Everyone shall be grateful to them.
See the man holding the letter(Exactly same letter as you read). Do you know who is this guy? Everyone in Taiwan knows him. He is Taiwan's Health Minister, Chen Shih-chung. The letter was written by Taiwan government. The letter itself was the whole warning information as Chen Shih-chung said. Nothing else.
View attachment 624164
Well i stand corrected then. Yet that still doesnt excuse the reckless behavior of WHO.
This a rare occasion where I agree with the American decision to stop funding of WHO because it acts much more like a political organization rather than a health organization. This Corona virus crisis has exposed the political nature of this failed organization, no need to waste any money on them. WHO didn't want to acknowledge Covid-19 as a global pandemic as late as 11th March. WHO has definitely acted disgracefully during the corona virus crisis.
Except they declared it as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30th. While that may not seem as drastic as a global pandemic it is still highly important of all countries to consider to control the spread of the virus.

That's why I said, they should say that the behaviour is still unclear, so everyone should be prepared for the worst. Instead they dissmissed any chance of human to human transmission in January.
And why to worry? The mighty rich new leader China and its cheerleaders will definitely shoulder the responsibility of the withdrawn fund of WHO and save the mankind. Everyone shall be grateful to them.
They did not dismiss any chance of human to human transmission. They said "Based on preliminary reports." This does not a definitive decleration.
Except they declared it as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30th. While that may not seem as drastic as a global pandemic it is still highly important of all countries to consider to control the spread of the virus.

They did not dismiss any chance of human to human transmission. They said "Based on preliminary reports." This does not a definitive decleration.

It is clear they wanted till the last moment to minimize any kind of economic damage to chinese economy as possible, only when China controlled the epidemic inside China did the hypocrites of WHO declared it a global pandemic on 11th March. Before that they were even making statements of condemnation for restrictions on international travel to and from China.
It is clear they wanted till the last moment to minimize any kind of economic damage to chinese economy as possible, only when China controlled the epidemic inside China did they these hypocrites of WHO declared it a global pandemic. Before that they were even declaring statements of condemnation for restrictions on international travel to China.
If you want to criticize WHO on travel restrictions, fine go ahead. But you completely ignored the part of Public Health Emergency of International Concern which was declared in January 30th, this was before China had the thing under control. If
That's why I said, they should say that the behaviour is still unclear, so everyone should be prepared for the worst. Instead they dissmissed any chance of human to human transmission in January.
And why to worry? The mighty rich new leader China and its cheerleaders will definitely shoulder the responsibility of the withdrawn fund of WHO and save the mankind. Everyone shall be grateful to them.

If you believe that a country as resourceful like America with all its access to intel and tech will not figure out whats is coming their way and developing countries like Pakistan can with their meager resources, to shift blame for their incompetency on a toothless organization of bunch of doctors, only you and your kind are deluding themselves.
A bunch of incompetent nincompoops. That's why countries drew their own strategy in working with the cases. WHO was supposed to unite the efforts but was busy playing politics for China.
If you believe that a country as resourceful like America with all its access to intel and tech will not figure out whats is coming their way and developing countries like Pakistan can with their meager resources, to shift blame for their incompetency on a toothless organization of bunch of doctors, only you and your kind are deluding themselves.
I am a resident of a Govt Medical College and serving in govt health service for quite long. I know about public health a bit more than an average person do. I know the protocol of an outbreak, the surveillance method, data collection, analysis, response framework etc. WHO has a clear cut protocol, when something new is emerging, be prepared for the worst. But in this case, they didnot follow their own rules. You people are saying that what would they do if they do not get access to all the Govt data in a country? You are right, but they could say that they could not get adequte information about COVID, so be prepared for the worst. But they said otherwise. No one is blaming them for others' failure to respond in a better way and accusing them for all the death. But they also just cannot blow off their resposibility.
By the way, did you work with WHO? They are not a toothless organization with bunch of doctors, if you give them proper access. In our state a WHO advisor is attached to each district headquarter to look after all the public health issues and national programme in liaison with the district public health officer. He has access to all the public health data available, can make field visit at will, stays in all important meetings and gives input in all policy framing regarding public health issues, and his opinion is always taken with utmost impotance. So this is possible if you give him PROPER ACCESS into your system.
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