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Who may be behind Rawalpindi 10/10?

There is no neutrality when you live on the front lines, you either fight or surrender

First of all I didnt say to become a neutral my point was its time for Pakistan to choose other side……

Nor is it a so called war on terrorism, it is a war on terrorism

Define terrorism by yourself and then apply on current situation you will get your answer.

From terror attacks on places lime NYC, London, Bali, Mumbai, and Rawalpindi to who populations living in terror in places like SWAT. There are two sides- those who believe in basic human dignity and those who don't. No one who thinks that its OK to offer sanctuary to a group that tried to murder 50,000 people (number of people in the twin towers on a normal day), strap bombs to women/kids/disabled, or kill 200 bystanders to assassinate 1 political figure has any concept of human dignity and with out you cannot deal with them from any position of mutual respect.

More than 500 million people have been killed by America and their allies after WWII in the form of waging wars on different countries. Iraq is a recent example, one million people have been died and after doing all this what America said……Sorry….it was a false information. The people who suffered a lot and bear misery what do u expects from them do…………????. If and when the war crosses their borders then I am sure their definition of terrorist will become completely change….
This stupid argument was applied in Northern Ireland that there are 'two sides' it didnt work there , in the end it has been dialogue and economic progress that has brought peace between the Cathloic and Protestant comunities of Northern Ireland.

Your conflatign two very different conflicts, neither side in Ireland wanted the whole sale extermination of the other. The IRA routinely phoned in warnings of its bombs so that the damage was limited to property and not lives. From 1912-2009 less than 3600 people died. AQ/Taliban tried to kill 50,000 in 1 day. Also neither side in Ireland had a maytrdom complex or a transnational agenda. it was basically a dispute between neighbors, not a proxy war for a global movement.

Catholics and Protestants still remain fundamentally different , the dispute in Northern Ireland is not fully resolved but the conflict has been contained.

The key word here is 'contained'

How do you contain a group that thinks its fundamentally better to die than to live?

Instead of being a rapture seeking evalgelical biggot talking in religous terms ( making you no better than the 'other' side ) and inflaming sentiments all around had the US sought to ACTAULLY bring closure to the conflict, the US government officals should have from the start dealt with this issue as a global law an order issue.

I am not talking in religious terms, FAIL is the word to describe your attempt at ad hominem.

As for law enforcement vs military. Reagen used the military, but Europe had not yet caught on to the the nature of the movement and the US had to back off despite our embassy and barracks being bombed, our citizens murdered and our planes hijacked. Clinton tried to treat it as a pure law enforcement issue and our embassys and barracks still got bombed and AQ was able to plot an attack on our shores. Bush combined military and law enforcement and so far America has not been attacked again. We arrest those who plot here, and take the fight to where it originates. The US would not be in Afghanistan or firing missiles into Pakistan if Pakistan and Afghanistan were not sanctuaries for people wanting to kill me and mine. its not Americans sitting around watching jihadist videos chanting In šāʾ Allāh In šāʾ Allāh watching with baited breath for the flash that will signal the death of other people.

For the US acting like the global police man of the world I have to say they have proven to be very pathetic at it.

Your right, we have restrained ourselves. had we simply glassed Afghanistan, and then the SWAT the whole issue would be over. But we act like civilized people and do not unleash the totality of our fury.
literally, Taliban have admitted so i say taliban are behind these attacks! however, which taliban, this a debatable question! Ones who are funded and trained by India in Afghanistan or those who are victim in NWFP mission "rah-e-rast" and "rah-e-nijat"
why indian govt has not condemned the attack?

taking religious bias aside who do you think is getting advantage the most

So what condeming doesnt mean anything.

Just a formality which every country does. Indians were so happy that they even did not remember to fulfill the formality so let them :toast_sign:
We'll found out soon enough. I'm afraid the military's track record in this regard is not good. Clearly, lots of ex-military personnel like Aqeel/Dr. Usman have been involved with the terrorists over a number of years.

It would be a bit optimistic to assume that there are no jihadi sympathisers left in the army. There are probably several 'Dr. Usmans' running around.

Did the PA wave some sort of magic wand recently that cleansed the military of all taliban sympathisers?... not likely.

The concern remains that someone with a military background and extensive knowledge of the GHQ complex helped plan the 10/10 attack.

The ex-army men are free citizens you can not have a tab on them nor you can blame serving army for that.

On the other hand to another of your post, i already commented yesterday and repeating it now that JM has nothing to do with bombing and attacks against Pakistan ( and mind it i am saying it not on the basis of news reports)
So what condeming doesnt mean anything.

Just a formality which every country does. Indians were so happy that they even did not remember to fulfill the formality so let them :toast_sign:
they are happy... for sure.. but i think a lack of information is here! Manmohan Singh has condemned the attacks yesterday's night on Star News!
These conspiracy theorists want the Pakistani people to believe these fantasies based on absolute fiction(Gen. McChrystal alluded nothing of the author claims) or their own lying eyes. Whose agenda are they serving?

Deflecting blame onto everyone but the most obvious is certainly good for riling up certain base of reactionaries but it also results in a net benefit to the people actually financing, planning and killing Pakistani civilians and soldiers in pure cold blood.
Letters to the Editor

If there was ever any doubt in the minds of those who blame everyone in the world, except the delusional extremists, there should be none after recent events (in particular the attack on GHQ). The religious extremists have exposed themselves to be the real enemy of the state and the people of Pakistan. The seeds for these monsters were sown over three decades ago and Zia's legacy just keeps on yielding its poisonous fruit. This should be a textbook example of why the foreign policy of a nation should never be formulated by its generals. Although the news is generally grim, however, no one should be allowed to raise the spectre of doom and gloom. Among all the poverty, death and misery, there are also examples of artistic and cultural vibrancy, fierce political discourse, and great examples of humanity. If the snapshots of reports are to be believed the Edhi Foundation ambulance network must be one that many other countries must envy. Universities, colleges, schools exist and cater for a vast number of people. There is a tremendously active news and media industry – a stark change from the moribund and suffocating censorships of many previous dictators. As the adage goes the news of Pakistan's demise is greatly exaggerated.

But what Pakistan requires right now is resolve and unity to defeat this monster, before it devours the nation from within. There is apparent resolve from the government, the army and through the expression of their will at the last elections, from the people of Pakistan. Among the compassion for the victims of barbarity and resolve to defeat the senseless murderers one thing must become crystal clear: there should be no delusion in the minds of Pakistanis as to who their real enemies are. Let it be said and accepted as fact that no real or perceived enemy of Pakistan has created the killing fields of the innocent from Karachi to Khyber on a scale that the Taliban/Al Qaeda/Jaish/TTP and their dastardly cohorts have done in the guise of creating a 'Sharia state'.

Of all the reasons that have hamstrung Pakistan's progress into a tolerant welfare state, the ideal of its creators, is the fear, and what now appears a naïve competition, with its much larger neighbour to the east. India despite its many problems has just sent a probe to the moon, it is part of the new world economic forum, the G20, and it has been a flawed, but stable, democracy since independence. It is not to say that it may not cause mischief in its neighbour's affairs (the much-mistrusted foreign hand), however, it would be difficult to believe that India would contemplate Bantustans of Islamist extremism next door, particularly as it harbours a minority Muslim population within.

On the other hand, Pakistan should abandon its 'competitive little brother' attitude to its gigantic and increasingly powerful neighbour. Both India and Pakistan need to find a way of shedding their intransigence regarding the issue of Kashmir and resolve to its settlement through dialogue only. For Pakistan, losing one arm of the country over an issue of land and kinship may be considered carelessness, risking the disintegration of the whole country, for the sake of 'strategic depth', will be sheer stupidity. It may sound counter-intuitive but all roads to an ultimately peaceful Pakistan pass through New Delhi.

R Matif

Thanks to the first and second level security at GHQ that due to their bold and timely action and sacrifice the nation was saved from a serious disaster on 10/10. Now that it has become clear that Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have jointly started a war against Pakistan and its people, our think tanks, intelligence and other government agencies and even the media should stop supporting them. These groups are openly funded by our many enemies.

A Swat-like operation should also be conducted in Punjab as a majority of the high-profile perpetrators of terror are from that area. During the Taliban era in Swat we have witnessed here that their trainers and bomb-makers were mostly from Punjab and secondly most of their local leader have been members of one or the other Punjab-based militant group. Its biggest example is the terrorist leader Ibne Amin who was once a member of Jaish-e-Muhammad. We must now abandon these so called 'strategic assets' for our own safety and security in particular and the whole world in general.

Ali Khan
One thing is clear that someone inside GHQ who gives the Blueprints for assistance for attack on GHQ to dr.usman gang.
That is a weak point of Spying agencies.
We'll find out soon enough. I'm afraid the military's track record in this regard is not good. Clearly, lots of ex-military personnel like Aqeel/Dr. Usman have been involved with the terrorists over a number of years.

It would be a bit optimistic to assume that there are no jihadi sympathisers left in the army. There are probably several 'Dr. Usmans' running around.

Did the PA wave some sort of magic wand recently that cleansed the military of all taliban sympathisers?... not likely.

The concern remains that someone with a military background and extensive knowledge of the GHQ complex helped plan the 10/10 attack.

Aqeel or Usman was RAW agent who join PA under nurses quote, and when his assigned task (spying) was done. He assigned different tasks, like helping TTP in conducting different operations like Resue 15, sri lankan team attack and now GHQ, reported by anonymous intelligent personal.

--- Times of ME
Here's something to chew on:

Former Pakistani Military Officer Led the GHQ attack.
Militant leader who led attack on Pakistan Army base is one of many defectors - Times Online

Security officials have identified him as Mohammed Aqeel and said that he was in the medical corps before joining militants based in the northwestern tribal region of North Waziristan.

Earlier this year police arrested Major Haroon Rashid who, they said, worked for al-Qaeda and the Pakistani Taleban and was involved in the murder of a retired general who led special forces against the militants.

The major quit the army in 2001 after Pakistan supported the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and went to Waziristan to train militants, security sources say.

His younger brother, a captain, went to Afghanistan to fight alongside the Afghan Taleban after leaving the army in 2002. He was killed fighting British Forces in Helmand in 2002.

Ilyas Khashmiri, a retired army commando, was one of the most dreaded militant commanders until he was killed in a drone strike on North Waziristan last month. Intelligence sources say many other former soldiers are either fighting foreign forces in Afghanistan or helping militants in northwestern Pakistan.

I suggest you stop chewing on this piece of garbage...you may choke...

Aqeel who led the attack was no officer, he was previously a sepoy in Army medical Core who deserted his career and was wanted by Army...
One thing is clear that someone inside GHQ who gives the Blueprints for assistance for attack on GHQ to dr.usman gang.
That is a weak point of Spying agencies.

Actually there was some construction work going on in GHQ outer section...i think this could have been the perfect guise for a specialist to do the reconnaissance...
literally, Taliban have admitted so i say taliban are behind these attacks! however, which taliban, this a debatable question! Ones who are funded and trained by India in Afghanistan or those who are victim in NWFP mission "rah-e-rast" and "rah-e-nijat"
one thing we pakistanis shud get clear is that afghanistan has got nothing to do with taliban in our pakistan. taliban of afghanistan infact told pakistani taliban leader to stop attacking innocent ppl in pakistan but instead those taliban themselves attack afghans 'nd afghans get killed daily. our government knows very well whats going on 'nd once they just tell us, the pakistani civilians, the truth then atleast we 'll be able to make up our minds. I dont think india cud be involved in this either becuz taliban is very anti-india so I dont see how they cud work together?
one thing we pakistanis shud get clear is that afghanistan has got nothing to do with taliban in our pakistan. taliban of afghanistan infact told pakistani taliban leader to stop attacking innocent ppl in pakistan but instead those taliban themselves attack afghans 'nd afghans get killed daily. our government knows very well whats going on 'nd once they just tell us, the pakistani civilians, the truth then atleast we 'll be able to make up our minds. I dont think india cud be involved in this either becuz taliban is very anti-india so I dont see how they cud work together?
i wrote two kinds of taliban.... (i) who want islam and are known as Islamic Extremist who destroy CD center, Girls Schools etc as these things they think are against islamin rule! (ii) who are just here to support insurgency and creat a havoc in form of political, social and economical unrest in pakistan by sucide bombings, planned attacks even on GHQ etc. These taliban are trained outside our border by who, u know. India has keen interest in destroying pakistan as one can conclude from its recent achievements like "baglihar dam", "huge number or consulate in Afghanistan", "india's mission at ICC", "stopping WTO to give pak a subsidy" and a lot more. So dont say that taliban are anti india. those who are anti india areislamic talibans.
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