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Who may be behind Rawalpindi 10/10?

AXIS OF EVIL is behind this.
Look at the media hell bent to spread misleading propaganda, no one is allowed to talk about the wepons and intelligence network of TTP, money alone can not bring results.
How come since Musharraf left TTP emerged as an advance army?
Our own civil administration is getting rich.
Politicians are buying banks and flats in foreign states.
If we wish to uncover the evil behind it, army should take remand of all ministers.
There is no limits for perpetrators, they will keep coming from Afghanistan.
I have said it before that there will be no end to it.
This is US policy, to use Pakistan as scape goat for their failure and all they are doing is strengthening indi-Afghan hate towards Pakistan.
Weak Pakistan is a long time indian and western dream.
Todate, US has spend billions to topple reformist govts. in Pakistan and supportin gutter most corrupt and inept political alliances.
Like guantanamo bay,abu gharib,baghram ect?

Exactly! I'm saying it would be hypocritical for the PA to treat him Bagram (2002). Nothing bad has happened at Guantanamo. He should be happy to be treated like prisioners are treated at Guantanamo! abu Ghraib was a farce, but not torture.
This guy Dr Usman was already in custody for the Marriot attack:
Arrest warrants of Marriott blast POs issued

Our correspondent

Rawalpindi: An anti-terrorist court (ATC) Rawalpindi issued arrest warrants and ordered confiscation of property of all the proclaimed offenders, allegedly involved in Marriott suicide attack here Friday. Four accused Hameed Afzal, Dr Usman, Rana Ilyas and Tehsinullah Jan allegedly involved in this case were present in the court during the hearing. The court adjourned further hearing of the case till January 1, 2009. Secretariat Police Station registered the case against accused for their alleged involvement in suicide attack at Marriott in September 20, 2008. Police arrested four accused allegedly involved in this case while other three accused could not be arrested yet. The court declared them proclaimed offenders and issued their arrest warrants and ordered to confiscate their property.
Agree but who are the handlers behind these scum bags

The ISI, the problem with using rabid dogs, is they will bite the hand that feeds them. Pakistan has been using jihadist for a long time. While the ISI handlers and supporters in Pakistan might not be true believers, the jihadist ARE, and anyone who isn't is a target.

The Pakistani Army deprived TTP of its micro defacto nation in SWAT and that makes the PA a target.

Blaiming India, or failing that the US, or failing that Afghanistan simple plays merry-go-round where the pole of the ride is the real culprit. Until and unless Pakistanis collectively decide to abandon the use of religious nut-jobs as a national tool for "wet" work the situation will not improve.

Recent reports have the ISI taking TTP fighters captured by the PA and turning them into suicide squads to be sent into Kashmir. The ISI is taking people who have killed your countrymen, and killed your soldiers and is thinking it can control them?
News Jang Editorial

The world watched as the Taliban stuck the knife in. Newspapers in every continent carried it as a lead story and TV stations likewise. There for all to see was the stark reality of the war that we fight, a war that we are fighting for and on behalf of the rest of the world and not just ourselves. The entire nation is the front-line in the battle that now is joined, and the fight at the Rawalpindi GHQ is going to be remembered down the years, perhaps more than all the others that have preceded it. If nothing else it is the last wake-up call, the message that can no longer be ignored. Forty-two hostages have been released, we have lost valuable officers and brave men, all but one of the attackers are dead and the one we captured may be persuaded to tell us the who, where and what of an operation that the Taliban must count as their most successful yet. It was a success for the army in that they rescued the hostages, but a failure of monstrous proportions for the intelligence agencies. Their failure is compounded by the fact that this attack was predicted, even described in some detail in the print media, several times in the last three months.

This was no fly-by-night raid planned on the back of an envelope, this was a sophisticated operation carried out by men no less well-trained or motivated than our own forces. It tells us that this is an enemy a long way off being defeated and one that has the military capacity to strike at the heart of the institution which is there to defend the state. Any talk by ministers defending a political position of having the Taliban on the back foot or in retreat needs to be silenced here and now. Ministers also need to exercise a little more caution before alleging 'foreign hands' behind this attack. If the minister has incontrovertible evidence of 'foreign hands' then let us see it, otherwise he should spare us his wilder fantasies.

The Taliban are embedded in cities large and small, in the rural hinterlands as well as the mountains to the north. They have bases in south Punjab that have been allowed to grow unhindered, they are well-resourced and very resourceful, adapting their strategy to suit operational needs. No bazaar anywhere in the country should from this day be selling military uniforms to civilians. No blind eye should be turned by lily-livered civil administrators to the cancer that is creeping along the veins and arteries over which they preside. We should not be surprised that the 'Dr Usman' who is now detained turns out to have been an army nurse, and was AWOL for the last four years. There will be others like him throughout the armed forces as we cannot conceive of him being a solitary example of extremism within the ranks. A judgmental world will be watching us, waiting to see how we respond. Any response that is less than firm and unequivocal is unacceptable. The GHQ raid was the final warning.

Failure to heed the warning this time will be tantamount to surrender – and a future for all of us under the boot of the Taliban.
Extremists within the ranks

LAHORE: The leader of the attack on the General Headquarters (GHQ) is one of several former military personnel to have joined terrorist groups, The Times reported on Monday. Security officials have identified him as Muhammad Aqeel alias Dr Usman and said that he was in the medical corps before joining terrorists based in North Waziristan.

Earlier this year police arrested Major Haroon Rashid who, they said, worked for Al Qaeda and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and was involved in the murder of a retired general who led the country’s special forces against the terrorists, the newspaper reported. The major quit the army in 2001 after Pakistan supported the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and went to Waziristan to train terrorists, security sources said. His younger brother, a captain, went to Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban after leaving the army in 2002. He was killed in Helmand in 2002. They have been involved in planning strategies and tactics that have made the terrorists more effective in recent years.

The terrorists also have sympathisers among serving officers, the Times quoted intelligence sources.

daily times monitor
Nothing bad has happened at Guantanamo. He should be happy to be treated like prisioners are treated at Guantanamo! abu Ghraib was a farce, but not torture.

Ahaan... Still i don't know why still we see so many innocent victoms in Guantanamo, some coming back with missing leg, some lost their whole life and kids.. list of innocents treating well in Guantanamo bay is non ending.. and yet many of waiting for the case hearing from last 9 years.. Most of are now mental patients.. but why should we care they aren't our relatives like Tribal belt is not our relative neither Afghans are nor iraqi were... & we are defending the main culprits of 10/10, and accusing the puppets...
I certainly hope that Pakistan will give him all the Geneva protections that Muslims and Western liberals demand that the US give such types ... Right?

Yes Pakistan will definitely give him "Geneva protections", but after a proper treatment............:no:
This Op-Ed piece in today's paper does go a long way to explain the attack on the GHQ

The October 10 terrorist attack on General Headquarters in Rawalpindi was not unexpected. In fact, a report initiated by Punjab’s Crime Investigation Department had warned about an impending attack at least a fortnight ago. The report even had the MO right — the attackers would be wearing army uniforms. This report was published on October 5 in a section of the Pakistani press.

The normal channel through which such reports reach the Interior Ministry takes about three days. One would assume, however, that a report of this nature would have bypassed those channels. Evidence suggests it reached the concerned quarters quickly. The question then is: why was it not acted upon?

One of the most important lessons in this kind of conflict is the constant realisation that the other side will reinforce its advantage of surprise by being innovative. And innovation is always a simple affair; the best innovative techniques usually are those that create something new from what is obvious and easily available. In this case it was the decision by the attackers to use the simple expedient of army uniforms. Why?

Soldiers for some years, unlike previously, now carry arms. A van travelling on Peshawar Road with an army number-plate with armed “soldiers” inside would not evoke any suspicion. The sentries at the first checkpoint to GHQ’s main gate would not immediately suspect anything. That would reinforce the element of surprise the attackers already enjoy. Result: by the time anyone could react, the attackers had taken out the sentries at the first barrier.
Small arms fire and hand grenades created the expected melee and even as sentries at the second checkpoint took out four of the attackers, it became difficult to figure out the attackers immediately. Visually it would have looked like a fire-fight going on among the soldiers. The brigadier and the lieutenant colonel who got killed fell to the attackers’ fire because reports suggest they thought they were instructing their own men to take positions and respond.

The buildings or complexes that are under attack today were constructed in times when such a threat did not exist. No one could have anticipated it either. Now they need to be secured and the measures often make commuting a nightmare. That’s the paradox of securing oneself in a non-conventional conflict. Beefing up security throws up its own multiple problems.

Worse, social trust is the first casualty and the most problematic issue. Now that the terrorists have used a simple innovation of wearing army uniforms, the response will inevitably throw up the problem of how to determine who is a genuine soldier. Can the procurement of uniforms be regulated? If so, how?
One must never lose sight of the fact that innovation is the most dangerous arrow in the insurgent/ terrorist’s quiver. The idea is to try and stay ahead of him. That is not always possible but one must try.

The attack on GHQ was the attack on the army’s centre of gravity. The army is poised to hit the insurgents/ terrorists’ COG. The leader, Aqeel aka Dr Usman, a deserter from the Army Medical Corps, is a known terrorist and wanted by the intelligence agencies also in relation to the attack on the Sri Lankan team. He belongs to Jaish-e-Muhammad and was close to Ilyas Kashmiri, Al-Qaeda’s commander for operations. Kashmiri was recently killed in a drone attack.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban has claimed responsibility, calling the group that attacked the GHQ the Amjad Farooqi Group. Farooqi was the terrorist that masterminded the two 2003 attacks on former General-President Pervez Musharraf. Farooqi was originally with Sipah-e Sahaba and later joined JeM. Intelligence agencies know that JeM and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are now subsumed in TTP and linked to Al-Qaeda through that connection. Farooqi was killed in a police encounter in Sindh in 2004.
The army is preparing for an advance along multiple axes and for lateral sectoral battles, SSG operations to secure heights and other nodal points, as well as mopping up as the advance proceeds. It does seem like the tactical audacity of the TTP may prove a strategic minus for it. There is only so long that one can keep mopping the floor. The tap must be closed. That is where South Waziristan comes in.

The writer is Op-Ed Editor, ‘Daily Times’, Lahore. The views expressed are his own

Agency to GHQ
Extremists within the ranks

LAHORE: The leader of the attack on the General Headquarters (GHQ) is one of several former military personnel to have joined terrorist groups, The Times reported on Monday. Security officials have identified him as Muhammad Aqeel alias Dr Usman and said that he was in the medical corps before joining terrorists based in North Waziristan.

Earlier this year police arrested Major Haroon Rashid who, they said, worked for Al Qaeda and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and was involved in the murder of a retired general who led the country’s special forces against the terrorists, the newspaper reported. The major quit the army in 2001 after Pakistan supported the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and went to Waziristan to train terrorists, security sources said. His younger brother, a captain, went to Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban after leaving the army in 2002. He was killed in Helmand in 2002. They have been involved in planning strategies and tactics that have made the terrorists more effective in recent years.

The terrorists also have sympathisers among serving officers, the Times quoted intelligence sources.

daily times monitor

Any TTP-sympathizing rats currently serving in the military must be ruthlessly eliminated - the gloves must come off!
The terrorists also have sympathisers among serving officers, the Times quoted intelligence sources.

Which source? I saw many anonomous reports promoted by this media, especially those who want to decive Pakistanis, but none putting up reliable news like the weapons used, the planning etc... Are they saving a$$ of someone?
Which source? I saw many anonomous reports promoted by this media, especially those who want to decive Pakistanis, but none putting up reliable news like the weapons used, the planning etc... Are they saving a$$ of someone?

Probably referring to local intelligence agency sources....
The ISI, the problem with using rabid dogs, is they will bite the hand that feeds them. Pakistan has been using jihadist for a long time. While the ISI handlers and supporters in Pakistan might not be true believers, the jihadist ARE, and anyone who isn't is a target.

The Pakistani Army deprived TTP of its micro defacto nation in SWAT and that makes the PA a target.

Blaiming India, or failing that the US, or failing that Afghanistan simple plays merry-go-round where the pole of the ride is the real culprit. Until and unless Pakistanis collectively decide to abandon the use of religious nut-jobs as a national tool for "wet" work the situation will not improve.

Recent reports have the ISI taking TTP fighters captured by the PA and turning them into suicide squads to be sent into Kashmir. The ISI is taking people who have killed your countrymen, and killed your soldiers and is thinking it can control them?

this is what is called verbatitim regurgitation of ballocks fed by india
I certainly hope that Pakistan will give him all the Geneva protections that Muslims and Western liberals demand that the US give such types ... Right?

very well said...It takes heart to spend the tax payer's money on these mass murderers...
Our very own Kasab was eager to watch hindi movies while getting fat on a multi-vitamin diet in a multi-million dollar secret jail!
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