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Who is the real enemy of Pakistan? Your opinion please.


May 27, 2015
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Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam
Hindus and afghanis are our main external enemies

But our piss poor political system,
Elite of society who doesn't want change
Military interference I'm politics
Ethnocentric jahilat
Poor population that's dumb and doesn't understand how change happens in society

You can go on and on

Only the truly stupid,, will just mumble generals, or some shit like that
Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam
All of the above.
The current state of Pakistan is the result of the collective responsibility of political leaders, military establishments, and society. Incompetent political leadership, the influence of the military establishment, and the choices and involvement of the awaam in nation building, all play significant roles in shaping the country's economy and direction.
The key is to resolve all issues with India (and also Afghanistan) and start doing business with each other. Look at Bangladesh, they became richer by doing just that.

Europeans were at each others throat just a few decades ago, now they have a policy where you can travel among EU countries without a visa.
It's the generals and only the generals. They're a cancer on Pakistan, it will never flourish as long as they remain above the law and unaccountable in every sense.
Overseas Pakistani and must be crushed so that they never dare to speak against the sacred Government
Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam
Society accepting corruption as normal thing
Envy to honest working businessmen
People still confused what they want and what's the role of government should be.
Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam
Establishment of Pakistan.

Once we get them and their cronies out - we can build a nation that can take on anyone. With wealth, education and power - your enemies go into hiding too.
Military intervention in politics allowed if the there are signs that the government is not performing well eg corruption is high economy in distress mode and weakening law and order situation getting bad.
However in IK case the economy was improving law and order was good and Pakistan was on the upward trend ..
Sadly the military has chosen the wrong side which will increase hardship for Pakistanis
The biggest enemies of Pakistan, are some people within Pakistan.
Why and how?

1- Politicians don't let people unite. All politicians, from all the provinces, work as team A and team B in order to achieve that. Team A is milder, team B is more extremist. For example, JSQM from Sindh is B team of PPP. BLA from Balochistan is the B team of the BAP party. The TTP and PTM are the B teams of ANP. PSA from Punjab is the B team of Noon League and so on. The main agenda is not to let people be united against the common enemy: the establishment and Politicians of Pakistan.

2- Some people directly are working for these two groups, and are like parasites on the body of Pakistan. For example, the tanker Mafia in Karachi works directly under PPP. This mafia is a big headache for the people of Karachi. But the same mafia is paying PPP, deputy commissioners, FIA, and all the big names of Karachi, on monthly and weekly basis. Who is this mafia? These are people mainly from Punjab(Siraiki belt mostly), KPK(tribal areas), basically grass root level ghundas.

3- Then comes the businessmen who don't let some legislation to pass. These people always keep the back doors open so that they may run their illegal activities. I was sitting with a business development manager of a global giant and they were finalizing packages for different countries. Pakistan's name was not on the list, and when I asked why is Pakistan's name is not there, he said: Bause in Pakistan there is no legislation for data protection (btw, India has that, and Indias name was on the list). Each name on the list will get millions of Euros out of that project.

F U politicians of Pakistan.
Napak Fouj is the biggest enemy of the state of Pakistan.
mullas , extremist , army in that order
Our real enemy is our obsession with Kashmir and getting even with India.

Let us save our own country first and then worry about India.
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