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Who is Ahmed al-Assir?

Actually the army and Hezbollah has not NEARLY converged, when it come to the crisis in Syria. If anything, the Lebanese army has been remarkably passive!
The Lebanese Army did almost nothing to stop the flow of arms and militants from Lebanon to Syria. It certainly did not do so in the beginning. And that is because of the lack of action from the political leadership.
So for anyone who says the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah is one, is an outright lie and fabrication. Stop being an ignoramus.

Hoepfully all groups/factions in Lebanon, including Sunnis, wake up and realise the threat of the extremist Takfiri terrorists like Assir. Its the same kind that is fighting in Syria.

Its just so unfortunate the mental paralysis of some people, who are still stuck in their backward tribal and sectarian mindset.
Actually the army and Hezbollah has not NEARLY converged, when it come to the crisis in Syria. If anything, the Lebanese army has been remarkably passive!
The Lebanese Army did almost nothing to stop the flow of arms and militants from Lebanon to Syria. It certainly did not do so in the beginning. And that is because of the lack of action from the political leadership.
So for anyone who says the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah is one, is an outright lie and fabrication. Stop being an ignoramus.

Hoepfully all groups/factions in Lebanon, including Sunnis, wake up and realise the threat of the extremist Takfiri terrorists like Assir. Its the same kind that is fighting in Syria.

Its just so unfortunate the mental paralysis of some people, who are still stuck in their backward tribal and sectarian mindset.

People of Lebanon will soon realize efforts of great Mujahid Al Assir and destroy terrorist Hezbollah and support brothers fighting terrorist Bashar
People of Lebanon will soon realize efforts of great Mujahid Al Assir and destroy terrorist Hezbollah and support brothers fighting terrorist Bashar

People of lebanon soon will do what people of iraq did with saddam with the great rat , rat of rats Al-Asir
Sheikh Ahmed al Assir is the Lion of Ahl e Sunnah in Lebannon.The fact that the Mutah brigade needed the Lebanese army plus their prostitute Hizbollah just to capture him says a lot.Allah has his own ways and knows how to protect his people.Sheikh Ahmed is now safe in Syria.

Actually the Sheikh called the Lebanese Army an "Iranian Army" and called for defection of Sunni's from it.

Sadly I must inform you he was a fly that Hezbollah never bothered with and only Army decided to make an example of him when he ordered opening fire and kill the army which is considered the figurehead of unity of Lebanon.

by the way a lion stay and defend its turf on the other hand a rat escape in middle of the night through sewage and leave behind its follower and comrades
He will come back after we have purified Lebannon of rawafid like you.Your time is coming Iranian..Tick tock ..tick tock tick tock

so not only he is enemy of Lebanon but also he is an opportunist who wants to promote himself on the shoulders of the others .
simply he is not man enough he is just a warrior made of cotton .
He will come back after we have purified Lebannon of rawafid like you.Your time is coming Iranian..Tick tock ..tick tock tick tock

Your country has more rawafid then Iraq lol, what a donkey you are.
When are you going to clean your country from "al majoos" ?

Lebanese army proved to be a puppet of Hezboshaytan and Iran. The government proved themselves that they are useless. Welcome to the second Lebanese civil war between Hezboshaytan and the Lebanese army the puppet of Hezboshaytan.

Sunnis are not a power in Lebanon so either you will see the Christians at power or the Shia, Christians will slaughter the Sunnis if they return to their phalange militias like in the 80s.
Lebanese army proved to be a puppet of Hezboshaytan and Iran. The government proved themselves that they are useless. Welcome to the second Lebanese civil war between Hezboshaytan and the Lebanese army the puppet of Hezboshaytan.

it is not because you repeat the same lie 100 times that it becomes true ;)
Your country has more rawafid then Iraq lol, what a donkey you are.
When are you going to clean your country from "al majoos" ?
Ask From Any Majoosi and They will clearly explains the situation now days they are facing . Most of Pakistani Sunnis now even don't consider them muslims , neither consider them as a loyal to Pakistani society. Not forgetting that Pakistan is a Sunni Majority country. No Matter how much they increased their population Sunnis always maintains their advantage on them . So you don't need care much about them.
Ask From Any Majoosi and They will clearly explains the situation now days they are facing . Most of Pakistani Sunnis now even don't consider them muslims , neither consider them as a loyal to Pakistani society. Not forgetting that Pakistan is a Sunni Majority country. No Matter how much they increased their population Sunnis always maintains their advantage on them . So you don't need care much about them.

are you trying to win brownie points from your western saudi puppets. Dirty ideologies such as your has killed more pakistani soldiers and citizens. I will question your kinds loyalty, your kind killed voters because democracy is against islam, the same ones killing sufis. None of this happened before KSA started experting its dirty money. We used send charity to KSA when they were dirt poor and this how they repaid us. Lol, the dad where my dad originates from many converted to shia islam. Stop trying to impress your wahabi brothers, go KSA and see how you get treated. Maybe then you'll realised how dirty their royal family and their clerics who all follow in line are and dependent on america they are, how islamic. Anyway we shia have great influence for only being just under 20%, since sunni-shia relations are not like than that of arab countries more convert or have a better understanding. Pakistan a corrupted 3rd world country contributes more to science than Oil rich Saudi arabia, gotta hurt :)
Ask From Any Majoosi and They will clearly explains the situation now days they are facing . Most of Pakistani Sunnis now even don't consider them muslims , neither consider them as a loyal to Pakistani society. Not forgetting that Pakistan is a Sunni Majority country. No Matter how much they increased their population Sunnis always maintains their advantage on them . So you don't need care much about them.
Still more majoos then iraq.
Ask From Any Majoosi and They will clearly explains the situation now days they are facing . Most of Pakistani Sunnis now even don't consider them muslims , neither consider them as a loyal to Pakistani society. Not forgetting that Pakistan is a Sunni Majority country. No Matter how much they increased their population Sunnis always maintains their advantage on them . So you don't need care much about them.

Wasnt the founding father of your country a "Majoos"?
Shame that such mentality has corrupted your brain. Snap out of it bro. :disagree:
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