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White Guy Tells How China Really is

Ah, yes, I'm a realist, it is what it is. I too uses foreign brands for most things, not necessarily because they are better, but for what they represent.

If Chinese people did not want to buy Chinese brands, then Lenovo would not have become the number 1 PC maker in the world, Haier would not have become the number 1 appliance maker in the world, and Chinese banks would not be the largest companies in the world.

There was a time when Lenovo computers were not as good as Dell or Sony, however I still always bought Lenovo because it is Chinese. If Chinese people don't give our own companies a chance, who else will?
If Chinese people did not want to buy Chinese brands, then Lenovo would not have become the number 1 PC maker in the world, Haier would not have become the number 1 appliance maker in the world, and Chinese banks would not be the largest companies in the world.

There was a time when Lenovo computers were not as good as Dell or Sony, however I still always bought Lenovo because it is Chinese. If Chinese people don't give our own companies a chance, who else will?

Chinese products are good, in my opinion. I've used Lenovo laptops before and they're good quality, good handling, too. I've never heard of Haier, before, honestly. But i think its because I'm not exposed to it. I believe that it is only natural for new and up and coming brands to be speculated upon. I mean, remember what Toyota, Nissan and Honda had to go through in the 1980s when trying to breach the American market? Even now, American brands such as Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Chevy, Caddilac, GMC tend to put down Japanese car brands such as Toyota, Lexus, Nissan, Infiniti, Honda, Acura, Subaru, Mazda, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Isuzu etc etc !

So, i guess it applies for China and Chinese made goods. Give it time.
Chinese products are good, in my opinion. I've used Lenovo laptops before and they're good quality, good handling, too. I've never heard of Haier, before, honestly. But i think its because I'm not exposed to it. I believe that it is only natural for new and up and coming brands to be speculated upon. I mean, remember what Toyota, Nissan and Honda had to go through in the 1980s when trying to breach the American market? Even now, American brands such as Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Chevy, Caddilac, GMC tend to put down Japanese car brands such as Toyota, Lexus, Nissan, Infiniti, Honda, Acura, Subaru, Mazda, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Isuzu etc etc !

So, i guess it applies for China and Chinese made goods. Give it time.

Haier makes electric appliances ... i have a haier AC ..
If Chinese people did not want to buy Chinese brands, then Lenovo would not have become the number 1 PC maker in the world, Haier would not have become the number 1 appliance maker in the world, and Chinese banks would not be the largest companies in the world.

There was a time when Lenovo computers were not as good as Dell or Sony, however I still always bought Lenovo because it is Chinese. If Chinese people don't give our own companies a chance, who else will?

#1 in what way? Mass production? Maybe. But Even Lexus cannot touch Lambos and Ferraris. and Lexus is a luxury brand. That's prestige money can't buy.

Only years of success of a country of a people can change that perception. The first ambassador to America from China almost killed himself cause he thought it was so humiliating to go to a land of barbarians. Even then America was already richer than China, on a per capita and a total bases.

I'm a strong supporter of China Sea disputes, and would like to see limited action. Only through victory can we demonstrate to the world, that we made it. Japan did it with Russia, America, Spanish American war, and WW2, Russia through Cathrine's wars, Prussia through seven year war.

Ideally no one dies, but we don't live in the kingdom of heaven, back on earth violence is the fastest and most effective mind changer, of course even in the kingdom of heaven, peace remains elusive.
China will invest more than $117 billion in its railway infrastructure in 2014, Sheng Guangzu, general manager of the China Railway Corporation (CRC), has revealed, according to China Daily.10 Apr 2014

The money will be invested in a total of 49 new projects, resulting in more than 7,000 kilometres of new railway lines this year China Daily reported, citing an interview with Sheng in the People's Daily, the flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China. According to the reports, 78% of all construction investment will be in central and western regions.

The announcement follows a Chinese government pledge at last week's State Council meeting to speed up railway construction in the central and western regions of China as the republic moves forward with its plans to increase urbanisation and reduce regional inequalities.

Under its five-year plan for railway infrastructure development, a total of 230,000 kilometres of new railway lines will be built in central and western China between 2011 and 2015, the China Daily report said.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also highlighted plans to reform railway financing in the country, which includes plans for a railway development fund worth 200 to 300 billion RMB ($32.25 to $48 billion) a year.

The speeding up of rail infrastructure development is part of China's attempts to boost its economy amidst suggestions that first quarter growth figures for China may have fallen below the 7.5$ annual growth target, China Daily reported.

Earlier this year China announced that foreign investors will have more opportunities to invest in Chinese state projects and state-owned enterprises, including those in the oil, transport and telecoms sectors, as the government pushes the development of a mixed-ownership economy.
Chinese products are good, in my opinion. I've used Lenovo laptops before and they're good quality, good handling, too. I've never heard of Haier, before, honestly. But i think its because I'm not exposed to it. I believe that it is only natural for new and up and coming brands to be speculated upon. I mean, remember what Toyota, Nissan and Honda had to go through in the 1980s when trying to breach the American market? Even now, American brands such as Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Chevy, Caddilac, GMC tend to put down Japanese car brands such as Toyota, Lexus, Nissan, Infiniti, Honda, Acura, Subaru, Mazda, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Isuzu etc etc !

So, i guess it applies for China and Chinese made goods. Give it time.

I thought Americans had a negative attitude against their own cars, and preferred to buy foreign (especially Japanese) ones?

And you're right, Chinese brands are very young compared to Western and Japanese brands.

We need to conquer our home market first, that is the important thing. International recognition will take much longer, in the order of decades.
Mainland China = Foreign Worshiper + Poor + Less Chinese
(Thanks to the stupid Communist and traitorous Christians)

Something that Whites people fail to see. But only fellow East Asians know it.
I think the southern part is more pro foreigner. But overall you could be right. However under Mao, China was not like this. I was going say KMT is not foreign loving but that is wrong.

What choice does Chinese have? Not much.

How did you come up with this conclusion? I'm sure not all mainland Zhongguorens are like that. Don't say that, my Taiwanese friend.
I think he is referring to the government
One airport that the United States needs to desperately upgrade is La Guardia in NYC. :rolleyes:
@Peter C ,

As a Japanese national, i have to say that my first year in the 'states was an eye opener. Everything is BIG in America. The stores are BIG, the malls are BIG, roads are BIG, the cars, trucks all are BIG. I mean, even American people , generally, tend to be bigger, taller , and well fed lol.

America is "Super Sized" in what they do.

This is how bad it is. When I went back home to Sapporo this past December - January , i was telling my parents how the roads in Sapporo are too small. Then again, i realized how i have been affected by living in America... :lol::lol:
reminds me of my times of visiting taiwan and india. we always feel the food portions/utensils are so small :P
The US small size boba milk tea would be large in tw :lol:
Haier makes electric appliances ... i have a haier AC ..

Thanks my friend.

I thought Americans had a negative attitude against their own cars, and preferred to buy foreign (especially Japanese) ones?

And you're right, Chinese brands are very young compared to Western and Japanese brands.

We need to conquer our home market first, that is the important thing. International recognition will take much longer, in the order of decades.

There are some Americans that love foreign imports, but a good deal of Americans are loyal to their own brands.

reminds me of my times of visiting taiwan and india. we always feel the food portions/utensils are so small :P
The US small size boba milk tea would be large in tw :lol:

lol! have you noticed that "medium" sized drinks in the United States are like "EXTRA LARGE" in our home countries? :lol:

Yankees love em 'big i guess... :lol::sarcastic::sarcastic:
Foreigners in China generally speaking were loser in their own countries with miserable life, I have encountered many uneducated foreigners with zero manner who claim to be former military officer, ex-CEO with multi million $$ in their bank accounts but turn out to teach English in China. Actually I have met a guy who claim to be Berkeley educated and strongly believed that New Zealand is a state of Australia....lol...:rofl:
However there is a trend of increasing numbers of pretty decent highly educated people working in China. We should encourage more high level people to people exchange and send those bullshitters back to where they came from, a lot of them are just trouble maker and pretty naive people who think everyone love them but actually they been used as tools.
I personally believe that if there is any country which can relate to China is only India. Ask how?

Even we smell.
Even we spit around.
Even we honk horns.
Even we are polite and friendly.
Even we have that nationalistic fire.
And most important, What is problem for a 1st world country is not at all an issue for South Asians.
Foreigners in China generally speaking were loser in their own countries with miserable life, I have encountered many uneducated foreigners with zero manner who claim to be former military officer, ex-CEO with multi million $$ in their bank accounts but turn out to teach English in China. Actually I have met a guy who claim to be Berkeley educated and strongly believed that New Zealand is a state of Australia....lol...:rofl:
However there is a trend of increasing numbers of pretty decent highly educated people working in China. We should encourage more high level people to people exchange and send those bullshitters back to where they came from, a lot of them are just trouble maker and pretty naive people who think everyone love them but actually they been used as tools.

We know it's a lie, but there are some people who believe them.
Chinese products are good, in my opinion. I've used Lenovo laptops before and they're good quality, good handling, too.

IBM wanted to get out of the hardware business so they sold their laptop/pc business to Lenovo in 2005 and thus they got a good footing in the market (never heard of them before then). By the way IBM is selling out of the server market too.

I've never heard of Haier, before, honestly. But i think its because I'm not exposed to it.

It's because they don't have a "break out" product yet in the US. They are still just known for window/portable air conditioners and little refrigerators. They tried to buy Maytag to get a footing but was denied.

One airport that the United States needs to desperately upgrade is La Guardia in NYC. :rolleyes:

The runway feels like it is only 100 meters long. The second you land they throw the thrust reversers on max and you are halfway out of your seat. I have taken off and landed there in snow storms...and believe me that is one airport you don't want to be in when it snows.

Everything is BIG in America. The stores are BIG, the malls are BIG, roads are BIG, the cars, trucks all are BIG

We like our space. Claustrophobic society.
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Even American style fridge are bigger though the interior layout offers tiny space :cuckoo:
We like our space. Claustrophobic society.

Well, you certainly have a lot of free space. Especially in the Midwest type of area.

We do too, in theory. Unfortunately, in practice, the massive pace of urbanization means that many of these people end up being cramped up in cities. Something that we are trying to fix.

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